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TMD may refer to:
- Medicine
- Temporomandibular joint disorder
- Thyromental Distance
- Physics and mechanics
- Tuned mass damper
- Theoretical Maximum Density of Asphalt, Bitumen, Concrete, etc.
- Biology
- Transmembrane domain, a transmembrane α-helix of a protein
- Other
- The Movie Depot
- Total Meltdown
- Tip-Magnetic Driving
- Transportation Management Division
- Too Much Drama
- Technical Management Division
- Thorn Microwave Devices Ltd.
- Toshiba Matsushita Display Technology Co., Ltd.
- Tagged Material Detector
- Tube Mounted Dispenser
- Time Manipulation Device
- Traction Maintenance Depot
- Tescilli Markalar Dernegi (Turkish: Society for Registered Trade Marks)
- Türk Matematik Dernegi (Turkish Mathematical Society)
- The Medic Droid, a band