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topaz.statuschanger = new Object();
topaz.statuschanger.version = 20061108;
/* configuration */
// change these to whatever you'd like to show up on your status page.  you can add new lines in
// the same format provided there is a comma at the end of each line but the last one.  you can
// also use wikimarkup here to, for example, display an image instead of text.
topaz.statuschanger.statuscode = {
  online:'[[Image:ledlightgreen.png|left|54px]]<font color="green">online</font>',
  offline:'[[Image:ledlightred.png|left|54px]]<font color="red">offline</font>'
// this will make wikimarkup work in your stauscodes but will disable auto-updating 
topaz.statuschanger.enablewikimarkup = false;
// true to use the personal bar, false to create a panel in the left column
topaz.statuschanger.usepersonalbar = false;
// true if you'd like your status page on your watchlist
topaz.statuschanger.watchstatus = false;
/* end configuration */
topaz.statuschanger.buttonlist = {};
topaz.statuschanger.oldonload = window.onload;
window.onload = function() {
  if (typeof topaz.statuschanger.oldonload == "function") {
  if (!topaz.statuschanger.usepersonalbar) {
    topaz.wputil.addsidepanel("tz-statuschanger", "status changer");
  var buttonlist = [];
  for (status in topaz.statuschanger.statuscode) {
    topaz.statuschanger.buttonlist[status] =
          topaz.statuschanger.usepersonalbar ? "p-personal" : "tz-statuschanger",
          'javascript:topaz.statuschanger.setstatus("' + status + '")'
  if (topaz.statuschanger.usepersonalbar) {
    for(var i=0; i<buttonlist.length; i++) {
      with (topaz.statuschanger.buttonlist[buttonlist[i]].style) {
        if (i != buttonlist.length-1) {
          borderRight = "1px solid #aaaaaa";
          paddingRight = "2px";
        if (i != 0) {
          marginLeft = "0px";
          paddingLeft = "2px";
  var spanlist = document.getElementsByTagName("span");
  for (var i=0; i<spanlist.length; i++) {
    if (spanlist[i].className == "topaz.statuschanger.curstatus."+escape(topaz.wputil.username())) {
      topaz.util.cookie.set("topaz.statuschanger.curstatus", spanlist[i].innerHTML);
topaz.statuschanger.setstatus = function(statusname) {
      (!topaz.statuschanger.enablewikimarkup ?
          '<includeonly><span class="topaz.statuschanger.inlinestatus.'
          + escape(topaz.wputil.username())
          + '"></includeonly>'
      : '') +
      topaz.statuschanger.statuscode[statusname] +
      (!topaz.statuschanger.enablewikimarkup ?
      : '') +
      '<span class="topaz.statuschanger.curstatus.'+escape(topaz.wputil.username()) +
      '" style="display:none">'+statusname+'</span>',
  topaz.util.cookie.set("topaz.statuschanger.curstatus", statusname);
topaz.statuschanger.laststatus = null;
topaz.statuschanger.update = function() {
  var curstatus = topaz.util.cookie.get("topaz.statuschanger.curstatus");
  if (curstatus && curstatus != topaz.statuschanger.laststatus) {
    for (status in topaz.statuschanger.buttonlist) {
      with (topaz.statuschanger.buttonlist[status].style) {
        if (status == curstatus) {
          fontWeight = "bold";
        } else {
          fontWeight = "normal";
    if (!topaz.statuschanger.enablewikimarkup) {
      var spanlist = document.getElementsByTagName("span");
      for (var i=0; i<spanlist.length; i++) {
        if (spanlist[i].className == "topaz.statuschanger.inlinestatus."+escape(topaz.wputil.username())) {
          spanlist[i].innerHTML = topaz.statuschanger.statuscode[curstatus];
  topaz.statuschanger.laststatus = curstatus;
setInterval("topaz.statuschanger.update()", 5000);