Tommaso Crudeli

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Tommaso Crudeli
Tommaso Crudeli

Tommaso Baldasarre Crudeli (December 21, 1703- March 27, 1745) was a Florentine free thinker who was imprisoned by the Roman Inquisition. Because of his membership of a Masonic lodge, he is often celebrated as a martyr for Freemasonry.

[edit] Chronology

  • 1703-12-21 Born at Poppi (Arezzo, Tuscany)
  • 1726 Law degree in Pisa
  • 1733 Fifth Italian adept of the Masonic lodge in Florence (the first in Italy, founded by English agent Philipp von Stosch)
  • 1739-05-09 Arrested in Florence by the Holy Inquisition, imprisoned for 16 months in S. Croce Church
  • 1741-04 Released from prison and sentenced to house arrest in Poppi
  • 1745-03-27 Died in Poppi and was buried in a common grave in S. Fedele Abbey
  • 1747-10-15 Literary works were put on the Index Librorum Prohibitorum and burned in Piazza della Signoria in Florence

[edit] References
