Trinh T. Minh-ha

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Trinh T. Minh-ha is a filmmaker, writer, academic and composer.

She has been making films for over twenty years and may be best known for her first film Reassemblage, made in 1982. Her more recent film Surname Viet, Given Name Nam (1989), examines "identity and culture through the struggle of Vietnamese women," and has received much attention, including winning the Blue Ribbon Award at the American Film and Video festival. [1]

Trinh T. Minh-ha is Professor of Women's Studies and Rhetoric (Film) at the University of California, Berkeley.


[edit] Films

  • Night Passage (98mins, Digital, 2004) (fiction)
  • The Fourth Dimension (87 mins, Digital, 2001)
  • A Tale of Love (108 mins, 1995) (fiction)
  • Shoot for the Contents (102 mins, 1991)
  • Surname Viet Given Name Nam (108 mins, 1989)
  • Naked Spaces - Living is Round (135 mins, 1985)
  • Reassemblage (40 mins, 1982)

[edit] Books

  • Un art sans oeuvre, ou, l'anonymat dans les arts contemporains (International Book Publishers, Inc., 1981)
  • African Spaces - Designs for Living in Upper Volta (in coll. with Jean-Paul Bourdier, Holmes & Meier 1985)
  • En minuscules (book of poems, Edition Le Meridien 1987)
  • Woman, Native, Other. Writing postcoloniality and feminism (Indiana University Press 1989)
  • Out There: Marginalisation in Contemporary Culture (co-editor with Cornel West, R. Ferguson & M. Gever. New York: New Museum of Contemporary Art and M.I.T. Press, 1990)
  • When the Moon Waxes Red. Representation, gender and cultural politics (Routledge 1991)
  • Framer Framed (Routledge 1992)
  • Drawn from African Dwellings (Indiana University Press 1996) with Jean-Paul Bourdier
  • Cinema Interval (Routledge 1999)
  • The Digital Film Event (Routledge 2005)

[edit] Installations

  • The Desert is Watching (in coll. with Jean-Paul Bourdier, 2003, Kyoto Art Biennale)
  • Nothing But Ways (in coll. with L Kirby, 1999, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco)

[edit] Music

  • Poems. Composition for Percussion Ensemble. Premiere by the Univ. of Illinois Percussion Ensemble, Denis Wiziecki, Director. 09 April 1976.
  • Four Pieces for Electronic Music. 1975 Performances at the Univ. of Illinois.

[edit] Sources

[edit] External links
