Toronto Environmental Alliance

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The Toronto Environmental Alliance (TEA) was founded in Toronto in 1988. TEA focuses its efforts on five major subjects: smog and climate change, public transit, toxics and urban pesticides, waste reduction, and clean water. The organization has a membership of over 8,000 individuals. The Executive Director is Franz Hartman. Mr. Hartman received a Ph.D. in Environmental Politics from York University in Toronto.

TEA campaigns locally to find solutions to Toronto's urban environmental problems.

Its website says "Our Mission is to promote a greener Toronto. We work with concerned individuals, community groups, professionals and workers, encouraging the participation of local people on local issues."

Its vision is for a healthy community is based on equity, access, safety and a clean environment.

TEA focuses on five major campaign areas, where we undertake research, education and action on Smog and Climate Change, Public Transit, Toxics and Urban Pesticides, Waste Reduction and Clean Water.

TEA has a membership base of 8,000 individuals that donate every year. These unrestricted public donations allow us to pursue our core mandate to promote a greener Toronto enabling us to spend time talking to City Councillors and engage residents in public policy debates.

TEA was founded in 1988 to pursue this mission of instilling environmental responsibility within municipal governments, investigating innovative, local solutions and encouraging cities to become advocates for the environment.

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