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Tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 10d, decoy with truncated death domain
External IDs OMIM: 603614 HomoloGene48243
RNA expression pattern

More reference expression data

Human Mouse
Entrez 8793 n/a
Ensembl ENSG00000173530 n/a
Uniprot Q9UBN6 n/a
Refseq NM_003840 (mRNA)
NP_003831 (protein)
n/a (mRNA)
n/a (protein)
Location Chr 8: 23.05 - 23.08 Mb n/a
Pubmed search [1] n/a

Tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 10d, decoy with truncated death domain, also known as TNFRSF10D, is a human gene.[1]

The protein encoded by this gene is a member of the TNF-receptor superfamily. This receptor contains an extracellular TRAIL-binding domain, a transmembrane domain, and a truncated cytoplasmic death domain. This receptor does not induce apoptosis, and has been shown to play an inhibitory role in TRAIL-induced cell apoptosis.[1]

[edit] References

[edit] Further reading

  • Kimberley FC, Screaton GR (2005). "Following a TRAIL: update on a ligand and its five receptors.". Cell Res. 14 (5): 359–72. doi:10.1038/ PMID 15538968. 
  • Marsters SA, Sheridan JP, Pitti RM, et al. (1998). "A novel receptor for Apo2L/TRAIL contains a truncated death domain.". Curr. Biol. 7 (12): 1003–6. PMID 9382840. 
  • Degli-Esposti MA, Dougall WC, Smolak PJ, et al. (1998). "The novel receptor TRAIL-R4 induces NF-kappaB and protects against TRAIL-mediated apoptosis, yet retains an incomplete death domain.". Immunity 7 (6): 813–20. PMID 9430226. 
  • Pan G, Ni J, Yu G, et al. (1998). "TRUNDD, a new member of the TRAIL receptor family that antagonizes TRAIL signalling.". FEBS Lett. 424 (1-2): 41–5. PMID 9537512. 
  • Phillips TA, Ni J, Pan G, et al. (1999). "TRAIL (Apo-2L) and TRAIL receptors in human placentas: implications for immune privilege.". J. Immunol. 162 (10): 6053–9. PMID 10229846. 
  • Zhang XD, Franco AV, Nguyen T, et al. (2000). "Differential localization and regulation of death and decoy receptors for TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) in human melanoma cells.". J. Immunol. 164 (8): 3961–70. PMID 10754286. 
  • Daigle I, Simon HU (2001). "Alternative functions for TRAIL receptors in eosinophils and neutrophils.". Swiss medical weekly : official journal of the Swiss Society of Infectious Diseases, the Swiss Society of Internal Medicine, the Swiss Society of Pneumology 131 (17-18): 231–7. doi:2001/17/smw-09707. PMID 11420819. 
  • Dörr J, Bechmann I, Waiczies S, et al. (2002). "Lack of tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand but presence of its receptors in the human brain.". J. Neurosci. 22 (4): RC209. PMID 11844843. 
  • Sun SY, Yue P, Chen X, et al. (2002). "The synthetic retinoid CD437 selectively induces apoptosis in human lung cancer cells while sparing normal human lung epithelial cells.". Cancer Res. 62 (8): 2430–6. PMID 11956107. 
  • Matysiak M, Jurewicz A, Jaskolski D, Selmaj K (2002). "TRAIL induces death of human oligodendrocytes isolated from adult brain.". Brain 125 (Pt 11): 2469–80. PMID 12390973. 
  • Robertson NM, Zangrilli JG, Steplewski A, et al. (2003). "Differential expression of TRAIL and TRAIL receptors in allergic asthmatics following segmental antigen challenge: evidence for a role of TRAIL in eosinophil survival.". J. Immunol. 169 (10): 5986–96. PMID 12421985. 
  • Strausberg RL, Feingold EA, Grouse LH, et al. (2003). "Generation and initial analysis of more than 15,000 full-length human and mouse cDNA sequences.". Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 99 (26): 16899–903. doi:10.1073/pnas.242603899. PMID 12477932. 
  • Ou D, Metzger DL, Wang X, et al. (2003). "TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand death pathway-mediated human beta-cell destruction.". Diabetologia 45 (12): 1678–88. doi:10.1007/s00125-002-0926-2. PMID 12488957. 
  • Hasel C, Dürr S, Rau B, et al. (2003). "In chronic pancreatitis, widespread emergence of TRAIL receptors in epithelia coincides with neoexpression of TRAIL by pancreatic stellate cells of early fibrotic areas.". Lab. Invest. 83 (6): 825–36. PMID 12808117. 
  • Kotelkin A, Prikhod'ko EA, Cohen JI, et al. (2003). "Respiratory syncytial virus infection sensitizes cells to apoptosis mediated by tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand.". J. Virol. 77 (17): 9156–72. PMID 12915532. 
  • Clark HF, Gurney AL, Abaya E, et al. (2003). "The secreted protein discovery initiative (SPDI), a large-scale effort to identify novel human secreted and transmembrane proteins: a bioinformatics assessment.". Genome Res. 13 (10): 2265–70. doi:10.1101/gr.1293003. PMID 12975309. 
  • Shivapurkar N, Toyooka S, Toyooka KO, et al. (2004). "Aberrant methylation of trail decoy receptor genes is frequent in multiple tumor types.". Int. J. Cancer 109 (5): 786–92. doi:10.1002/ijc.20041. PMID 14999791. 
  • Zhang Z, Henzel WJ (2005). "Signal peptide prediction based on analysis of experimentally verified cleavage sites.". Protein Sci. 13 (10): 2819–24. doi:10.1110/ps.04682504. PMID 15340161. 
  • Gerhard DS, Wagner L, Feingold EA, et al. (2004). "The status, quality, and expansion of the NIH full-length cDNA project: the Mammalian Gene Collection (MGC).". Genome Res. 14 (10B): 2121–7. doi:10.1101/gr.2596504. PMID 15489334. 

This article incorporates text from the United States National Library of Medicine, which is in the public domain.