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Developed by Caliper Corporation
Latest release 1.5 / June 1, 2007
OS Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista
Genre Traffic Simulation, GIS,

Transportation,Mapping Software

TransModeler is the name of a traffic simulation product for doing wide-area traffic planning, traffic management, and emergency evacuation studies. It can animate the behavior of multi-modal traffic systems to show the flow of vehicles, the operation of traffic signals, and the overall performance of the transportation network.[1]


[edit] Product history

TransModeler was first released in December 2005. Version 1.1 was released on October 23, 2006. TransModeler 1.5, the current version, was released on June 1, 2007.

[edit] See also

  • Maptitude GIS mapping software
  • TransCAD Transportation planning GIS mapping software

[edit] References

[edit] External links