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IUPAC name N-(2-Hydroxy-1,1-bis(hydroxymethyl)ethyl)glycine
Other names Tricine
CAS number [5704-04-1]
Molecular formula C6H13NO5
Molar mass 179.17 g/mol
Density  ? g/cm3
Melting point

182-184 °C (dec.)

Except where noted otherwise, data are given for
materials in their standard state
(at 25 °C, 100 kPa)

Infobox disclaimer and references

Tricine is an organic compound that is used in buffer solutions. The name tricine comes from tris and glycine from which it was derived.[1] It is a zwitterionic amino acid with a useful buffering range of pH 7.4-8.8. It is a white crystalline powder that is moderately soluble in water. It has a pH of 4.4-5.2; its pKa1 at 25 °C is 2.3, while its pKa2 at 20 °C is 8.15[1]. Along with bicine, it is one of Good's buffering agents. Good first prepared tricine to buffer chloropast reactions.


[edit] Applications

Tricine is a commonly used electrophoresis buffer and also in resuspension of cell pellets. It has a lower negative charge than glycine allowing it to migrate faster. In addition it's high ionic strength causes more ion movement and less protein movement. This allows for low molecular weight proteins to be separated in lower percent acrylamide gels. Tricine has been documented in the separation of proteins in the range of 1 to 100 kDa by electrophoresis.[2] Tricine buffer at 25 mmol/L was found to be the most effective buffer among the ten tested for ATP assays using firefly luciferase.[3] Tricine has also been found to be an effective scavenger of hydroxyl radicals in a study of radiation-induced membrane damage.[4]

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b Good, N.E., et al., Biochemistry, v. 5, 467 (1966)
  2. ^ Schaegger, H., and von Jagow, G., "Tricine-sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis for the separation of proteins in the range from 1 to 100 kDa." "Anal. Biochem." 166(2), 368-379.
  3. ^ Webster, J. J., and Leach, F. R., "Optimization of the firefly luciferase assay for ATP." "J. Appl. Biochem.", 2:469-479.
  4. ^ Hicks, M., and Gebicki, J. M., "Rate constants for reaction of hydroxyl radicals with Tris, Tricine, and Hepes buffers." "FEBS Lett.", 199(1):92-94.

[edit] External Links

Sigma Aldrich Buffer Calculator - Useful tool to calculate weight, volume, or concentration from molecular weight.
