Talk:Torque Game Engine Advanced

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I wrote a licensing thing for this article, though I'm not the best writer. Feel free to correct.

[edit] Blatant advertising.

I am very surprised no one else has commented on this yet but this entire article reads more like a promotion/advertisement than an unbiased informational article.

Beyond that, it has a plug for one of Garage Games' own products, Marble Blast in one of the opening paragraphs (to paraphrase)...

"Bill Gates' child has been quoted as stating his child likes Marble Blast Ultra"?

And...? What does that have to do with TGEA itself? Exactly.. nothing at all. That's not intended to inform. It's intended to sell. It's a blatant plug. If it were listed in a matter-of-fact manner, along with a list of other games produced, or currently in production, using the tech, its intent might be only slightly less obvious.

And the rest of the "article" goes on to promote, rather than discuss, the engine. I see nothing about what languages it supports. Nothing about its editors, its scripting language, the terrain system, nothing about any of that. It's all marketing talking-points.

Further still, the "advertisement" is riddled with biased comments "It has all the best features from TGE" - The best according to whom? Oh right.. the marketing person who typed this up.

This is ridiculous. Someone might come here actually looking for some useful information on the engine, and all they're getting is a poorly veiled brochure.

Unless Wikipedia welcomes marketing in lieu of actual articles, I'd really love to see them remove this until someone can actually write up a real, unbiased and purely informational article on it instead of this.

Kuroi07 21:50, 26 October 2007 (UTC)