Topologist's sine curve

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In the branch of mathematics known as topology, the topologist's sine curve is a topological space with several interesting properties that make it an important textbook example.


[edit] Definition

The topologist's sine curve can be defined as the graph of the function sin(1/x) over the interval (0, 1] extended by the single point (0,0). This set is then equipped with the topology induced from the Euclidean plane. This topological space is usually denoted by T.

[edit] Image of the curve

Topologist's Sine Curve

As x approaches zero, 1/x approaches infinity at an increasing rate. This is why the frequency of the sine wave increases on the left side of the graph.

[edit] Properties

The topologist's sine curve T is connected but neither locally connected nor path connected. This is because it includes the point (0,0), by definition; as x approaches zero from above, there is no way to link the function to the origin so as to make a path.

T is the continuous image of a locally compact space (namely, let V be the space {−1} ∪ (0, 1], and use the map f from V to T defined by f(−1) = (0, 0) and f(x) = (x, sin(1/x))), but is not locally compact itself.

[edit] Variations

Two variations of the topologist's sine curve have other interesting properties.

The closed topologist's sine curve can be defined by taking the topologist's sine curve and adding to it the set \{(0,y)\mid y\in[-1,1]\}. This space is compact, but has similar properties to the topologist's sine curve -- it too is connected but neither locally connected nor path-connected.

The extended topologist's sine curve can be defined by taking the topologist's sine curve and adding to it the set \{(x,1) \mid x\in[0,1]\}. It is arc connected but not locally connected.

[edit] References
