Town hall in Banska Stiavnica

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[edit] Town hall in Banska Stiavnica

As a ground floor house in gothic style it existed already in 14. century with the name STUBA PRAETORIANA or STUBA JUDICIS. Since the time in years 1507 a 1679 was renaissancely modified and extended. Chapel of St. Anna was build out to the building, demolished in 18.century and on its place a sculpture of Panna Maria was build. Today's baroque appearance was given by project of stiavnica‘s mason master Pircker in years 1787-88. Constructional cost was 8444 florens a 15 red cents. A town prison was situated in basement of town hall.

In councilchamber of town hall the TRACTAT took place on October 22, 1704 e.g. peace treatise of duke of Transsylvania František Rakoczy II. with representatives of king Leopold I. Envoys of English and Dutch government participated too.

Beginning of market was announced from a tower of town hall.

Two out of seven legendary stiavnica wonders relate to the town hall. One of them are the clocks on the tower, which hands are swapped. Big hand shows hours and the small one minutes. Another stiavnica wonder which belongs to town hall is itself architectonical design of entrance, which is not from a front side as expected but from back side. The story goes that it’s because members of council don’t want people to know when they end their meetings and vanish to surrounding taverns, those essentially appertained to life in Banska Štiavnica in past so in nowadays.

Attentive visitor surely notice flag of UNESCO beside national flag in front of entrance to town hall. On the right side of the entrance is situated memorial tablet (slovak): "Historical city Banska Stiavnica and technical remains in its surroundings was written into list of world cultural heritage on December 9, 1993 as confirmation of their rare cultural value, which deserve protection in the benefit of whole mankind."

[edit] Location

Town Hall in Banska Stiavnica in GoogleMaps

[edit] Sources

  • official site of city Banska Stiavnica