Tokay High School

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Tokay High School
Lodi, California, United States of America
Principal Erik Sandstrom
Vice Principal Martha Dent
Students 2000
Faculty 210
Type Public
Grades 9-12
Athletics 250
Mascot Tigers
Established 1976
Address & Phone 1111 W. Century Boulevard. Lodi, California 95240 Phone: (209) 331-7991

Tokay High School is one of two high schools in Lodi, California, the other being Lodi High School (California). Tokay High School is part of the Lodi Unified School District. The school colors are purple and gold and mascot is the tiger. In 2004, the school earned the Lodi School's Association Award.

[edit] Class Colors:

  • Seniors: Safety Orange.
  • Juniors: Lime Green.
  • Sophomores: Blue.
  • Freshmen: White.

Class Color Day is often a Semi-Annual Event at the beginning of each Semester to kick off the new term. Each of the four grade levels are designated a color in which to show their class spirit. At the conclusion of the first day of Welcome back week, the school assembles for a Rally. Chants include the infamous "Freshman Suck" barrage from the Seniors and Juniors of the high school. All is done in good spirits, as the Freshman realize their place in their hierarchy of the school.

Student Body Tokay High is populated with a diverse campus; students at Tokay are from many different cultures and backgrounds.

[edit] Notable Students:

[edit] Tokay High Clubs

ACADEMIC CLUB This is a fun and highly involved club that helps prepare student for competition in academic events. Each yearthe team participates in Science Olympiad, Academic Decathlon, Science Bowl, and Go-Figure events. In previousyears, the team has been successful in competition and has competed at regional, state and national levels. Inaddition to academic competitions, club members gather for various extra-curricular activities.

AMERICAN RED CROSS The American Red Cross at Tokay High School is an organization that provides students with an opportunity tocontribute to their environment, to be health and safety volunteers, to learn CPR and First Aid, to participate inspecial youth events, and to participate in fundraising that benefits the organization’s impact in the surrounding community.

ANIMAL FRIENDS OF TOKAY This club is affiliated with Animal Friends Connection, a non-profit organization in Lodi that rescues animals fromthe city shelter before they are euthanized, and provides care for them until they are placed in permanent homes.The club members raise funds, volunteer at the shelter, and take the animals home on week-end adoptions.Students who love animals and like helping their community would do well to join this club.

THE BRAIN CLUB The Brain Club is a group of multi-leveled students, both in interest and in academic prowess. Preparation,networking, and challenging reviews for the SAT and AP examinations is the main focus of this club. It is acombination of fun and learning.

CHESS CLUB The Chess Club is where students can get together and play chess. If you have not played chess before, themembers will be more than happy to teach you. Some members choose to play competitively and have a points and ranking system. So, whether you have played before, or just want to learn and have a good time, then the ChessClub is for you.

CALIFORNIA SCHOLARSHIP FEDERATION (C.S.F.) C.S.F. is a statewide organization that stimulates interest and fosters pride in high standards of academicachievement by young people. Membership is based on grades earned each semester (a minimum of 3 A's and 1 Bin college prep courses). Life membership grants students the right to have their records and transcriptsembossed with the C.S.F. seal which is helpful in college admissions. Students must reapply each semester for membership.

CHOIR CLUB The Tokay Choir Club is led by members of the choir classes. You must be a student of a choral department class to participate. Members participate in campus, community, and traveling activities that encourage and promotegreat singing. Activities include holiday caroling, annual choir tours, choral and solo vocal competitions, Project Adventure, fundraising, and social events.

CONFLICT MANAGEMENT Conflict Management is a place for students to discuss problems with their peers. Tokay High School’s ConflictManagement Team is comprised of students from various ethnic and social groups on campus. These students aretrained to help other students resolve conflicts that arise from time to time. All matters are kept confidential.Referrals to this program can be student, self, or staff referred. Conflict management offers an alternative tosuspension if students are able to resolve their problem(s) non-violently. Conflict Management is located in the Student Lounge. All are welcome to stop by.

FUTURE FARMERS OF AMERICA (F.F.A.) The FFA is a nation-wide organization that is offered at many schools. In order to be a member of the TokayFFA, one must be enrolled in an agriculture course offered at Tokay. The courses offered are AgricultureMechanics-1 and 2, Agriculture Biology, CP, Agriculture Soils, Introduction to Agriculture and Agriculture Craftsand Floriculture. The FFA offers many opportunities for both individual and team competition. The competitionsinclude speaking, floriculture, horsemanship, tree and vine pruning, building team, and agriculture knowledge contests. There are several leadership conferences scheduled throughout the year that offer students a greatopportunity to meet people and build self-confidence and esteem.

FUTURE HOMEOWNERS OF AMERICA (FHA) FHA makes learning more interesting by providing real-life experiences. Members can participate in a variety ofactivities that include leadership development, competitive events, career development, occupational preparation,community outreach, recreational and fund raising events. Members must be concurrently enrolled in a HomeEconomics class or any other class offered by the Home Economics Department.

FRIDAY NIGHT LIVE (F.N.L.) Friday Night Lives' main purpose is to promote having fun without the use of drugs and alcohol. We are involvedwith the Red Ribbon Week and other school activities, such as fundraising at school events. We are involved with community projects such as making baskets of candy for unfortunate kids. Anyone can be a member of FridayNight Live and become part of the fun. Join us today!

FLOWER GIRLS Sophomore, junior, and freshmen girls (with a graduating sibling)carry flowers to the seniors during thegraduation ceremony. This is a long tradition in Lodi. The girls will wear beautiful gowns.

FRENCH CLUB Join the French Club! You don't have to be in a French class. However, you must be an active and vibrant Tokaystudent who "just wants to have some fun!" We experience French-speaking cultures by attending plays, tastingfoods, meeting people and having celebrations. Just take a chance and come to one of our meetings. Be preparedto have tons of fun!

SENIOR CLASS- JUNIOR CLASS- SOPHOMORE CLASS-FRESHMEN CLASS These organizations are very similar in their nature and purpose. Membership is determined simply by eachstudent member’s grade level.These class organizations exist under the auspices of Leadership and theAssociated Student Body (ASB). Class officers are elected in August and are obligated to conduct class meetingsto all members throughout the school year. These organizations comprise the students’ representative body inthe Tokay High School learning environment. If you want your voice to be heard concerning student life andpolicies at Tokay High school, your participation is needed, invited, and respected.

GAVELIERS CLUB Gaveliers is the club for the Tokay High School Speech and Debate Team. Club members actively manage andpromote the forensic program at Tokay High School. Although most team embers are enrolled in AdvancedSpeech Class, club membership is open to all students with an interest in competitive and public speaking.

GERMAN CLUB The German Club is open to all students who are interested in learning about German/Austrian and Swiss culture,language and people. It also includes the cultures of Liechtenstein and Luxemburg. We are primarily a socialclub, giving the students who study or are interested in these cultures a chance to get to know each other.

INTERACT CLUB Interact is a Rotary International sponsored service club for young people ages 14 – 18. The program gives young people an opportunity to participate in fun, meaningful service projects while developing leadership skills andmeeting new friends. The Tokay High Interact Club is sponsored by the local Lodi Tokay Rotary.

INTERNATIONAL CLUB The purpose of this club is to promote good relations between students of different nationalities and cultures.We work to unite students and to create a better environment at Tokay so there is less tension and prejudice.The club offers a friendly surrounding to meet new people and to learn about different cultures.

JAPANESE CLUB Irrashaimase! Welcome! Join the Japanese Club for a new cultural experience. You don't have to be Japanese orspeak Japanese to join. The requirements to join are an open mind and willingness to learn and experience adifferent culture. The Japanese Club organizes dinners at Japanese restaurants, as well as potlucks where youcan try different foods. The Japanese Club also plans a trip to Japan Town in San Francisco. Joining the Japanese Club means an experience in a new culture, which can open your eyes to the different parts of the world.

KEY CLUB Are you a "people" person? Like to make new friends, have fun, travel, improve your life and help make the world abetter place for others? Key Club is a service organization with chapters worldwide. Sponsored by Kiwanis, Key Club members plan and participate in activities and provide services to schools and communities by combiningrecreation and motivation with positive leadership. Key club members characteristically exhibit a special level ofenergy that makes membership in this organization exciting, rewarding and worthwhile. Join us and be part ofbuilding a better community.

LATINOS DE LAS AMERICAS Tokay Latinos de Las Americas is involved in activities that promote educational and recreational opportunities forstudents. We are advocates for higher education for Latino youth and visit four different universities a year.Members also get plenty of opportunities to have fun at amusement parks, ski resorts and other fun places. Weparticipate in fundraisers like candy sales and car washes. To promote the preservation of our Hispanic heritagethe club celebrates Posada, Cinco de Mayo and Dia de los Muertos. Lots of fun as we pave our way to highereducation!

LEO'S TRIBE OF THE PACIFIC Leo's Tribe of the Pacific is a club for all minorities on campus. Our club is involved in all of the school's activitiesthat occur throughout the school year. These include Beach Bash, Homecoming, and Internationals, just to name afew. Every year this club holds a dinner/dance - - Savor the Flavor - - for our club members and friends andfamily to attend.

LIFELINE CHRISTIAN CLUB The Lifeline Christian Club offers Christian friends, bible study, service opportunities, games and activities, and support for any student that attends. The club meets three times each month during early and late lunch in thefoyer of the gym. The club is open to all students.

LINK CREW Link Crew is our Freshmen transition and mentoring program. Starting with Orientation before school starts,these successful juniors and seniors help to guide freshmen and new students throughout their first year at Tokay High. Each Link Leader is responsible for helping out 7 – 10 freshmen to make good choices, academicallyand socially at school.

NATIONAL HONORS SOCIETY The National Honors Society is a national co-curricular organization. Its purpose is to create enthusiasm forscholarship, to stimulate a desire to serve the community, to promote leadership, and to develop the characters ofsecondary students. Membership in this organization is a privilege, not a prerogative. Students do not apply formembership. Rather, they are chose for membership by the Faculty-Council in a selection process. The yearlymembership selection occurs at the beginning of each school year and the newly elected members are notifiedduring the first quarter of the school year.

NEW AMERICANS CLUB The New Americans Club is open to all Language Development students. The program is part of the Close-UpProgram based in Washington, D.C. The New Americans program offers tenth, eleventh and twelfth gradestudents who have recently immigrated to the United States an opportunity to acquire the knowledge, skills andconfidence to become active, informed citizens. The three part program includes learning activities, the weeklong program in Washington D.C., and community service projects.

PARENT TEACHER STUDENT ORGANIZATION (P.T.S.A) Join the Tokay High School PTSA and link with other parents and teachers in an effort to make our high schoolmore meaningful and effective for our teenagers. Your active membership in the PTSA adds your voice to thechorus of concern for better, more effective schools. It also gives you the opportunity to give and gain inputregarding your child’s education.

PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB The Photography Club is an interactive group experience where members expand their photographic horizons.Field trips, photo shoots, exclusive darkroom privileges, discussions, gallery-studio excursions, fundraisers, andmore are available to student members. The Photography Club also sponsors and curates the annual Foto Galleryexhibition.

SALSA CLUB The Salsa Club is a social club and service club as well. Students learn different dances and are active in schoolsocial activities. We also focus on fundraisers and raise funds for different causes such as cancer research andfor individual cancer patients who need assistance.

SCIENCE CLUB The Science Club is an organization dedicated to furthering the study of science at Tokay High School. Ourmembership consists of students who are interested in the sciences and want to spend more time participating inauthentic science activities. The Science Club meets every month to discuss activities, field trips, fundraisingopportunities, scholarships and scientific events. The Science Club also supports the Science Bowl and theAcademic Decathlon.

SIGN LANGUAGE CLUB Sign Language Club is open to all students and staff who are interested in learning basic Sign Language and DeafCulture. The club plans social, cultural, and money making activities throughout the year.

SPANISH CLUB The Spanish is open to all students. It is primarily a social club whose main goal is to give scholarships tograduating seniors. Throughout the year, the club sponsors parties, dinners, and fundraisers. Once a year, usuallyduring the spring, the club sponsors a trip. Join the club and see what it is all about.

SPIRIT LEADERS The Spirit leaders are one of the most active and visible groups at Tokay. There are two spirit leading groups:Junior Varsity, Varsity and Mascot. Women may participate in spring sports. Participation in this activity requires a considerable time commitment. Strong support of family is a necessity especially in fundraising-activities. A minimum grade point average of 2.0 is required.

TIGER PAUSE Tiger Pause is a student literary magazine, run completely by students, for students. Club members raise themoney for publishing costs, and submissions are solicited throughout the school year.

TOKAY MODELERS “Tokay Modelers” is a club that is dedicated to help all members become active in a modeling hobby that can last alifetime. Making models of planes, boats, cars, or any miniature object is encouraged by the club.

VIETNAMESE CLUB The club raises funds for charity and promotes Vietnamese culture at TokayHigh School to help promote an appreciation and understanding of Vietnamese traditions.

OTHER CLUBS Tokay High also has other clubs such as the CREATIVE WRITING CLUB, and the MIDDLE EASTERN/PAKINSTANI CLUB. Students are encouraged to join and become involved!

Demographics White (non Hispanic) 38.4% Hispanic or Latino 32.8% Asian 20.7% African American 3.9% Filipino 3.1% American Indian or Alaska Native 0.7% Pacific Islander 0.3% Multiple or No Response 0.1%