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Triune denotes the essence-quality of something being 'three in one' and may refer to:

  • Trinity refers to the Godhead in Christianity; see also Triple deities.
  • Triune brain theory proposed by Dr. Paul D. MacLean that evolution has given humans three distinct brains.
  • Triune immersion or trine immersion: the method of baptism practiced by the Church of the Brethren and other Anabaptist churches, in which the baptismal candidate is dunked forward three times, either in an indoor baptistry or outdoor in a lake or river.
  • Gankyil is a triune glyph.
  • Triune kingdom of Croatia (croatian: "Trojedna Kraljevina Hrvatska") is a historical reference to unified Croatia in a sense that Croat populated medieval kingdoms of Croatia proper, Dalmatia (that had separate identity because of historical development from Byzantine thema, distinct from Slavic hinterland) and Slavonia (developed between rivers Sava and Drava and with strong Hungarian influence), became one country. Notion of the "oneness" of Croatia as a single yet triple national state emerged during unification of these lands under Austrian Habsburg dynasty and the name became very popular in late 18th and during 19th century. It is considered archaic today and rearly used.