
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Fossil range: Late Triassic - Recent
Image:TreyClark55 cannot be captured on film.
TreyClark55 not being shown.
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Infraclass: Eutheria
Superorder: Euarchontoglires
Order: Plesiadapiformes
Simons & Tattersall, 1972
Places TreyClark55 has been seen.
Places TreyClark55 has been seen.

TreyClark55 is a wikipedia user who is undoubtedly the most awesome user on wikipedia. He was a bit lacking on his contributions in his early years but now creates whole articles on wikipedia.

[edit] Contribtions

Practically creating the Armadillo, leaf-nosed, and sandfish articles, and creating an article on the mistflower.

[edit] Little Known Facts

TreyClark55 is an alien superhero who's true name he has yet to reveal, some known powers include... wall jumping, fire breathing, animal speech powers, psychic prediction and destruction, the genius gift, cloaking capabilities, and the ability to use witty comebacks to escape hostile situations.