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Transneft (Russian: Транснефть) is a Russian state-owned business, which runs the oil pipelines of the country. It was founded in 1993 and owns the largest pipeline system of the world with a total of almost 50,000 kilometers. The company is seated in Moscow and its current head is Nikolay Tokarev.


[edit] History

Transneft was established in accordance with the Presidential Decree №1403 dated 17th November, 1992 and the Government of the Russia Resolution №810 dated 14 th August 14, 1993, and is the legal successor of the USSR Ministry of Oil Industry Main Production Department for Oil Transportation and Supplies (Glavtransneft), with 100% of the shares belongs to the state. On April 16, 2007, pursuant to a presidential decree signed by Putin, Transneftproduct which deals with transportation of refined oil products was merged into Transneft.

[edit] Management

Board of Directors (as of January 2007): Viktor Khristenko (Chairman, Industry and Energy Minister), Semyon Vaynshtok (President of Transneft), Arkady Dvorkovich (Head of Expert Directorate attached to Russia's President), Yury Medvedev [Deputy Head of Rosimushchestvo), Sergey Oganesyan (Head of the Federal Energy Agency), Dmitry Ryzhkov (Deputy Chief of the Staff of Russia's Government), Lev Fedosyev, Andrei Sharonov (Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade), Yevgeny Shkolov (Head of Economic Security Department of Russia's Interior Ministry). [1]

Management Committee (as of January 2007): Semyon Vaynshtok (President), Vladimir Kalinin (First Deputy President), Yevgeny Astafyev (Deputy President), Sergey Grigoryev (Deputy President), Sergey Yevlakhov (Deputy President), Elena Kolesova (President Aide), Yury Lisin (Deputy President), Igor Solyarsky (Deputy President), Marat Sayfutdinov (Deputy President). [2]

[edit] See also

[edit] External links