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Born in Três de Maio - RS - Brazil, Toni Peterson Lazaro moved from Horizontina to Julio de Castilhos and finally Osório, when he was six years old. Studied at E.E. General Osório and got his “A” levels at E.E. Ildefonso Simões Lopes. In 1990, after finish the school, started his music studies mainly with the Maestro Algacyr Costa and Rima Music Academy, improving years later with Maestro Paulo Dorfman. In 1991 started playing with the "Orquestra Casablanca", where had been for almost ten years. Toni played with several artists around Brazil for years in festivals and produced songs and artists CDs during this period. After a passage in the reggae band “Rastamanos” and the pop cover band “Cover Boys”, came to Europe, where played with Dudu Penz and Diana Miranda.