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 //          User watchlist           //
 //              by Tra               //
function uwdownload(bundle) {
  // mandatory: bundle.url
  // optional:  bundle.onSuccess (xmlhttprequest, bundle)
  // optional:  bundle.onFailure (xmlhttprequest, bundle)
  // optional:  bundle.otherStuff OK too, passed to onSuccess and onFailure
  var x = window.XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest()
	: window.ActiveXObject ? new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
	: false;
  if (x) {
    x.onreadystatechange=function() {
    if ( x.readyState==4 ) { uwdownloadComplete(x,bundle); }
  return x; 
function uwdownloadComplete(x,bundle) {
  if (x.status==200) { bundle.onSuccess(x,bundle); } else { bundle.onFailure(x,bundle); alert(x.statusText);}
function uwgetstartdate(uwdate) {
  var tempvar = ''
  if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox")!=-1){
    tempvar = uwdate.getYear() + 1900
  } else {
    tempvar = uwdate.getYear()
  tempvar += ''
  if ((uwdate.getMonth() + 1) < 10 ) {
    tempvar += '0'
  tempvar += (uwdate.getMonth() + 1)
  tempvar += ''
  if (uwdate.getDate() < 10 ) {
    tempvar += '0'
  tempvar += uwdate.getDate()
  tempvar += '000000'
  return tempvar
function uwgetWatchlist() {
  uwdownload({url: 'http://' + document.location.hostname + '/wiki/Special:Watchlist?action=raw',
	      onSuccess: uwprocessWatchlist, onFailure: function () {
 setTimeout(uwgetWatchlist, 15000); return true; }});
function uwprocessWatchlist(req, bundle) {
  var watchlist={};
  var lines=req.responseText.split('\n');
  var h1=document.getElementsByTagName('h1')[0]
  var myinfo=document.createElement('ul');
  var uwnspg = ''
  var uwinlist = 'no'
  var uwpropline = ''
  var uwdonestart = 'no'
  var uwquerystring = ''
  var uwcountusers = 0
  var uwnow = new Date()
  var h1=document.getElementsByTagName('h1')[0]
  var uwoutput=document.createElement('div');
  uwoutput.innerHTML = '';
  for (var i=0; i<lines.length; ++i) {
//myinfo.innerHTML += 'one'
if (lines[i].indexOf('<textarea') > -1) { uwinlist = 'yes'; }
if (lines[i].indexOf('</textarea') > -1) { uwinlist = 'no'; }
    if (uwinlist == 'yes') {
      uwpropline = lines[i];
      // eliminate all but user or user talk pages
      if ((uwnspg[0] == 'User' || uwnspg[0] == 'User talk') && uwpropline.split('/')[0]==uwpropline && uwcountusers <25) {
        if (uwdonestart == 'yes') {uwquerystring += '|'}
        uwdonestart = 'yes'
        uwquerystring += 'User:' + uwnspg[1]
        uwcountusers += 1
        if (uwcountusers == 25) {
          //send and process stuff
            uwquerystring += '&uclimit=20&ucstart=' + uwgetstartdate(uwnow) + '&uccomments&format=json&dummy=' + parseInt(Math.random()*99999999)
//myinfo.innerHTML += ('http://' + document.location.hostname + '/w/query.php?what=usercontribs&titles=' + uwquerystring + '<b>stop</b>');
            uwdownload({url: 'http://' + document.location.hostname + '/w/query.php?what=usercontribs&titles=' + uwquerystring,
	      onSuccess: function (req, bundle) {  uwoutput.innerHTML += uwprocessuserwatchlist(req.responseText) ;   if (typeof(window.setupTooltips)!='undefined') { setupTooltips(uwoutput); } }});
            uwcountusers = 0
            uwquerystring = ''
            uwdonestart = 'no'
  uwquerystring += '&uclimit=20&ucstart=' + uwgetstartdate(uwnow) + '&uccomments&format=json&dummy=' + parseInt(Math.random()*99999999)
  // myinfo.innerHTML += '<li>' + uwquerystring + '</li>'
//myinfo.innerHTML += ('http://' + document.location.hostname + '/w/query.php?what=usercontribs&titles=' + uwquerystring);
//if (uwcountusers == 25) {myinfo.innerHTML += 'For performance reasons, only the first 25 users on your watchlist are shown.';}
  uwdownload({url: 'http://' + document.location.hostname + '/w/query.php?what=usercontribs&titles=' + uwquerystring,
	      onSuccess: function (req, bundle) { uwoutput.innerHTML += uwprocessuserwatchlist(req.responseText) ;   if (typeof(window.setupTooltips)!='undefined') { setupTooltips(uwoutput); } ; uwloadingmsg.innerHTML = ''; }});
// at very end
//  uwoutput.innerHTML = uwtempoutput;
//  if (typeof(window.setupTooltips)!='undefined') { setupTooltips(uwoutput); }
//  uwloadingmsg.innerHTML = ''
function uwmid(str, start, len)
  IN: str - the string we are LEFTing
  start - our string's starting position (0 based!!)
  len - how many characters from start we want to get
  RETVAL: The substring from start to start+len
    // Make sure start and len are within proper bounds
    if (start < 0 || len < 0) return "";
    var iEnd, iLen = String(str).length;
    if (start + len > iLen)
      iEnd = iLen;
      iEnd = start + len;
    return String(str).substring(start,iEnd);
function uwtimefromdate(uwdate) {
  return uwmid(uwdate, 11, 5)
// function uwuwprocessuserwatchlist
function uwprocessuserwatchlist(uwrsp) {
// alert(uwrsp);
  // uwoutput.innerHTML += uwrsp
  var uwtempoutput = ''
  var uwdata = eval('(' + uwrsp + ')');
  var uwusernum = Math.random()*99999999;
  var uwcontribnum = 0;
  var uwobjcontrib
  var uwusername
  uwtempoutput += '';
  // uwtempoutput += uwdata.pages.length;
  // uwtempoutput += uwdata.pages.items[0].title;
  for (prop in uwdata.pages) {
    if (uwdata.pages[prop].contributions.length > 0) {
    uwusername = uwdata.pages[prop].title.split(':')[1]
    uwtempoutput += '<span id="RCM' + uwusernum + '"><a href="javascript:toggleVisibility(\'RCI' + uwusernum + '\',\'RCM'
    uwtempoutput += uwusernum + '\',\'RCL' + uwusernum + '\')"><img src="/skins-1.5/common/images/Arr_r.png"'
    uwtempoutput += ' width="12" height="12" alt="+" /></a></span><span id="RCL' + uwusernum + '" style="display:none">'
    uwtempoutput += '<a href="javascript:toggleVisibility(\'RCI' + uwusernum + '\',\'RCM' + uwusernum
    uwtempoutput += '\',\'RCL' + uwusernum + '\')"><img src="/skins-1.5/common/images/Arr_d.png" width="12"'
    uwtempoutput += ' height="12" alt="-" /></a></span><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>'
    uwtempoutput += '<a href="/wiki/User:' + uwusername + '" title="User:' + uwusername + '">' + uwusername
    uwtempoutput += '</a> (<a href="/wiki/User_talk:' + uwusername + '" title="User talk:' + uwusername
    uwtempoutput += '">Talk</a> | <a href="/w/index.php?title=Special:Contributions&amp;target=' + uwusername
    uwtempoutput += '" title="Special:Contributions">contribs</a>)' + '<br />';
    uwtempoutput += '<div id="RCI' + uwusernum + '" style="display:none">'
    for (uwcontribnum = 0; uwcontribnum < uwdata.pages[prop].contributions.length; ++uwcontribnum){
      uwobjcontrib = uwdata.pages[prop].contributions[uwcontribnum]
      uwtempoutput += '<img src="/skins-1.5/common/images/Arr_.png" width="12" height="12" alt=" " />'
      uwtempoutput += '<tt>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>'
      uwtempoutput += '<tt><a href="/w/index.php?title=' + uwobjcontrib['*'] + '&amp;oldid=' + uwobjcontrib.revid
      uwtempoutput += '" title="' + uwobjcontrib['*'] + '">' + uwtimefromdate(uwobjcontrib.timestamp) + '</a></tt> '
      uwtempoutput +='(<a href="/w/index.php?title=' + uwobjcontrib['*']
      uwtempoutput += '&amp;action=history" title="' + uwobjcontrib['*'] + '">hist</a>) (<a href="/w/index.php?title='
      uwtempoutput += uwobjcontrib['*'] + '&amp;diff=prev&amp;oldid=' + uwobjcontrib.revid + '" title="' + uwobjcontrib['*']
      uwtempoutput += '">diff</a>)  <a href="/wiki/' + uwobjcontrib['*'] + '" title="' + uwobjcontrib['*'] + '">'
      uwtempoutput += uwobjcontrib['*'] + '</a>  ' + (typeof uwobjcontrib['minor']=='undefined' ? '' : '<b>m </b>')
      uwtempoutput += '<span class="comment">(' + uwobjcontrib.comment + ')</span>'
      uwtempoutput += (typeof uwobjcontrib['top']=='undefined' ? '' : ' <b>(top)</b>') + '<br />'
    uwtempoutput += '</div>'
  uwtempoutput += '';
  return uwtempoutput
// **************************************************
// Installation
// **************************************************
function uwaddlilink(tabs, url, name, id, title, key){
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      else if(title)   ta[id] = ['', title];
    // re-render the title and accesskeys from existing code in wikibits.js
    return li;
function uwaddToolboxLink(url, name, id){
    var tb = document.getElementById('p-tb').getElementsByTagName('ul')[0];
    uwaddlilink(tb, url, name, id);
var uwloadingmsg
function uwloadapp() {
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    var h1=document.getElementsByTagName('h1')[0]
    uwloadingmsg.innerHTML = 'Loading...'
  } //