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Trampette is like a mini trampoline in the shape of a square. It is often used for somersaults and in competitions. It is raised up off the ground so you can run up with speed and jump on it once before performing your move.

[edit] Moves on the trampette

Easier things you can perform on a trampette are things like straddle, pike, full turn, dive rolls and more sort of jumps and twists. Harder things are like tuck somersaults, pike somersaults, back somersaults, etc.

You don't always have to run up to it. You can turn it round to practice back handsprings and things like that.

A trampette is used by Team Gym the team will run one after another up the track and hit the trampette doing moves off. (this is usually streamed) A trampette can be used by itself and with the vault. it's usually only team gym that will use a trampette with vault as appose to elite who will use a spring board. Beginners will usually start with jumps such as straight, tuck, star, straddle and pike, as beginners progress they will begin to do harder moves such as:dive rolls, tuck front, pike front, straight front (sommersaults) then harder moves again: straight halfs, straight fulls and doubles etc. No backward moves such as tuck backs or straighbacks or wipbacks are usually performed on a trampette do to the gymnast running head on towards the piece and the difficulty in landing such moves.