Tobler hyperelliptical projection
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The Tobler hyperelliptical projection is a family of pseudocylindrical projections used for mapping the earth.
It is named for Waldo R. Tobler, its inventor.
It is an equal-area projection. In the normal aspect, the parallels of latitude are parallel straight lines whose spacing is calculated to provide the equal-area property; the meridians of longitude (except for the central meridian, which is a straight line perpendicular to the lines representing parallels) are curves of the form a|x|γ + b|y|γ = 1 (with a dependent on longitude and b constant for a given map). When γ=2 the projection becomes the Mollweide projection; when γ=1 it becomes the Collignon projection; the limiting case as γ→infinity is the Cylindrical equal-area projection (Lambert cylindrical equal-area, Gall-Peters, or Behrmann projection). Values of γ that are favored by Tobler and others are generally greater than 2.
The projection was first described by Tobler in 1973.
[edit] External reference
Tobler, Waldo (1973). "The hyperelliptical and other new pseudocylindrical equal area map projections". Journal of Geophysical Research 78 (11): pp. 1753–1759. doi: .