Portal:Transylvania/Selected article/1
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Partium or Részek is the name given in Latin and Hungarian to the region located to the north and west of Transylvania.
In 1526, after the Battle of Mohács, the Kingdom of Hungary was overrun by the Ottomans, but effectively split into 3 parts in 1541 when the Ottomans captured Buda. The Habsburgs got a foothold in the north and west (Royal Hungary), with the new capital Bratislava. King John I of Hungary from the Zápolya house, the former voivode of Transylvania and the wealtiest and the most powerful landlord after Mohacs, secured the eastern part of the Kingdom (referred as Eastern Hungarian Kingdom by Hungarian scholars) with the help of the Ottomans. On 29 February 1528, the sultan assented to an alliance with Zapolya and gave written assurance of his support. More . . .