TM Tecnomatic

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TM TECNOMATIC Spa is an Italian manufacturer of flow measurement devices, thermocouples and thermoresistances with thermowells, instrumentation valves and manifolds and components.


[edit] History

TM TECNOMATIC Spa began its activities in 1962 in the town of Cremona in northern Italy. The factory moved to its present location in 1977, with a substantial expansion of the facility.

[edit] Products

TM TECNOMATIC manufactures the most complete range of primary instrumentation devices. TM TECNOMATIC offers a wide selection of standard as well as specially designed instrumentation products including: multipoint and skin thermocouples, special Pitot Tube, flow Nozzle, Venturi Flow Meter and Orifice Flanges, all available with a full selection of accessories suitable for a wide range of applications while maintaining expert engineering and production capabilities to support customer specifications.

[edit] Notes and references

[edit] External links