TPS report

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A TPS report is a document used in software engineering, in particular by a Software Quality Assurance group or individual, that describes the testing procedures and the testing process.

The official definition and creation is provided by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) as follows:

IEEE 829 - Test Procedure Specification
The Test Procedures are developed from both the Test Design and the Test Case Specification. The document describes how the tester will physically run the test, the physical set-up required, and the procedure steps that need to be followed. The standard defines ten procedure steps that may be applied when running a test.'

"TPS Reports" are also used in many banks to report activity on the "Transaction Processing System" that is used on mainframe computers to process financial transactions.

[edit] In popular culture

  • TPS report has come to denote pointless mindless paperwork after its use in the comedy film Office Space. In the story, a primary character is reprimanded by several of his superiors for forgetting to put the new cover sheet on his TPS report.
  • Mentioned in a line of dialogue from the series Lost in the season one episode entitled "Walkabout." In a flashback sequence, Locke is reminded by his boss that he needs to submit his TPS reports by noon.
  • In the "Terry's World" episode of Terry Tate: Office Linebacker, Terry tackles a coworker for failing to put a cover sheet on a TPS report.

[edit] In Video Games

  • In the action video-game Counter-Strike: Source, on the map cs_office, the player can see TPS reports on a shelf in a storage room. The reports are titled "TPS Reports '99".
  • TPS reports can be found in the FPS shooter F.E.A.R.

[edit] External links