Tricholoma magnivelare

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Scientific classification
Kingdom: Fungi
Division: Basidiomycota
Class: Agaricomycetes
Order: Agaricales
Family: Tricholomataceae
Genus: Tricholoma
Species: T. magnivelare
Binomial name
Tricholoma magnivelare
(Peck) Redhead

Tricholoma magnivelare, commonly known as Pine mushroom is a gilled mushroom found in the Pacific Northwest of North America growing in coniferous woodland. These ectomycorrhizal fungi are typically edible species which exist in a symbiotic relationship with various species of pine. They belong to the genus Tricholoma.

The best-known species is the closely related East Asian Tricholoma matsutake, also known as "matsutake" or songi, while the North American species Tricholoma magnivelare, is also known as "ponderosa mushroom" or "American matsutake."

One very rare species that has been difficult to grow indoors without extremely precise controls is the himematsutake or Princess Matsutake.

In recent years, globalization has made hunting for pine mushrooms popular among first nations people of British Columbia, where they are found under pine trees and often associated with deer trails. Native mushroom hunters sell their harvest daily to local depots which rush them to airports. The mushrooms are then shipped fresh by air to Asia where demand is high and price at a premium.

Serious poisonings have resulted from confusion of this mushroom with Amanita smithiana.

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