Toby Mills

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Toby Mills
Portrayed by Henry Luxembourg
First appearance 2001
Last appearance 2003

Tobias "Toby" Mills was a fictional character on the long-running British television soap opera Hollyoaks.

He was played by actor Henry Luxemburg between 2001-2003.

[edit] Character History

Toby was introduced as Dan Hunter’s best friend and immediately the pair caused trouble when they got arrested, after having a fight outside The Dog with Adam Morgan and Jamie Nash. Toby moved to Hollyoaks to help the Hunter family search for Ellie, when she went missing in Ibiza. He started working at The Dog with Izzy Cornwell and began living there. Toby was then shocked when Ellie finally returned to Hollyoaks, but was relieved for the Hunters. He was then warned by Ellie that he may have gonorrhoea as Toby had slept with Ellie whilst she was away. Ellie ended up telling her brother Dan and her father Les, who then proceeded to attack Toby, who was devastated by Ellie’s actions. Toby soon made up with Dan after apologising, but kept his distance from Ellie. He began dating Mandy Richardson, but that relationship fizzled out when Toby claimed that Mandy was too possessive. As Toby was working, he dropped out of college, and began to work part time at The Loft. However, Ellie was the manager at The Loft, which resulted in some tension between her and Toby. Dan advised Toby to not let her get to him, but with Ellie flirting with The Loft’s boss Scott Anderson, Toby couldn't help feeling jealous.

Toby soon discovered that Ellie parents had thrown her out and he offered her a place to stay at The Dog. The pair had began dating again, but Toby still disliked Ellie working for Scott. Soon Scott sacked her and Toby also quit his job at the Loft. Toby’s mum Linda arrived, and she caused a stir in his relationship with Ellie. Ellie put Toby under pressure to choose between her or his mother. Toby made a difficult decision, and decided it was Ellie he wanted to be with and he told his mother that he'd had enough of her interfering. Toby was then worried when Ellie decided to go on a Big Brother reality TV programme called the Fish Tank, and Toby made her promise not to flirt with any guys in there. During Ellie’s experience of The Fish Tank, rumours started to spread around the village that Ellie had slept with someone. Toby became angry by Ellie’s actions and was frustrated that Ellie had not kept her promise. Toby demanded Chloe Bruce allow Ellie to get out of the Fish Tank, otherwise his relationship was over with her. Ellie was allowed out for an hour, and Toby told her that he was getting impatient and angry by Ellie’s lies. Ellie got upset about how little Toby thought of her, and told him that she slept with everyone.

Toby then murdered Roxy at the River Dee. Accordingly, Mills is unwilling to take any responsibility for his monstrous action and he went home and looked into a mirror and, seemingly, argued with himself, saying "That wasn't me - someone else did that" and "Toby is a good boy." Over the next few days Toby felt guilty and especially when Ellie returned and convinced him to give their relationship one last try. A week later, Dan told Toby that he had slept with Roxy, and the police had found her body. The blame of Roxy’s death went to Toby’s best friend Dan after he slept with her, hours before she was murdered. Toby's best friend and Ellie’s brother Dan had been arrested, but with the help of Toby’s guilt, Toby provided Dan with a good solicitor as Dan had been soon released. There was not much evidence against Dan and he was released. However, things went from bad to worse for Toby when his mother returned and stirred up Toby’s relationship once more, trying to convince him that Ellie was cheating on him. In anger, he struck again this time on teenager Steph Dean leaving her there for dead but the crime was witnessed and he was followed by his mother Linda. After a confrontation with his mother, Toby lashed out pushing her off the stairs. This had left Toby astonished of what he done and when Ellie arrived, the pair managed to make the incident look more like an accident. When the police arrived they told Toby that Linda was dead and further bad news for Toby was that Steph Dean was alive but suffering with memory loss. Toby was left scared of the truth being discovered and feeling guilty after Steph had developed epilepsy post-attack, a condition which she would battle for the rest of her life. He then killed around 11 more blonde girls between July 2002 and October 2003. In order for Toby to stop killing these girls, he need Ellie to be more committed to him and decided to get married to her. Ellie was delighted as the pair got married in a low profile wedding without inviting Ellie’s parents. However this was not the solution to Toby’s problems when Steph continued to make progress and it was only a matter of time before she got her memory back. Eventually, Toby confessed everything to Ellie leaving her frightened and afraid of his next move. Toby was also scared that Ellie would tell the police or her family and managed to keep her locked in their flat - not even allowing her to go work.

In the late-night special Hollyoaks: Leap of Faith, Ellie could no longer cope with Toby and ran off to Liverpool, with Toby close in her wake. Ellie confronted him and Toby promised that he would hand himself in, but he just wanted to enjoy his last few hours with her. After the hours went by, Toby caught Ellie trying to get in contact with her brother which made Toby furious. Toby decided to bet with Ellie whether their love could survive anything, and suggested they each jump onto the opposite roof building. Ellie, however was concerned as Toby continued to get increasingly aggressive. Dan turned up and witnessed Toby harming Ellie. To the rescue, Dan managed to push Toby off the building - he landed on the road and was hit by a car. All this was witnessed by several people, including Ellie’s sister Lisa, who had come along with Dan to rescue Ellie. Finally the serial killer, who had ruined the lives of many residents in the village, was dead. Even though the attacking had stopped, Toby’s death opened a new dramatic chapter for Dan and the Hunter family.

[edit] See also

List of past characters from Hollyoaks