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Schmidtea mediterranea
Schmidtea mediterranea
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Platyhelminthes
Class: Turbellaria
Subclass: Archoophora
Order: Tricladida
Lang, 1884
Sub orders

Tricladida (Triclads) [1] is an order of the Turbellaria, a group of free-living flatworms.

Tricladida (Lang, 1884) is characterized by triply-branched intestine and anteriorly situated ovaries, next to the brain. Today it is split into three suborders, according to their habitats: Maricola, which is marine; Paludicola, which inhabits freshwater; and Terricola, which is land-dwelling (Hallez 1892). Recently, the adding of a new suborder, Cavernicola (Sluys 1990), was proposed for freshwater cave species.

Tricladida includes the Planariidae (planarians).

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