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 //     What links here watchlist     //
 //              by Tra               //
function wlhdownload(bundle) {
  // mandatory: bundle.url
  // optional:  bundle.onSuccess (xmlhttprequest, bundle)
  // optional:  bundle.onFailure (xmlhttprequest, bundle)
  // optional:  bundle.otherStuff OK too, passed to onSuccess and onFailure
  var x = window.XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest()
	: window.ActiveXObject ? new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
	: false;
  if (x) {
    x.onreadystatechange=function() {
      x.readyState==4 && wlhdownloadComplete(x,bundle);
  return x;
function wlhdownloadComplete(x,bundle) {
  x.status==200 && ( bundle.onSuccess && bundle.onSuccess(x,bundle) || true )
  || ( bundle.onFailure && bundle.onFailure(x,bundle) || alert(x.statusText));
function wlhgetstartdate(wlhdate) {
  var tempvar = ''
  tempvar = wlhdate.getYear()
  tempvar += ''
  if ((wlhdate.getMonth() + 1) < 10 ) {
    tempvar += '0'
  tempvar += (wlhdate.getMonth() + 1)
  tempvar += ''
  if (wlhdate.getDate() < 10 ) {
    tempvar += '0'
  tempvar += wlhdate.getDate()
  tempvar += '000000'
  return tempvar
function wlhgetWatchlist() {
  wlhdownload({url: 'http://' + document.location.hostname + '/wiki/Special:Watchlist/edit',
	      onSuccess: wlhprocessWatchlist, onFailure: function () { setTimeout(wlhgetWatchlist, 15000); return true; }});
function wlhprocessWatchlist(req, bundle) {
  var watchlist={};
  var lines=req.responseText.split('\n');
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      wlhpropline = (lines[i].replace(/.*title="(.*?)">.*/, '$1'));
      // show only correct sort
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        if (wlhdonestart == 'yes') {wlhquerystring += '|'}
        wlhdonestart = 'yes'
        wlhquerystring += wlhnspg[1]
  var wlhnow = new Date()
  wlhquerystring += '&format=json&dummy=' + parseInt(Math.random()*99999999)
//  myinfo.innerHTML += '<li>' + wlhquerystring + '</li>'
  wlhdownload({url: 'http://' + document.location.hostname + '/w/query.php?' + wlhquerystring,
	      onSuccess: wlhprocessuserwatchlist});
function wlhmid(str, start, len)
  IN: str - the string we are LEFTing
  start - our string's starting position (0 based!!)
  len - how many characters from start we want to get
  RETVAL: The substring from start to start+len
    // Make sure start and len are within proper bounds
    if (start < 0 || len < 0) return "";
    var iEnd, iLen = String(str).length;
    if (start + len > iLen)
      iEnd = iLen;
      iEnd = start + len;
    return String(str).substring(start,iEnd);
function wlhtimefromdate(wlhdate) {
  return wlhmid(wlhdate, 11, 5)
function wlhprocessuserwatchlist(req, bundle) {
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  var wlhoutput=document.createElement('div');
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  var wlhdata = eval('(' + req.responseText + ')');
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  var wlhusername
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// alert ('one');
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    wlhtempoutput += '<h2><a href="' + wlhusername + '">' + wlhusername + '</a></h2>'
    wlhtempoutput += '<a href="' + wlhusername + '">article</a> • <a href="' + wlhusername + '">what links here</a> • <a href="' + wlhusername + '">talk</a> • <a href="' + wlhusername + '&action=history">history</a><ul>'
// alert ('hello');
    for (prop2 in wlhdata.pages[prop].backlinks){
      wlhobjcontrib = wlhdata.pages[prop].backlinks[prop2]
      wlhtempoutput += '<li>'
      wlhtempoutput += '<a href="' + wlhobjcontrib['*'] + '">' + wlhobjcontrib['*'] + '</a>'
      wlhtempoutput += '</li>'
      wlhtempoutput += '" title="' + wlhobjcontrib['*'] + '">' + wlhtimefromdate(wlhobjcontrib.timestamp) + '</a></tt> '
      wlhtempoutput +='(<a href="/w/index.php?title=' + wlhobjcontrib['*']
      wlhtempoutput += '&amp;action=history" title="' + wlhobjcontrib['*'] + '">hist</a>) (<a href="/w/index.php?title='
      wlhtempoutput += wlhobjcontrib['*'] + '&amp;diff=prev&amp;oldid=' + wlhobjcontrib.revid + '" title="' + wlhobjcontrib['*']
      wlhtempoutput += '">diff</a>)  <a href="/wiki/' + wlhobjcontrib['*'] + '" title="' + wlhobjcontrib['*'] + '">'
      wlhtempoutput += wlhobjcontrib['*'] + '</a>  <span class="comment">(' + wlhobjcontrib.comment + ')</span>' + '<br />'
wlhtempoutput += '</ul>'
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  wlhoutput.innerHTML = wlhtempoutput;
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// **************************************************
// Installation
// **************************************************
/* function wlhaddlilink(tabs, url, name, id, title, key){
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    na.href = url;
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      else if(key)     ta[id] = [key, ''];
      else if(title)   ta[id] = ['', title];
    // re-render the title and accesskeys from existing code in wikibits.js
    return li;
function wlhaddToolboxLink(url, name, id){
    var tb = document.getElementById('p-tb').getElementsByTagName('ul')[0];
    wlhaddlilink(tb, url, name, id);
var wlhloadingmsg
function wlhloadapp() {
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  // var wlhoutput=document.createElement('div');
  //h1.innerHTML = 'User watchlist';
  wlhaddToolboxLink('http://' + document.location.hostname + '/wiki/' + 'User:Tra/What_links_here_watchlist', 'Backlinks watchlist', 'wlh_link');
   if (wgPageName == 'User:Tra/What_links_here_watchlist') {
    var h1=document.getElementsByTagName('h1')[0]
    wlhloadingmsg.innerHTML = 'Loading...'
if (wgPageName == "Special:WhatLinksHere") {
     wlhaddTab('' + document.getElementById('specialDeleteTarget').firstChild.innerHTML + '&gonow=yes&gonowto=' + location.href,'watch','addwlhwatchlist','Watch this page for backlinks','w')
     wlhaddTab('' + document.getElementById('specialDeleteTarget').firstChild.innerHTML + '&gonow=yes&gonowto=' + location.href,'unwatch','rmwlhwatchlist','Remove this page from your watchlist for backlinks')
if (wlhgetQueryVariable('gonow')=='yes') {
function wlhgetQueryVariable(variable) {
  var query =;
  var vars = query.split("&");
  for (var i=0;i<vars.length;i++) {
    var pair = vars[i].split("=");
    if (pair[0] == variable) {
      return pair[1];
  //alert('Query Variable ' + variable + ' not found');
function wlhaddTab(url, name, id, title, key){
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    return wlhaddlilink(tabs, url, name, id, title, key)
function wlhaddlilink(tabs, url, name, id, title, key){
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            ta[id] = [key, ''];
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    // re-render the title and accesskeys from existing code in wikibits.js
    return li;