Toshiko Shiguri

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Name Information Information 2
Toshiko Shiguri Occupation: Singer/actor/model Nationality: Japanese
Agent: Junko Maekeda Since: 2003 Met: Fruits Basket: MUSICAL auditions


[edit] Overview

Toshiko Shiguri was born on the September 11, 1994. Her father divorced her mother because he had no money to support them both. Toshiko was raised by her grandfather, and only has vague recollections of both her parents. She enjoyed school, and her cheerful, happy-go-lucky personality won her many friends and advisors, as well as teachers who enjoyed her presence. She grew to become a smart, rather pretty young girl.

However,Toshiko's life had barely started.

[edit] Influences in Early Years

Toshiko had always enjoyed music when she was a young girl, as her grandfather thought that music was a great way to entertain and comfort yourself. He sent her off to violin lessons, but, unable to bear the squawking sounds she produced, enrolled her for singing instead. Toshiko turned out to have a beautiful voice, one that broke hearts. Her grandfather encouraged her singing greatly.

However, when news arrived that her father had died in an accident, Toshiko became rather withdrawn. She refused to sing, eat, or do anything. She remained in this state for several years. By this time, she had already graduated from grade school, but not the highest in her class. Her depression made her lose many of her friends, and, at a point, her beautiful voice. Her grandfather, fearful for her sanity - and his - sent her to a boarding house. For the next year or so of her life, Toshiko would remain there.
Even there, Toshiko did not perform better. Her teachers were baffled by her sudden demise into herself. Only one nun, a foreign English nun by the name of Sarah, surname unknown, attempted to understand her. Eventually, she managed to unravel Toshiko's painful past, and comforted the girl. Toshiko started singing again, determined that she would rise up from the pit she had dug herself into.

Her grandfather accepted her back with open arms after that, and Sarah watched her go cheerfully. The two promised to keep in contact and keep supporting one another. This strange nun was Toshiko's main source of support for all her trouble-filled years. Before Toshiko left, Sarah gave her the first battered copy of the Fruits Basket manga for comfort.

[edit] Going On Stage

When she was eight, Toshiko's grandfather's health rapidly deteriorated. He pleaded with Toshiko to go live elsewhere, perhaps with Sarah, but Toshiko refused to. She wouldn't abandon her family. Instead, she used her looks - and her charm - to earn a place in the modelling agency. The modelling agency (name unknown) welcomed her. They taught her the basics of stage etiquette, and primed her for the career they were sure was coming next.

Still, her pay was not enough to support both her and her grandfather. When the news that a Fruits Basket Musical, one of Toshiko's favorite manga, was calling for auditions, she went along. The judges, Kotaro Fukuda and Junko Maekeda were blown away by her energy and her tremendous effort. She was the first of the cast to be recruited.

Toshiko was an immense hit with the audience. Her portrayal of Kisa won hearts over, and her singing enraptured thousands. Among the rest of the cast, she alone, stood out. Kotaro seized this opportunity; upped her pay and upped her position. Her character as Kisa was promoted to something of a main lead, and more interest in the young girl was raised.

Along the way, Junko Maekeda became her manager/agent as well.

[edit] Current Itenary

Toshiko continues her modelling job, her singing lessons, and keeps her character as Kisa. A TV producer by the name of Dairu Tanaka approached her for an offer on her being the lead in one of his new TV series, Moshi! Moshi!. Although Toshiko rejected his offer at the time, she has now agreed to think on it, as the plotline is interesting. She is also currently recording an album with Sony BMG - Japan, under the stage name Tosh. Many of her fans already affectionately nickname her this.

[edit] Influential Toshiko

Toshiko is extremely influential to young girls her age. She promotes awareness of self, and learning to appreciate yourself. She certainly is no anorexic model, but one who is comfortable with herself, and enjoys food! Her cheerful, happy-go-lucky manner certainly wins many fans over. From an interview, the young starlet said this:

"Everyone has the right to feel good about themselves. No-one is ugly. Those who call others 'fat' or 'ugly' are simply jealous of how beautiful or how wonderful the person in questin really is. If you think negative thoughts, they'll simply bounceb ack at you. Life is for optimism, not for pesstimistic thoughts."

As a result of this, many young girls now worship Toshiko, forming fan clubs and fan sites, and often stalking the young girl. However, her influence over them is calming, and her words certainly work magic on them. The suicide and obesity rates for girls who know her have gone down immensely. The Japanese Government have considered contacting Toshiko, and offering her the position of Youth Supervisor, although plans on this are unknown right now.

[edit] Trivia

Every ten feet you go, you will meet at least three Toshi-chan fans.
The official fanclub consists of over 78% of Japan's population!
Her supposed co-star on Moshi! Moshi! and fellow pairing actor of Hiro Sohma, Kai Tetsushi, is currently in a long-term relationship with her - and just as popular!
Her first ever song 'Aoi no Uta', remained on the Oricon Charts until four months later, despite the fact that it was 'old', due to the immense support of her fans.
It is rumored that Toshiko might cut her hair so that she may play the lead in Natsuki Takaya's newest series, Twinkle Stars, in the musical Kotaro and Junko are planning.
There are some celebrity magazines that feature a 'Who's Hot Right Now?' space, and in them, Toshiko has such a fixed, permanent place that now they only rate her popularity compare to newcomers.
Several upset/suicidal fans/observers have called Toshiko's agent, who passed the call onto Toshiko. Toshiko always left whatever she was doing to come and talk to them, thus changing their minds (and incidentally, also converting them to Toshi-chan fans!)