Tokyo Kodomo Club
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Tokyo Kodomo Club (東京こどもクラブ Tōkyō Kodomo Kurabu?), meaning Tokyo Children Club, is an early childhood education program published in Japan in an audio-visual format, distributed monthly on a record. The 7-inch record contained stories and songs, accompanied by a picture book that could be bound in a special folder. The early-childhood education program came in two courses: a 2-4 year old course and a 5-7 year old course. Each of the courses was designed to complete in 12 months. In addition on a quarterly basis, the Club sent out supplimental stories, songs and and other music on a 12-inch record. The recitations on Side A were by "Uncle Maeda" (前田武彦 Takehiko Maeda?), and on Side B, "Bin-chan" (楠トシエ Toshie Kusunoki?). The records were monaural recordings at 33-1/3 rpm. Presently, the recordings have gone out of print, making their procurement quite difficult.
Contents |
[edit] Programs
The programs were designed to familiarize children with stories and songs from around the world, with emphasis on European orchestal works. Main story narration often featured Classical music as a background music in order to help set the tone of the story. The bullets found in the index to each lesson were color-coded: red for the main story, blue for the songs and yellow for the occasional extra story. In the original course series, the main stories and songs were bulleted with a star and the extra stories with a circle. However, in later course series, they switched their bullets to red circles, blue squares and yellow triangles, keeping the same color code as before.
[edit] Basic Course
[edit] 2-4 year old
Unit | Side A | Side B |
1 | Introduction: This is Tokyo Kodomo Club Story: Three Little Pigs |
Song: Clinch and Open (むすんでひらいて Musunde Hiraite?) Song: Cuckoo, Cuckoo Story: The Zoo (どうぶつえん Dōbutsuen?) |
2 | Story: The Tortoise and the Hare | Song: Tulips (ちゅーりっぷ Chūrippu?) Song: Elephant (ぞうさん Zō-san?) Song: Kewpie (きゅーぴーさん Kyūpī-san?) |
3 | Story: The Giant Turnip (おおきなかぶ Ōki na Kabu?) | Song: Chestnut Rolly-rolly (どんぐりころころ Donguri Koro-Koro?) Story: The Little Lost-one (まいごちゃん Maigo-chan?) |
4 | Story: The Town Musicians of Bremen | Song: Pigeon Coo-coo (はとぽっぽ Hato Poppo?) Song: Butterfly (ちょうちょう Chōchō?) Song: Sunset (ゆうやけこやけ Yū-yake Ko-yake?) |
5 | Story: Little Black Sambo [1] | Song: Ant on an Errand (おつかいありさん O-tsukai Ari-san?) Story: County Mouse and Tokyo Mouse |
6 | Story: Roll-away Riceball (おむすびころりん O-musubi Kororin?) | Song: Bonfire (たきび Takibi?) Song: Swish-swish-swoosh (きゅっきゅっきゅう Kyŭ-Kyŭ-Kyū?) Song: March of the Toys (おもちゃのまーち O-mocha no Māchi?) |
7 | Story: The Wolf and the Seven Young Kids | Song: Swing (ぶらんこ Buranko?) Song: Hen and Chick (にわとりとひよこ Niwatori to Hiyoko?) |
8 | Story: Momotarō | Song: Reply of the Good Kids (よいこのおへんじ Yoi-ko no Henji?) Song: Horses (おうま O-uma?) Song: Pine cone (まつぼっくり Matsu Bokkuri?) |
9 | Story: Little Red Riding Hood | Song: Ladybug (てんとうむし Tentōmushi?) Story: Harumi and Natsuo (はるみちゃんとなつおちゃん Harumi-chan to Natsuo-chan?) |
10 | Story: Kintarō | Song: Crayon (くれよんちゃん Kureyon-chan?) Song: Let's Play (あそびましょ Asobimasho?) Song: Dragonfly's Glasses (とんぼのめがね Tonbo no megane?) |
11 | Story: Goldilocks and the Three Bears | Song: Crow's Seven Chiildren (七つのこ Nanatsu no Ko?) Story: Kindergarten of Friendly Animals and Birds (なかよしどうぶつと小鳥の幼稚園 Nakayoshi Dōbutsu to Kotori no Yōchien?) |
12 | Story: Hanasaka Jiisan | Song: Playhouse (ままごと Mamagoto?) Song: High-high (たかいたかい Takai-takai?) Song: The Flower Smiled (おはながわらった O-hana ga Waratta?) |
[edit] 5-7 year old
Unit | Side A | Side B |
1 | Story: The Happy Prince | Song: Sea (うみ Umi?) Song: Dangerous Takashi (あぶなかったたかしちゃん Abunakatta Takashi-chan?) [citation needed] |
2 | Story: Old Man with a Wen (こぶとり Kobu-tori [Jiisan]?) | Song: Cradle Song (ゆりかごのうた Yurikago no Uta?) Song: Seven Evenings (たなばた Tanabata?) Song: Magical Pocket (ふしぎなポケット Fushigi na Poketto?) [citation needed] |
3 | Story: Puss in Boots | Song: Sunset (ゆうひ Yūhi?) Story: World Travels of Usa and Mimi Rabbit (うさちゃんとみみちゃんのせかいりょこう Usa-chan to Mimi-chan no Sekai Ryokō?) [citation needed] |
4 | Story: Fūren Haze (from Shack Forest) (ふうれんもうろう(ふるやのもり) Fūren Mōrō (Furu-ya no Mori)?) | Song: Koinobori (こいのぼり Koi-nobori?) Song: Goldfish's Nap (きんぎょのひるね Kingyo no Hirune?) Song: Tomato (トマト Tomato?) [citation needed] |
5 | Story: Seven Stars (Russian Folktale) | Song: Satchan (さっちゃん Sat-chan?) Story: Word-play (ことばあそび Kotoba-asobi?) [citation needed] |
6 | Story: Straw Millionaire (わらしべ長者 Warashibe Chōja?) | Song: If Guessed Right, You're Smart (あてたらえらいな Atetara Erai na?) Song: Ten Little Indians Song: Camel (らくだ Rakuda?) [citation needed] |
7 | Story: Snow White | Song: Gargling (うがい Ugai?) Story: Counting Game (かずあそび Kazu-asobi?) [citation needed] |
8 | Story: Issun-bōshi | Song: Song of the Bird (ことりのうた Kotori no Uta?) Song: Jump-rope (なわとび Nawa-tobi?) Song: Spring Came (はるがきた Haru ga Kita?) [citation needed] |
9 | Story: Urashima Tarō | Song: Merrily We Roll Along (song) Story: Akio and Fuyuko ( あきおちゃんとふゆこちゃん Akio-chan to Fuyuko-chan?) |
10 | Story: Pinocchio | Song: Mail Goat (やぎさんゆうびん Yagi-san Yūbin?) Song: Clock Song (とけいのうた Tokei no Uta?) Song: Mr. Moon (おつきさま O-tsuki-sama?) |
11 | Story: The Golden Goose | Song: Mountain Musician (やまのおんがくか Yama no Ongakuka?) Story: Spring Summer Autumn Winter (はる なつ あき ふゆ Haru Natsu Aki Fuyu?) |
12 | Story: The Giant Corn (American Folktale) | Song: Chatty Fingers (おはなしゆび O-hanashi Yubi?) Song: Hungry Song (おなかのへるうた O-naka no Heru Uta?) |
[edit] Graduate Course
[edit] 2-4 year old
Unit | Side A | Side B | ||
1 | Story: Hansel and Gretel | Song: London Bridge is Falling Down Song: Bear Child (こどものくま Kodomo no Kuma?) Song: Scarab Beetle (こがねむし Koganemushi?) Song: Rock-Paper-Scissors (じゃんけんぽん Jan-ken-pon?) |
2 | Story: Pied Piper of Hamlin | Song: Button Boy (ぼたんのぼうや Botan no Bōya?) Song: Birthday (たんじょうび Tanjōbi?) Story: Chieko's Dream (ちえ子ちゃんの夢 Chieko-chan no Yume?) |
3 | Story: Emperor's New Clothes | Song: Mr. Bunny in the Box (はこのなかのうさぎさん Hako no Naka no Usagi-san?) Song: Old Man Cobbler (くつやのおじさん Kutsu-ya no O-jii-san?) Song: Mr. Piggy (こぶたさん Kobuta-san?) Song: Blocks (つみき Tsumiki?) |
4 | Story: Jack and the Beanstalk |
5 | Story: The Three Wishes | Song: Buzz-buzz-buzz Buzy Little Bee (ぶんぶんぶん Bun-bun-bun?) Song: Catch a Red Bird (あかいとりことり Akai Kotori Tori?) Song: Rain-fall Bear Cub (あめふりくまのこ Ame-furi Kuma no Ko?) Song: Sound of Bells (かねのね Kane no Ne?) |
6 | Story: The Honest Woodcutter | Song: Story (おはなし O-hanashi?) Song: Song of the Mountain (山のうた Yama no Uta?) Story: Miracle of Fire (火のふしぎ Hi no Fushigi?) |
7 | Story: The Dog and the Shadow | Song: A-ha-ha, A-ha-ha (あはは、あはは A-ha-ha, A-ha-ha?) Song: Tranquil Lakeshore Meadow (静かな湖畔の Shizuka na Kohan No?) Song: Parrot (おうむ Ōmu?) Song: Amusement-park Airplane (ゆうえんちのひこうき Yūenchi no Hikōki?) |
8 | Story: The Snow Maiden | Song: Under the Spreading Chestnut Tree Story: Hiro's Adventure (ひろちゃんの冒険 Hiro-chan no Bōken?) |
9 | Story: King Midas Has Donkey's Ears |
10 | Story: Cinderella | Song: Chick (ひよこ Hiyoko?) Song: Playhouse (おままごと O-mamagoto?) Story: Adventures of Shin (新ちゃんの冒険 Shin-chan no Bōken?) |
11 | Story: The Adventures of Mouse Deer |
12 | Story: Ivan the Fool | Song: That Dog is Strange (あのいぬへんだ Ano Inu Hen Da?) Song: Mountain Waltz (やまのワルツ Yama no Warutsu?) Story: Canary that Flew into the Sky (空を飛んだカナリア Sora o Tonda Kanaria?) |
[edit] 5-7 year old
Unit | Side A | Side B | ||
1 | Story: Seal skin (アザラシの皮 Azarashi no Kawa?) |
2 | Story: Brer Rabbit and Brer Fox |
3 | Story: The Lion That Wore Glasses |
4 | Story: Ugly Duckling |
5 | Story: The Canterville Ghost |
Song: The Boy Writes (ぼうやがかいた Bōya ga Kaita?) |
6 | Story: Little Lord Fauntleroy |
Song: Teeter-Totter (ぎっこんばったん Gikkon-battan?) |
7 | Story: Gulliver's Travels | Song: Aunt Michelle (ミシェルおばさん Misheru O-ba-san?) Song: I've Been Working on the Railroad Song: Doctor Eisenbart Song: Cowboy's Yodel (うしかいのヨーデル Ushikai no Yōderu?) |
8 | Story: The Merchant of Venice | Song: Rocket (ロケット Roketto?) Song: The Old Gray Mare Story: Electric Path (でんきのみち Denki no Michi?) |
9 | Story: Heidi |
10 | Story: Julia and Latos (ユリアとラトス Yuria to Ratosu?) |
11 | Story: Bluebeard |
12 | Story: Noah's Ark |
[edit] Quarterly suppliments
[edit] Spring
Spring (はる Haru?)
Side A | Side B |
Song: Spring, Come! (はるよこい Haru yo Koi?) | Singing lessons |
Song: Spring Came (はるがきた Haru ga Kita?) | Story: The White Carousel-horse (しろいもくば Shiroi Mokuba?) |
Song: Nightingale (うぐいす Uguisu?) | |
Song: Cherry-blossom (さくらさくら Sakura Sakura?) | |
Song: It Opened, It Opened (ひらいたひらいた Hiraita Hiraita?) | |
Song: Koinobori (こいのぼり Koi-nobori?) | |
Song: Swish-swish-swoosh (きゅっきゅっきゅう Kyŭ-Kyŭ-Kyū?) | |
Song: Springbrook (はるのおがわ Haru no Ogawa?) |
[edit] Summer
Summer (なつ Natsu?)
Side A | Side B |
Song: Story of Natchan (なっちゃんのおはな Nat-chan no O-hanashi?) | Story: Thumbelina |
Song: Star (おほしさま O-hoshi-sama?) | Singing lessons |
Song: Song of the garden (おにわのうた O-niwa no Uta?) | |
Song: Water-play (みずあそび Mizu-asobi?) | |
Song: Frog Chorus (かえるのがっしょう Kaeru no Gasshō?) | |
Song: Fireworks (はなび Hanabi?) | |
Song: Snail (かたつむり Katatsumuri?) | |
Song: Story of the watermelon (すいかちゃんのおはなし Suika-chan no O-hanashi?) |
[edit] Autumn
Autumn (あき Aki?)
Side A | Side B |
Song: Fall, Fall! (ふれー・ふれー Furē–Furē?) | Song: Song of Falling Leaves (おちばのうた Ochiba no Uta?) |
Song: Maple (もみじ Momiji?) | Story: The Tiny Violin (ちいさなばいおりん Chiisa na Baiorin?) |
Song: Chestnut Nut Boy (くりのみぼうや Kuri-no-mi Bōya?) | Song: Cricket (こおろぎ Kōrogi?) |
Song: Dragonfly (とんぼ Tonbo?) | Song: Insect Voices (むしのこえ Mushi no Koe?) |
[edit] Winter
Winter (ふゆ Fuyu?)
Side A | Side B |
Story: The Little Match Girl | Song: Snow (ゆき Yuki?) |
Song: New Years (おしょうがつ O-shougatsu?) | Song: Snowman (ゆきだるま Yuki-daruma?) |
Song: Stare-down (にらめっこ Niramekko?) | Song: Icicle Measurements (つららのせくらべ Tsurara no Se-kurabe?) |
Song: Song of the Kite (たこのうた Tako no Uta?) | Song: Bean-toss (まめまき Mame-maki?) |
Song: Jingle Bells | |
Song: Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer | |
Song: Joy to the World | |
Song: O Tannenbaum | |
Song: Silent Night |
[edit] The Purple Flowers
The Purple Flowers: Mother who Fell Ill (むらさきのはな:びょうきになったおかあさん Murasaki no Hana: Byōki ni natta O-kā-san?)
Side A | Side B |
Song: Bear Climbed over the Mountain | Song: Mom is Busy (かあさんはいそがしい Kā-san wa Isogashii?) |
Song: Meadow March (そうげんのマーチ Sōgen no Māchi?) | Singing lessons |
Song: Mary Had a Little Lamb | |
Song: Picnic (ぴくにっく Pikunikku?) | |
Song: Song of a Bird (ことりのうた Kotori no Uta?) | |
Song: Brahms' Lullaby | |
Song: Found It! (みーつけた Mītsuketa?) |
[edit] Let's sing with Dad
Let's sing with Dad (おとさんとうたいましょう O-tō-san to Utaimashō?)
Side A | Side B |
Story (1) | Story (3) |
Story (2) | Song: Hol-di-li-di-a (ホルディリディア Horudiridia?) |
Song: Sur le pont d'Avignon | |
Song: Sōran-tune (そうらんぶし Sōran bushi?) | |
Song: Lullaby of Itsuki (いつきのこもりうた Itsuki no Komori-Uta?) | |
Song: At Uncle's Pastures (おじさんのまきばで O-ji-san no Makiba de?) | |
Song: Li'l Eel, Li'l Carp (どじょっこふなっこ Dojokko Funakko?) | |
Song: Egg and the Chicken (タマゴとニワトリ Tamago to Niwatori?) | |
Song: Folktune from Kagoshima (かごしまおはらぶし Kagoshima Ohara-bushi?) | |
Song: The Sea (うみ Umi?) |
[edit] Uncle's Pastures
Uncle's Pastures (おじさんのまきばで O-ji-san no Makiba?)
Side A | Side B |
Story: Uncle's Pastures (おじさんのまきばで O-ji-san no Makiba?) | Story: Yuka's Shopping (ゆかちゃんのおかいもの Yuka-chan no O-kaimono?) |
Song: I've Been Working on the Railroad | Song: Let's Go For A Stroll (おさんぽしよう Osampo shiyou?) |
Song: Summer Mountain (なつのやま Natsu no Yama?) | Song: Good Friend (いいなともだち Ii na Tomodachi?) |
Song: Song For a Rainy Day (あめふりのひのうた Ame-furi no Hi no Uta?) | Song: Flower Ring (はなのまわりで Hana no Mawari de?) |
Song: Moo Moo Cow (もうもううしさん Mou-mou Ushi-san?) | Song: Clip-clop Clatter-clatter (Poka-Poka Teku-Teku?) |
Song: Just One More Lullaby (もーつあるとのこもりうた Mo-hitotsu Aru to no Komori-uta?) | |
Song: Gleaming Star (ちかちかおほしさま Chika-chika O-hoshi-sama?) |
[edit] Kodomo Concert Hall
The Kodomo Concert Hall series were recordings of the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra.
Kodomo Concert Hall No. 1: Introduction to the Orchestra (オーケストラ入門 Ōkesutora Nyūmon?) |
Kodomo Concert Hall No. 2: Swan Lake |
Kodomo Concert Hall No. 3: Around the World in Music (音楽せかいめぐり Ongaku Sekai-meguri?) |
Kodomo Concert Hall No. 4: A Musical play: Maya the Bee |
Kodomo Concert Hall No. 5: The Nutcracker |
Kodomo Concert Hall No. 6: Peter and the Wolf |
Kodomo Concert Hall No. 7: Full of Fun Sounds (たのしいおとがいっぱい Tanoshii Oto ga Ippai?) |
[edit] Uncle Kōji's Story Bag
Uncle Kōji's Story Bag (コージおじさんのおはなしぶくろ Kōji ojisan no Ohanashibukuro?)
Story Bag No. 1: Why is the Ocean Salty? (うみのみずはなぜしおからいか Umi no Mizu wa Naze Shio-karai ka?) |
Story Bag No. 2: Snow Woman (ゆきおんな Yuki-onna?) |
Story Bag No. 3: Happy Flowers (しあわせのはな Shiawase no Hana?) |
Story Bag No. 4: Cinderella of the Southern Isles (みなみのしまのシンデレラ Minami no Shima no Shinderera?) |
Story Bag No. 5: Egg Number Three (たまごさいばん Tamago San-ban?) |
Story Bag No. 6: Sun-shine and the Golden Chain (おてんとうさんときんのくさり Otentō-san to Kin no Kusari?) |
Story Bag No. 7: Table-cloth from the North-wind (きたかぜくれたテーブルかけ Kita-kaze Kureta Tēburu-kake?) |
Story Bag No. 8: Nightengale's Home (うぐいすのさと Uguisu no Sato?) |
[edit] Sing in English Group
The Tokyo Kodomo Club issued two courses of children’s songs in English for the Japanese audience in the Sing in English Group (英語で歌う会 Ei-go de Utau Kai?) series. These songs were sung by Esther Ghan and her children. The Let’s Sing English Songs (英語で歌いましょう Ei-go de Utaimashō?) course was designed similarly to their Japanese courses, where the lesson units were distributed monthly on a record. Each of the courses was designed to complete in 12 months, with the course set spanning two years. For the older children, Folk-album for All (みんなのフォーク・アルバム Minna no Fōku-arubamu?) in a set of 6 lesson units and a Christmas suppliment were provided. It also spanned over two years.
[edit] Let’s Sing English Songs (1)
Unit | Side A | Side B |
1 | Ten Little Indians | (same as Side A) |
2 | Are You Sleeping ? | (same as Side A) |
3 | London Bridge | (same as Side A) |
4 | Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone ? | (same as Side A) |
5 | A Tisket, A Tasket | (same as Side A) |
6 | The Bear Went Over The Mountain | (same as Side A) |
7 | My Bonnie | (same as Side A) |
8 | Sailing, Sailing | Lovely May |
9 | The Mulberry Bush | (same as Side A) |
10 | Mary Had A Little Lamb | (same as Side A) |
11 | Twinkle, Twinke, Little Star | (same as Side A) |
12 | Hush, Little Baby | (same as Side A) |
[edit] Let’s Sing English Songs (2)
Unit | Side A | Side B |
1 | Six Little Ducks | (same as Side A) |
2 | Three Blind Mice | (same as Side A) |
3 | The Little Skunk | (same as Side A) |
4 | Simple Simon | (same as Side A) |
5 | Brother Come And Dance With Me | (same as Side A) |
6 | Sweetly Sings The Donkey | (same as Side A) |
7 | Billy Boy | (same as Side A) |
8 | Row, Row, Row Your Boat | Merrily We Roll Along |
9 | The Muffin Man | (same as Side A) |
10 | Pop Goes The Weasel | (same as Side A) |
11 | Looby Loo | (same as Side A) |
12 | Three Little Kittens | (same as Side A) |
[edit] Folk-album for All (1)
Unit | Side A | Side B |
1 | Happy Birthday To You | When The Saints Go Marching In |
2 | Puff The Magic Dragon | Danny Boy |
3 | You Are My Sunshine | Greensleeves |
4 | Long, Long Ago | Cradle Song |
5 | Do - Re - Mi | Waltzing Matilda |
6 | The Camptown Races | Sipping Cider Through A Straw |
X'mas | We Wish You A Merry Christmas Jingle Bells |
Silent Night Auld Lang Syne |
[edit] Folk-album for All (2)
Unit | Side A | Side B |
1 | Michael, Row The Boat Ashore | Rock A Bye, Baby |
2 | Did You Ever See A Lassie ? | The Blue Bells Of Scotland |
3 | To Market, To Market | Aura Lee |
4 | Believe Me, If All Those Endearing Young Charms | Annie Laurie |
5 | Hey, Diddle, Diddle | Early One Morning |
6 | The Man On The Flying Trapeze | Hush - A -Bye |
X'mas | Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town Deck The Hall |
The Twelve Days Of Christmas |
[edit] Other
- Bin-Chan's Song and Story (びんちゃんのうたとおはなし Bin-chan no Uta to O-hanashi?): Spring, Springbrook (はるのおがわ Haru no Ogawa?), Koinobori (こいのぼり Koi-nobori?), Summer.
[edit] Contact information
Original Address:
- Tokyo Kodomo Club
15-5 Hachiyama-chō
Shibuya-ku, Tōkyō, Japan 〒150-0035 - Telephone (pre-exchange expansion): 81-3-464-1311 (03-464-1311 in Japan)
- Telephone (post-exchange expansion): 81-3-3464-1311 or 81-3-3464-7468 (03-3464-1311 or 03-3464-7468 in Japan)
- Postal transfer: Tokyo 5-88764
Current address:
- Tokyo Kodomo Club
12-4 Asahi-chō
Hachiōji-shi, Tōkyō, Japan 〒192-0083 - Telephone: 81-42-656-6756 (042-656-6756 in Japan)
[edit] See also
[edit] External links
- Biography of Esther Ghan who provided the voice for songs in English
- (Japanese) Jacket art on the quarterly suppliment albums found towards the bottom of the page at the section titled 『東京こどもクラブ』