Trafalgar order of battle and casualties

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This is a listing of the fleets that participated in the Battle of Trafalgar on 21 October 1805, and the number of killed and wounded per ship.

Named officers marked '†', died during or shortly after the battle.


[edit] British fleet

The table below shows the British vessels deployed during the battle. HMS Africa attacked the head of the Allied line (to the North of the Weather column), whilst the rest of the ships-of-the-line were divided into two columns, with the Weather column forming the northern flank and the Lee column the southern flank. They are listed in sailing order.

During the battle the frigates and smaller vessels acted in support, but did not engage the enemy.

Ship Type Guns Fleet Const-
Commanded by Complement Casualties
Killed Wounded Total  %
Attacking the Head of the Franco-Spanish Fleet
Africa [1] 2-decker 64 Royal Navy Ensign Flag of the United Kingdom Capt Henry Digby 500 8 44 52 10%
Weather Column
Victory [2] 3-decker 100 Royal Navy Ensign Flag of the United Kingdom Vice-Admiral Lord Nelson
Capt Thomas Masterman Hardy
nominal 850
57 102 159 19%
Téméraire [3] 3-decker 98 Royal Navy Ensign Flag of the United Kingdom Capt Eliab Harvey 718
nominal 750
47 76 123 17%
Neptune [4] 3-decker 98 Royal Navy Ensign Flag of the United Kingdom Capt Thomas Francis Fremantle 750 10 34 44 6%
Leviathan [5] 2-decker 74 Royal Navy Ensign Flag of the United Kingdom Capt Henry William Bayntun 600-640 4 22 26 4%
Conqueror [6] 2-decker 74 Royal Navy Ensign Flag of the United Kingdom Capt Israel Pellew 590 3 9 12 2%
Britannia [7] 3-decker 100 Royal Navy Ensign Flag of the United Kingdom Rear-Admiral the Rt Hon Earl of Northesk
Capt Charles Bullen
850 10 42 52 6%
Agamemnon [8] 2-decker 64 Royal Navy Ensign Flag of the United Kingdom Capt Sir Edward Berry 500 2 8 10 2%
Ajax [9] 2-decker 74 Royal Navy Ensign Flag of the United Kingdom Lieut John Pilford (acting captain) 690 2 10 12 2%
Orion [10] 2-decker 74 Royal Navy Ensign Flag of the United Kingdom Capt Edward Codrington 550 1 23 24 4%
Minotaur [11] 2-decker 74 Royal Navy Ensign Flag of the United Kingdom Capt Charles John Moore Mansfield 600-640 3 22 25 4%
Spartiate [12] 2-decker 74 Royal Navy Ensign Flag of France Capt Sir Francis Laforey 640 3 22 25 4%
Lee Column
Royal Sovereign [13] 3-decker 100 Royal Navy Ensign Flag of the United Kingdom Vice-Admiral Cuthbert Collingwood
Capt Edward Rotheram
850 47 94 141 17%
Belleisle [14] 2-decker 74 Royal Navy Ensign Flag of France Capt William Hargood 700 33 94 127 18%
Mars [15] 2-decker 74 Royal Navy Ensign Flag of the United Kingdom Capt George Duff
Lieut William Hennah
640 27 71 98 15%
Tonnant [16] 2-decker 80 Royal Navy Ensign Flag of France Capt Charles Tyler 700 26 50 76 11%
Bellerophon [17] 2-decker 74 Royal Navy Ensign Flag of the United Kingdom Capt John Cooke
Lieut William Pryce Cumby
550 28 127 155 28%
Colossus [18] 2-decker 74 Royal Navy Ensign Flag of the United Kingdom Capt James Nicoll Morris 590 40 160 200 34%
Achille [19] 2-decker 74 Royal Navy Ensign Flag of the United Kingdom Capt Richard King 640 13 59 72 11%
Revenge [20] 2-decker 74 Royal Navy Ensign Flag of the United Kingdom Capt Robert Moorsom 590 28 51 79 13%
Polyphemus [21] 2-decker 64 Royal Navy Ensign Flag of the United Kingdom Capt Robert Redmill 500 2 4 6 1%
Swiftsure [22] 2-decker 74 Royal Navy Ensign Flag of the United Kingdom Capt William Gordon Rutherfurd 590 9 8 17 3%
Dreadnought [23] 3-decker 98 Royal Navy Ensign Flag of the United Kingdom Capt John Conn 750 7 26 33 4%
Defiance [24] 2-decker 74 Royal Navy Ensign Flag of the United Kingdom Capt Philip Charles Durham 550-600 17 53 70 12%
Thunderer [25] 2-decker 74 Royal Navy Ensign Flag of the United Kingdom Lieut John Stockham (acting captain) 550-600 4 12 16 3%
Defence [26] 2-decker 74 Royal Navy Ensign Flag of the United Kingdom Capt George Hope 550 7 29 36 7%
Prince [27] 3-decker 98 Royal Navy Ensign Flag of the United Kingdom Capt Richard Grindall 750 0 0 0 0%
Euryalus [28] frigate 36 Royal Navy Ensign Flag of the United Kingdom Capt Hon Henry Blackwood 264 0 0 0 0%
Naiad [29] frigate 38 Royal Navy Ensign Flag of the United Kingdom Capt Thomas Dundas 264 0 0 0 0%
Phoebe [30] frigate 36 Royal Navy Ensign Flag of the United Kingdom Capt Hon Thomas Bladen Capel 264 0 0 0 0%
Sirius [31] frigate 36 Royal Navy Ensign Flag of the United Kingdom Capt William Prowse 274 0 0 0 0%
Pickle [32] schooner 12 Royal Navy Ensign Flag of the United Kingdom Lieut John Richards La Penotière 127 0 0 0 0%
Entreprenante [33] cutter 10 Royal Navy Ensign Flag of France Lieut Robert Benjamin Young 123 0 0 0 0%

[edit] Franco-Spanish fleet

The following listing shows the French and Spanish ships of the line by order of sailing from north to south.

Ship Type Guns Fleet Const-
Commanded by Complement Casualties Fate
Killed Wounded Total  %
Neptuno [34] 2-decker 80 Capt Don H Cayetano Valdés y Flores 715 37 47 84 12% Captured 21 Oct 1805, recaptured 23 Oct 1805, foundered 23 Oct 1805
Scipion [35] 2-decker 74 Flag of France Flag of France Capt Charles Bellanger 640 0 0 0 0% Escaped, captured 4 Nov 1805
Rayo [36] 3-decker 100 Flag of Cuba Capt Don Enrique MacDonnell 830 4 14 18 2% Escaped, but surrendered to HMS Donegal, 23 Oct 1805, foundered 26 Oct 1805
Formidable [37] 2-decker 80 Flag of France Flag of France Rear-Admiral Pierre-Etienne-René-Marie Dumanoir Le Pelley
Capt Jean-Marie Lettelier
690 22 45 67 10% Escaped, captured 4 Nov 1805
Duguay Trouin [38] 2-decker 74 Flag of France Flag of France Capt Claude Toufflet 670 20 24 44 7% Escaped, captured 4 Nov 1805
Mont Blanc [39] 2-decker 74 Flag of France Flag of France Capt Guillaume-Jean-Noël Lavillegris 650 0 0 0 0% Escaped, captured 4 Nov 1805
San Francisco de Asis [40] 2-decker 74 Capt Don Luis de Florès 683 5 12 17 2% Captured 21 Oct 1805, recaptured 23 Oct 1805, wrecked 23 Oct 1805
San Agustin [41] 2-decker 74 Capt Don Felipe Jado Cagigal 683 181 201 382 56% Captured 21 Oct 1805, 28 Oct abandoned and burnt
Héros [42] 2-decker 74 Flag of France Flag of France Capt Jean-Baptiste-Joseph-René Poulain 640 12 24 36 6% Escaped
Nuestra Señora de la Santísima Trinidad [43] 4-decker 136 Flag of Cuba Rear Admiral Báltasar Hidalgo de Cisneros
Capt Francisco Javier de Uriarte y Borja
1110 216 116 332 30% Captured 21 Oct 1805, foundered 23 Oct 1805
Bucentaure [44] 2-decker 80 Flag of France Flag of France Capt Jean-Jacques Magendie 690 705 197 85 282 40% Captured 21 Oct 1805, recaptured 23 Oct 1805, wrecked 23 Oct 1805
Neptune [45] 2-decker 80 Flag of France Flag of France Commodore Espirit Tranquille Maistral 690 15 39 54 8% Escaped
Redoutable [46] 2-decker 74 Flag of France Flag of France Capt Jean Jacques Etienne Lucas 643
550-600 nominal
300 222 522 81% Captured 21 Oct 1805, foundered 23 Oct 1805
San Leandro [47] 2-decker 64 Capt Don José Quevedo 606 8 22 30 5% Escaped
San Justo [48] 2-decker 74 Capt Don Francisco Javier Garstón 694 0 7 7 1% Escaped
Santa Ana [49] 3-decker 112 Vice-Admiral Vice-Admiral Ignacio María de Álava y Navarrete
Capt Don José de Gardoqui
1053 nominal
95 137 232 21% Captured 21 Oct 1805, recaptured 23 Oct 1805
Indomptable [50] 2-decker 80 Flag of France Flag of France Capt Jean Joseph Hubert 690  ?  ? few 1% Escaped, wrecked 24 Oct 1805 (~1000 killed in wreck including survivors of Bucentaure who had been rescued by Indomptable)
Fougueux [51] 2-decker 74 Flag of France Flag of France Capt Louis Alexis Baudoin † 650  ?  ? 546 84% Captured 21 Oct 1805, wrecked 22 Oct 1805
Intrépide [52] 2-decker 74 Flag of France Capt Louis-Antoine-Cyprien Infernet 680
550-600 nominal
 ?  ? 306 45% Captured 21 Oct 1805, blown up deliberately after evacuating crew 24 Oct 1805
Monarcha [53] 2-decker 74 Capt Don Teodoro de Argumosa 715 101 154 255 36% Captured 21 Oct 1805, foundered 25 Oct 1805 (170k)
Pluton [54] 2-decker 74 Flag of France Flag of France Commodore Julien-Marie Cosmao-Kerjulien 550-600 60 132 192 35% Escaped
Bahama [55] 2-decker 74 Commodore Dionisio Alcalá Galiano 690 75 66 141 20% Captured 21 Oct 1805
L'Aigle [56] 2-decker 74 Flag of France Flag of France Capt Pierre-Paul Gourège 640  ?  ? 270 42% Captured 21 Oct 1805, wrecked 23 Oct 1805
Montãnez [57] 2-decker 74 Capt Francisco Alcedo y Bustamente 715 20 29 49 7% Escaped
Algésiras [58] 2-decker 74 Flag of France Flag of France Rear-Admiral Charles-René Magon de Médine
Capt Laurant Le Tourneur
670 77 142 219 33% Captured 21 Oct 1805, recaptured 23 Oct 1805
Argonauta [59] 2-decker 80 Capt Don Antonio Parejo 683 100 203 303 44% Captured and scuttled 21 Oct 1805
Swiftsure [60] 2-decker 74 Flag of France Flag of the United Kingdom Capt CE l'Hôpitalier-Villemadrin 550-600 68 123 191 35% Captured 21 Oct 1805
Argonaute [61] 2-decker 74 Flag of France Flag of France Capt Jacques Epron 650 55 132 187 29% Escaped
San Ildefonso [62] 2-decker 74 Capt Don Jose Ramón de Vargas y Varáez 669 34 148 182 27% Captured 21 Oct 1805
Achille [63] 2-decker 74 Flag of France Flag of France Capt Louis Gabriel Deniéport 550-600  ?  ? 480 85% Surrendered and blew up 21 October 1805
Principe de Asturias [64] 3-decker 112 Adm Admiral Don Federico Carlos Gravina[65]
Rear-Admiral Don Antonio de Escãno
Commodore Rafael de Hore
1113 54 109 163 15% Escaped
Berwick [66] 2-decker 74 Flag of France Flag of the United Kingdom Capt Jean-Gilles Filhol-Carnas 550-600 >50 >200 250 45% Captured 21 Oct 1805, foundered 22 Oct 1805 (virtually all killed)
San Juan Nepomuceno [67] 2-decker 74 Commodore Don Cosmé Damián Churruca y Elorza| 683 103 151 254 37% Captured 21 Oct 1805
Cornélie [68] frigate 40 Flag of France Flag of France Capt de Martinenq  ? 0 0 0 0% Escaped
Hermione [69] frigate 40 Flag of France Flag of France Capt Mahé  ? 0 0 0 0% Escaped
Hortense [70] frigate 40 Flag of France Flag of France Capt La Marre La Melilerie  ? 0 0 0 0% Escaped
Rhin [71] frigate 40 Flag of France Flag of France Capt MJA Chesneau  ? 0 0 0 0% Escaped
Thémis [72] frigate 40 Flag of France Flag of France Capt Jugan  ? 0 0 0 0% Escaped
Furet [73] brig 18 Flag of France Flag of France Lieut Dumay 130 0 0 0 0% Escaped
Argus [74] brig 16 Flag of France Flag of France Lieut Tailliard 110 0 0 0 0% Escaped

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ p115-122, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
    Nelson's Navy claims 18k 44w
  2. ^ 21-32, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
    Nelson's Navy
    Clash of Steel
  3. ^ p41-46, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
    Nelson's Navy
  4. ^ p38-41, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
    Nelson's Navy
  5. ^ p86-90, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
    Nelson's Navy
  6. ^ p75-78, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
    Nelson's Navy
  7. ^ p12-16, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
    Nelson's Navy
  8. ^ p122-131, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
    Nelson's Navy
  9. ^ p58-62, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
    Nelson's Navy claims 2 k 9 w
  10. ^ p98-102, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
    Nelson's Navy
  11. ^ p94-98, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
    Nelson's Navy
  12. ^ p106-109, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
    Nelson's Navy claims 3k 20w
  13. ^ p16-21, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
    Nelson's Navy
  14. ^ p62-65, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
    Nelson's Navy claims 33k 93w
  15. ^ p90-94, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
    Nelson's Navy claims 29k 69w
  16. ^ p50-54, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
    Nelson's Navy
  17. ^ p66-72, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
    Nelson's Navy claims 27k 123w
  18. ^ p72-75, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
    Nelson's Navy claims 46k 160w
  19. ^ p55-58, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
    Nelson's Navy
  20. ^ p102-105, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
    Nelson's Navy
  21. ^ p131-133, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
    Nelson's Navy
  22. ^ p109-112, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805 This spells the Captain's name: Rutherford
    Nelson's Navy
  23. ^ p34-38, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
    Nelson's Navy
  24. ^ p83-86, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
    Nelson's Navy
  25. ^ p112-115, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
    Nelson's Navy
  26. ^ p78-92, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
    Nelson's Navy
  27. ^ p46-50, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
    Nelson's Navy
  28. ^ p140-144, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
    Nelson's Navy
  29. ^ p135-139, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
    Nelson's Navy
  30. ^ p145-149, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805 This spells the captain's name: Capell
    Nelson's Navy
  31. ^ p150-153, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
    Nelson's Navy
  32. ^ p154-159, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
    Nelson's Navy
  33. ^ p159-161, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
    Nelson's Navy
  34. ^ p208-9, 222-3, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
  35. ^ p163-4, 195-7, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
  36. ^ p208-9, 217-8, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
  37. ^ p163-4, 167-9, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
  38. ^ p163-4, 181-7, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
  39. ^ p163-4, 191-2, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
  40. ^ p208-9, 227, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
  41. ^ p208-9, 226-7, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
  42. ^ p163-4, 188-9, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
  43. ^ p208-212, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
  44. ^ p163-7, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
  45. ^ p163-4, 171-2, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
  46. ^ p163-4, 193-5, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
  47. ^ p208-9, 233-4, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
  48. ^ p208-9, 232-3, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
  49. ^ p208-9, 214-7, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
  50. ^ p163-4, 169-71, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
  51. ^ p163-4, 187-9, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
  52. ^ p163-4, 189-90, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
  53. ^ p208-9, 225-6, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
  54. ^ p163-4, 192-3, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
  55. ^ (or 100k 150w) p208-9, 23-5, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
  56. ^ p163-4, 174-5, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
    Clash of Steel
  57. ^ p208-9, 220-1, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
  58. ^ p163-4, 175-6, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
  59. ^ p208-9, 219-20, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
  60. ^ p163-4, 197-200, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
  61. ^ p163-4, 176, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
  62. ^ p208-9, 228-30, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
  63. ^ p163-4, 172-3, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
    Clash of Steel
  64. ^ p208-9, 212-4, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
  65. ^ Gravina died in 1806 due to wounds received in the battle from which he never recovered.
  66. ^ p163-4, 177-81, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
  67. ^ p208-9, 230-2, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
  68. ^ p163-4, 201, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
  69. ^ p163-4, 202, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
  70. ^ p163-4, 202-3, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
  71. ^ p163-4, 203-5, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
  72. ^ p163-4, 205-6, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
  73. ^ p163-4, 206-7, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805
  74. ^ p163-4, 207, Goodwin The Ships of Trafalgar, the British, French and Spanish Fleets October 1805

[edit] External links