Transverse wave

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Transverse plane wave
Transverse plane wave
Propagation of a transverse spherical wave in a 2d grid (empirical model)
Propagation of a transverse spherical wave in a 2d grid (empirical model)

A transverse wave is a moving wave, a wave that propagates (travels) in a direction perpendicular to the direction in which the oscillations that produce the wave are moving. For example: if a transverse wave is moving in the positive x-direction, its up and down oscillations are in up and down directions that lie in the yz-plane.

A light wave is a transverse wave composed of coupled electric E and magnetic M fields oscillating in mutually perpendicular directions, while the transverse light wave itself propagates in a direction that is perpendicular to the directions of oscillation of both the electric and magnetic fields. In the illustration of a light wave, the amplitude of the E field reaches a peak at the same time that the amplitude of the M field does. The peak amplitudes of this transverse light wave can be imagined moving together to the right.


[edit] Properties

The properties of transverse waves are exemplified by ripples in water, the vibrations of a stretched string and electromagnetic waves. In transverse waves, the molecules of the medium oscillate perpendicular to the direction of propagation, whereas in longitudinal waves, the molecules of the medium oscillate parallel to the direction of propagation. In seismology transverse waves are called secondary, or s waves because they arrive later than the primary, or p waves from an earthquake, which are longitudinal. The absence of transverse waves traveling through the earth’s core shows that it is liquid.

[edit] Examples

Light is composed of transverse waves. See electromagnetic spectrum for information on different types of electromagnetic waves. Electromagnetic waves are transverse waves. A transverse wave could be represented by moving a ribbon or piece of string, spread across a table, to the left and right or up and down. The oscillating string is another example of a transverse wave; a more everyday example would be an audience wave.

[edit] Mathematical description

In mathematics, transverse waves are associated with the "CURL" and are governed by a vector wave equation, in contrast to longitudinal waves, which are associated with the div operator and are governed by a scalar wave equation. A longitudinal wave exists as compressions moving through the plane in which it is travelling. Energy from this wave is transmitted as mechanical energy. An example would be a slinky which was pushed forward and backwards, compressing and extending it as the motion of the wave was transmitted. Except for that is called a compressional or longitudinal wave not a transverse wave. a transverse wave would be something like water waves, a guitar string, jump rope, hose,ect. The speed of a transverse wave is determined by the equation "wave speed= frequency x wavelength"

[edit] See also

[edit] External links