Talk:Todd Manning/Archive1

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[edit] March 24, 2007 dispute

The Real One Returns stop your vandalism to this article --Migospia 22:34, 24 March 2007 (UTC)

I've asked you to point out exactly how my edits could be considered vandalism, but apparently you can't answer the question...therefore, I will continue to clean it up from the fancrufty revision that you continue to insert onto it. — The Real One Returns 22:56, 24 March 2007 (UTC)
Where did you ask that? Anyways compare are versions and you will see your vandalism — the following message was left unsigned by user: Migospia
I asked you on your talk page. My revisions were *not* and can not be considered "vandalism" in any way, shape, or form. Your continual repetitious and fancrufty revisions, however can be and if you don't knock it off, I will alert an administrator. — The Real One Returns 23:12, 24 March 2007 (UTC)
Vandalism is any addition, removal, or change of content made in a deliberate attempt to compromise the integrity of Wikipedia. How are your edits legit if you remove valuable information from the page? Migospia 23:20, 24 March 2007 (UTC)
What "valuable information" did I remove from the page? I simply condensed the marriage/children sections into fewer lines. All the same information is there, minus the repetitious debris. — The Real One Returns 23:23, 24 March 2007 (UTC)
Vandalism: For one you remove Todd's courtship with Evangeline and Todd raped Marty so she is not a courtship or affair. How is removing this not vandalism, what is your point of your page destruction?--Migospia 23:25, 24 March 2007 (UTC)
I believe the Marty courtship thing is referring to his interest in her before he raped her. Additionally, the excessive capitization in headings, etc. is improper Wiki format, and I see no reason to list miscarriages as children, the note seems fine (stillborn and named children are more appropriate to list). I more or less prefer The Real One Returns' condensed version, but maybe you both should step back from this for a day and compromise a bit. TAnthony 23:34, 24 March 2007 (UTC)
Thank you, TAnthony. Migospia, I suggest you check again. I did NOT remove the information regarding Marty's rape. The FACT is, Todd and Marty had consensual sex BEFORE the gang rape, so she CAN be listed in the "Courtship/Affair" section. I did not remove that he later raped her. It's still there. And as far as a courtship with Evangeline goes, as of now the two aren't officially a couple...nor have they ever slept together. Her being included at this juncture is a bit premature. — The Real One Returns 23:36, 24 March 2007 (UTC)
Marty and Todd had a one night stand, that is all nothing more, excpet for the rape.
What about REMOVING Todd's courtship with Evangeline are you guys racist are something and how the hell is racism being supported by wikipedia? Nothing but racsim and vandalism here and it is even being approved by wikipedia insane!!! Migospia 23:38, 24 March 2007 (UTC)
Oh.My.God. Racist? Are you serious?! Okay, this conversation is over. — The Real One Returns 23:41, 24 March 2007 (UTC)
How is this accpeted by wikipedia!? Who the hell manages this rascism and vandalism and accepts it? And why!?--Migospia 23:43, 24 March 2007 (UTC)
Hey, a one-night stand counts as a courtship or whatever. Real One just explained the Evangeline removal and it was not racism, don't be ridiculous. They did kiss and he is interested in her so I was actually going to add that back when I left my comment, but the article is locked. Oh, and you need to calm down a bit, this is not the end of the world. TAnthony 23:45, 24 March 2007 (UTC)
HEY: Oh.My.God. Racist? Are you serious?! Okay, this conversation is over. — The Real One Returns 23:41, 24 March 2007 (UTC)
That is NOT explaining the removal of Evangeline on the Todd Manning page
Evangeline and Todd kissed more than once and it is known that Todd has been courting Evangeline everyone in Llanview has pointed this fact out.
I am just shocked that such hate is accepted by wikipedia, I thought wikipedia was a good source of factual information I was wrong.--Migospia 23:53, 24 March 2007 (UTC)
This is his explanation: And as far as a courtship with Evangeline goes, as of now the two aren't officially a couple...nor have they ever slept together. Her being included at this juncture is a bit premature.
You and I may not agree, but that was his reason, not racism. Come on! Al this talk about "I am just shocked that such hate is accepted by wikipedia" is just silly. I can't believe you are still beating this dead horse. TAnthony 00:24, 25 March 2007 (UTC)
I can not believe wikipedia can allow such hate, and of course his reason is silly with Marty and Todd is considered courtship when he raped her (they did have a one not stand nothing about courtship) and yet it is obvious his feelings for Evangeline, but that was taken out for what reason if it is not rascim?!
And wow beating a dead horse? SICK statment And and is not just you and I because the defenation of courtship fits perfect with Evangeline and Todd
Evnageline and Todd have kissed more than once and both admit they have feelings for eacother it is clear on Llanview Todd's courtship for her--Migospia 00:34, 25 March 2007 (UTC)
The segment is labeled “Courtships/Affairs.” When 2 people have sex, that is an “affair.” Marty fits under this category because of her and Todd's 1 night fling. - Incognito9810 00:54, 25 March 2007 (UTC)
EVANGELINE is what we are talking here people!! is her name invisible? EVANGELINE! Wow people...I know Marty can be under affair but Evangeline should be under there for courtship but she was removed over and over again--Migospia 01:00, 25 March 2007 (UTC)