Treceţi batalioane române, Carpaţii

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Romanian battalions,cross the Carpathians

[edit] Original patriotic song

[edit] Romanian lyrics

Un cantec istoric ne-aduce aminte
Ca fratii in veci vor fi frati
Un cântec de luptă bătrân ca Unirea
Voi compatrioţi ascultaţi
Treceţi batalioane române Carpaţii
La arme cu frunze şi flori
V-asteapta izbanda,v-asteapta si fratii
Cu inima la trecator.
Ardealul,Ardealul,Ardealul ne cheama
Nadejdea e numai la noi
Saruta-ti copile parintii si fratii
Si-apoi sa mergem la razboi.
Nainte,nainte,spre marea Unire
Hotarul nedrept sa-l zdrobim
Sa trecem Carpatii,ne trebuie Ardealul
De-o fi sa ne-ngropam de vii
Cu săbii făcură Unirea, ce inimi!
Spre Alba cu toţii mergeam
Toţi oamenii ţării semnau întregirea
Voinţa întregului neam
Cu toţii eram regimente române
Moldova, Muntenia, Ardeal
Fireasca unire cu patria mumă
Ne-a fost cel mai drept ideal
Aceasta-i povestea Ardealului nostru
Şi-a neamului nostru viteaz
Istoria-ntreagă cu lupte şi jertfe
Trăieşte-n unirea de azi
Dreptatea şi pacea veghează Carpaţii
Şi ţara e frunze şi flori
A noastră izbânda, ai noştri sunt fraţii
Trăiască în veci trei culori
Vrem linişte-n ţară şi pace în lume
Dar dacă-ar veni vreun blestem
Carpaţii şi fraţii sări-vor ca unul
Urmând comandantul suprem
Treceţi batalioane române Carpaţii
La arme cu frunze şi flori
V-asteapta izbanda,v-asteapta si fratii
Cu inima la trecator.

[edit] English literal translation

A historical songs reminds us
That brothers will forever be brothers
A battle song old as The Unification
All you compatriots listen.
Romanian battalions cross the Carpathians
To arms with flowers and leafs,
Victory is waiting for you,and so are your brothers
With their hearts to the passerby.
The Ardeal,The Ardeal,The Ardeal is calling
All hope resides with us
Kiss,O child,your parents and brothers
And then lets's go to war.
Go forth,go forth,towards the Great Unification
The unjust border we shall smash
Let's cross the Carpathians,we need The Ardeal
Even if we are to be buried alive.
With swords they made the Unification,what hearts!
Towards Alba we were all heading
All the people of the country were signing the compounding
The will of the entire nation.
We were all romanian regiments,
The natural union with the Motherland
Was our most righteous ideal.
This is the story of our Ardeal,
And of our brave nation
Our entire history,with battles and sacrifices
Lives in the Union of today.
Peace and justice watches over the Carpathians,
And the whole country is flowers and leafs
Ours is victory,ours are the brothers,
Long live the three colours.
We want stillness in our country,and peace in the world,
But if a curse should ever come,
The Carpathians and the brothers will jump both as one,
Following the supreme commander.
Romanian battalions cross the Carpathians
To arms with flowers and leafs,
Victory is waiting for you,and so are your brothers
With their hearts to the passerby.