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On February 2, 2001 a movie came onto the big screen that would be an amazing eye opener. The name of the movie - "Left Behind". The story of the movie was about a select group of people (Christians) that would disappear from the earth without a trace. God would take his people from the earth before a great and terrible trial and tribulation is to hit the earth, such as this world has never seen. On September 11th, 2001, just seven months after Left Behind hit the big screen, America was hit with a terrible tragedy that briefly if for a moment united people together in brotherhood. Little did anyone know that on September 23rd, 2001 on at around 1:00 am in the morning, God would use a man that had lost all hope or desire to remain on this earth. In what he claims to be the most amazing event God has shown on the earth since his resurrection. God caught this man up to heaven by the sounding of a trumpet. Approximately two years had passed since this event happened and still this man was not sure at to what had happened to him. At the beginning he thought he had a near death experience. But God would reveal in detail just exactly what had happened to him. God had literally and physically shown him what the "Rapture" would be like and that he was commanded to tell the world that the Rapture is at hand and most surely will happen.
The amazing thing about this event is that it happened just 7 months after the movie "Left Behind" came out! Coincidence, or truth?
This man has seen many things through visions from God to include: Jesus Second Coming, the first Trial and Tribulation that will hit the earth of hail and fire mixed with blood that will destroy a third of the earth and Jesus Crucifixion! He hopes to have his book published on these accounts to include artist drawings of what Jesus really looks like and the events he has been shown by God. Look for the book : "A Trumpet's Call" to be out by 2008. Although no man knows the time or date of Jesus Second Coming which is separate from the Rapture, this man believes we truly are in the last days and that we need to repent of our sins and come to know and have a relationship with the creator of both the heavens and the earth and everything in them - Jesus!
Peace to all