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Developed by JarinSoft
Latest release 0.0.1 / May 31, 2008 unstable
Written in C++
OS Cross-platform
Genre Multimedia and Games SDK / API
License BSD licenses

Troll is a free and open source software library for video game development, with functions for basic 2D graphics, image manipulation, text output, audio output, midi music, input and timers. Troll is written in C++ and is full Object-oriented, and easy to use. Internally is used Allegro or SDL as back-end for the low level manipulations of video, audio, input. But the system of modules is possible to create your own-backend.


[edit] Sample Code

Game entry point, and main loop

int main()
        using namespace Troll;
        if(!System::Init()) // Initialize system
                return 1;
        if(!System::SetupScreen()) // Create screen
                return 1;
        Surface & screen = Screen::GetSurface(); // Get surface screen
        Graphics g(screen); // Create a Graphics object
        while(!KeyInput::IsKeyDown(Key::ESCAPE)) // key-esc was not pressed
                g.DrawRect(Rect(10,10,200,200),Color(255,0,0)); // Draw a Rect
                Screen::Flip(); // Draw to screen (page flip, or blit)
        return 0;

This code is a main loop of game, and draw a red rectagle until ESC key is pressed

[edit] History

Troll was design to abstract and help to wrote games quickly. The main idea is encapsulate common tasks to write a game, and make easy write a game in a few lines of code. Troll supports Unix (Linux, FreeBSD, Irix, Solaris, Darwin), Windows, BeOS, QNX, Mac OS X, and DOS, Symbian, Windows Mobile. (and any plataform that suppors SDL or Allegro)

[edit] See also

[edit] External links