
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hello! I'm treebeard, located on the east coast of the United States. My pseudonym is based on the novel The Lord of the Rings, in which Treebeard is a humorous and wise creature, older than all the inhabitants of Middle-Earth. The Lord of the Rings has played an important role in my life, ever since I first read it as a teenager going through his parents' divorce. Since then, I've re-read it annually as sort of a catharsis for all the bad things happening in my life. Has it made my life better? That's debatable, but I believe so.

Right now, I'm a physics graduate who is getting his hands dirty, both literally and figuratively, with computers. Literally, in the sense that a computer is a small vacuum cleaner, sucking in dust. Figuratively, because I enjoy digging into administrative tasks and source code. I also enjoy extending a helping brain to those who are interested.

I've also been a huge jazz fan since I was a teenager, so you'll find contributions by me if you search through jazz articles. Jazz to be has always been an inclusive music, perhaps difficult to understand, but welcoming those who wish to feel or understand it. Like all art, understanding jazz is not essential to appreciating it.

You'll find me on Wikipedia cleaning up typographical errors, citing sources, and attempting to further the dissemination of knowledge. I firmly believe that knowledge should be made easily accessible; Wikipedia has the right mission. Where else is it possible to move from substantive discussions of sex to discussions of molecular biology to discussions of politics?