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Terray Antares Kashuba
Terray Antares Kashuba is an American Futurist, Educator, Author and Poet, Artist, Naturalist, and Forensic Evolutionary Research Psychologist.
Mr. Kashuba was born in Missoula, Montana on Oct. 26,1951. Terray Kashuba, a U.S. Citizen has lived most of his life in the Pacific Northwest, Washington, Oregon, Montana, Alaska, California, Hawaii and the Yukon Territory.
Terray Kashuba's ancestry is Polish and French Canadian. His grandparents were from Poland. During World War II his grandparents on his father's side were captured in Poland and forced to work in a Nazi concentration work camp until they escaped from Poland and made their way over the mountains to Sweden, and then to, Buffalo New York, where his father Paul Kashuba was born. His mother, Rosemary Fox was of French Canadian Ancestry, born in the United States in Michigan. Terray Antares Kashuba attended Eastern Washington University and completed the requirements for three undergraduate degrees in, Art, Natural Sciences and Education. He graduated with high honors.
Mr. Kashuba was awarded a Master of Science from Eastern Washington University's College of Education and Human Development in Applied Psychology and College Instruction in 1999. He graduated with Highest Honors and was a member of Psi Chi National Honor Society in Psychology.
Mr. Kashuba was awarded a second Master of Science degree from Eastern Washington University's College of Letters & Social Sciences in Communication Studies in 2002, and then went on to work on his Ph.D. in Psychology at Walden University.
Education has always been a key element in Mr. Kashuba's life. His career in education consisted of having taught science at every grade level, preschool through high school analytical physics and he helped to develop and taught in several gifted education programs in Washington and Oregon. Mr. Kashuba teaches psychology, behavioral science and communications for the University of Phoenix Online.
After graduating from Eastern Washington University in 2002, Kashuba was the director of an emerging nonprofit, Applied Research Behavioral Analysis in Spokane, Washington. This organization wrote and secured grants from the U.S. Department of Justice, Grants management System, for the purpose of conducting research on problems in early childhood development, problems in adolescence, school violence and human sexuality and violence.
Mr. Kashuba was a criminal profiler for Applied Research Behavioral Analysis. Kashuba has conducted psychological research on profiling the nature of the violent criminal mind. [1]
The origin and evolution of the primal and quantum mind.[2]
The interdisciplinary thesis is unusual because it contains an Orwellian warning to the future based on cybernetic and neuroscience research. (Kashuba Thesis 1999, p. 134)
Excerpt from the Kashuba Thesis: The origin and evolution of the primal and quantum mind
A Warning to the Future
"The possibility exists that consciousness over a wide surface of the earth may be able to be neutralizzed by broadcasting a reverse electromagnetic waveform that exactly mirrors the electromagnetic waveforms generated in brain neurons. This could be potentially done from a spaceborne platform."
"If it is possible that information in the brain is stored in quantum electromagnetic fields, then it may be possible to retrieve information from those fields or to input information into those fields. In the future, your very thoughts may be subjecct to investigation."
" Kashuba Thesis: The Origin and evolution of the primal and quantum mind"
Terray Kashuba describes a future where the above developing technologies originally intended to create a state of unconsciousness for the purpose of performing painless medical surgery, without the use of anathesia may in the future be used by a corrupt, politically empowered groups, to take whole populations to a state of unconsciousness from a spaceborne platform preceding a preemptive military strike. Mr. kashuba fears that in such a scenario, human beings could be deprived of their human rights and civil liberties, and democracies could be replaced by military regimes if the technologies were to fall in the wrong hands.
Kashuba asks the reader to imagine what would happen if aircraft pilots suddenly went to sleep or a state of unconsciousness, or if drivers on the Los Angeles Freeway suddenly lost consciousness. Kashuba's work reminds us that technology is a double edged sword. It may be used for good or for evil depending on what the future perceives them to be.
Kashuba emphasizes that these technologies are within the realm of possibility and are yet to be refined.
As an artist, Terray Kashuba has been credited with painting and creating over 500 original pieces of art in various media. Between 1989 and September 11, 1992 he was President and CEO of Kashuba Fine Arts and Gold International in Hawaii, which was destroyed by Hurricane Iniki. [3]
Terray Antares Kashuba as an artist, signs his work as Antares. He is credited with fine art produced in oils, acrylic, water colors, ceramics, bronze and multimedia sculptural forms. Mr. Kashuba after the destruction of his home, galleries and artwork during Hurricane Iniki began creating original artwork again in 2006.
The collection of original artwork produced between 1989 and 1992 was destroyed during Hurricane Iniki. Iniki a Force 5 Hurricane hit the Pacific Isand of Kauai on September 11 1992.
During Hurricane Iniki, six-thousand telephone poles were snapped by gale force winds causing the transformers to leak PCB's into the air, water and soil. The island became contaminated with PCB's. Mr. Kashuba was exposed to PCB's during and after the hurricane. "Polychlorinated Biphenyls"
In 1996 Mr. Kashuba began a difficult fight with cancer that lasted from 1996 to the year 2000, after which he was declared a cancer survivor. During this period he did not create any new visual art for exhibition, although he is credited with the production of over 400 poems classified in the resistance poetry genre, feature news articles, the writing of two books and political commentary intended to protect civil liberties
Mr. Kashuba published a classic young adult, science fiction fantasy book with a touch of horror titled, The World of Dark Shadows. The book distinguishes itself through the use of advanced creative thought processes, its unusual metamorphic characters and synthesis of writing styles. The author allows the reader to enter the minds of his characters, to experience their thoughts and fears thereby providing a unique perspective not often seen in the science fiction fantasy writing genre. Below is an excerpt from the tile page:
The World of Dark Shadows
"Do you believe that ancient signs and symbols have the power to influence human actions? Do you believe that an object or person can be inherently good or evil? I believe that time and death are but illusions and each of us has a destiny to fulfill. There is light and the absence of light. It is up to you to decide if you want to touch the darkness and be blinded by the night!"
Terray Antares Kashuba
"Search This Book: The World of Dark Shadows" by Terray Antares Kashuba
The author writes and illustrates his own manuscripts. Below are a few representative poems from his book, The World of Dark Shadows (What is Magic? p.106) and America on the Edge of Awareness: 21st Century Resistance Poetry and Political Commentary.
When Poets Bleed
Poets need to believe that a seed can be planted and that hope for humanity will grow
Poets need to know that crisis is not forever and people will care for others they don't know.
Poets weep when war tears apart, a child's mind and heart
Poets bleed when people believe, that money is more important than life, love or art!
Terray Antares Kashuba
What is Poetry?
Dedicated to Impoverished Homeless Poets!
A friend asked me, why do you write poetry?
I said, I have no choice. Poetry is my voice!
It is my way to say, what some do not want to hear.
Poetry is truth in its purest form
A difficult burden to bear, the birth of a newborn
It’s what I think, feel, see, hear and fear
Poets are wordsmiths who possess intuitive gifts
Poets often foresee future events and predict what the future will be.
Poetry is an act of conscience.
It's life, death, truth, love, hate, war and peace, justice and injustice.
Poetry is the struggle to overcome poverty and disease.
Poetry is resistance!
A voice with authority
The voice of innocence
The voice of the elderly
The opportunity to take a stand
Poetry is back country swamp music, and what it means to be a man!
Yes! I am a poet, an artist with words
The description fits me, because the truth as I see it is, poetry is about being free.
Poetry is about liberty!
Terray Antares Kashuba
An American President in Dante's Inferno
As I wandered in a dark forest wood, suddenly before me Dante the poet stood.
He said to me, “Some souls dwell in Hell, while their bodies are possessed on earth.
Follow me and you will see the tyrants who ironically, stole and sold your liberty, in the name of preserving a democracy.
Woe be to those who start, “ World War III!”
Dante led me into the dark cave, Hell's Gate, beneath Jerusalem
The ferryman carried us over a river of boiling Iraqi oil
There below us was a fiery vortex of souls in the River Styx
Down beyond, The city in the abyss
Across the River of Innocent Blood Spilled, to where Lucifer fanning his bat like wings stood half frozen in a lake of ice.
Dante said, frozen here are the souls of those who blindly signed, the U.S.A. Patriot Act, and linked it to the, Foreign Intelligence Security Act, for freedom’s sake, this legislation must be rolled back.
Now is the time to prevent radioactive rain, human suffering and pain!
To bear this omen was Dante sent!
Woefully I kneeled down and peered deep into the frozen pack of ice and saw, Congress and our President!
Terray Antares Kashuba
What is Magic?
Magic is listening to a newborn baby's cry
Magic is the midnight twinkle of a firefly
Magic is watching an eagle dive and soar Magic is peace not war.
Magic is having a place to live, enough to eat and not being poor.
What is magic? Magic is seeing the sunrise in the morning sky
It is a dandelion opening for the first time
Magic is reading a child a rhyme about elves, fairies, castles and magical quests
Magic is the wind blowing the clouds west.
What is magic? Magic is watching the birds soar freely far above.
What is magic? Magic is unselfish sacrifice, magic is love!
Magic is not a childish thing!
There is magic in the love a child brings
Yes I have known about magic for a long time
I see magic in children’s rhymes
I see magic in you and I
Magic is the stardust we see in the night sky
I never question magic or wonder why?
Magic is just magic, I say with a sigh!
Magic is, believing that someday freedom fighters are going to win
and take the children away from the Nazi Prison at Terezin!
Terray Antares Kashuba
Listen to the Music of America
Dedicated to America's Underground Freedom Fighters
Rhythm and blues, country rock!
Listen to the rhythm of America's constitutional clock, ticking, ticking, ticking, my civil liberties, away, away, away….
Arriba America!
La Bamba and flamingo guitars!
Sensuous diverse culture and art!
Dead teenagers!
Shot in the arm, shot in the head, shot in the heart!
I hear the music of a, republic's political corruption.
The impact of a 44, white crystal, political distrust, and the machinery of education clogged with violence powder and dust.
I hear the music of a, republic's revocable privileges, while my soul longs for, Democracy's Inalienable Rights! I hear the music of the masses, rustling like autumn leaves.
The Great Republic's corrupt, bible black robed judges, pound and shout, Reasonable Doubt, while the black robed, shadows lock innocent victims up and let sexual predators and drug lords out!
Hungry and cold, homeless and old, when America fails to listen to the music of all the people, then America's Civil Liberties and Freedoms will fall.
Terray Antares Kashuba
Oh Israel
Do this for the Children!
Oh Israel, people of the Old Testament God!
Once wandering Jews!
Have you forgotten forgiveness" The Holocaust?
How easy it is to forget the "Nazi War Machine!
Do you not remember what it means to be barred from the land of milk and honey?
Is your neighbor's child in any less need of food and nurturing care than your own?
Can you not see that your God provided even the homeless bird with a tree to nest in and the fish the sea.
Should you do any less?
Bullets and War Machines
What use can they be if your child's limp body hangs bloody and lifeless in your arms?
Israel, set Palestine's children free
Let the children of Palestine have a homeland
What do you gain if you possess the whole land and lose your souls?
Melt down your warheads and mold them into plow shares so that the children might not know the, diseased harlot called war.
Terray Antares Kashuba
A Message of Peace from the Grave!
Dedicated to Albert Einstein
A Night Time Conversation with Albert Einstein
E=Mc2-Energy for Peace
Last night I dreamed I spoke with Albert Einstein. He said to me in my dream, the distinction between the past, present and future is only an illusion. My death meant nothing! There are dark political forces, which seek to destroy the American heritage of freedom, tolerance and human dignity!
Unchallenged Federal power will lead to the subjugation and enslavement of the individual by, The State. The end result will be the end of tolerance and personal liberty! Science requires freedom from social prejudices and authoritarianism.
Terray, I thank you for using your gift to help me to tell the world what must be heard!
I asked, but is it poetry?
Einstein replied, Yes, world peace is pure poetry!
Tell the people of the world to stop building and transporting military technologies and the future can be pure poetry.
Terray Antares Kashuba
Freudian Dreams-The Dream
The thrill of the kill! Playing the power game?
I was a man walking naked in the desert
The sun burned down on me
I was searching for a word, for a poem, for a song!
My heart felt empty! I was transformed!
As a falcon my mind flew over all the nations of the earth
The world was lost in war!
Terrorist had bombed the, Center for Disease Control, a Level IV Germ Warfare Lab
The man-made plague that escaped was killing millions
Painfully, slowly the hideous sores ate away at humanity
I asked myself, what do the generals do?
The military minds of generals make the plans that kill you
They kill love, hope, compassion and understanding
They kill the family and dreams of peace
They change civilian aircraft into war machines
They restrict civil liberties
They declare martial law
I was transformed
I was a little boy standing by the sea, I saw soldiers dressed in black coming for me
I asked, have you come to kill me too? I'm just a kid! No threat to you.
Does it matter what ethno-political or religious group my parents belonged to?
The soldier's bullet tore through my lung like molten lead
The soldier in black techno-gear, laughed and said, kid you are bleeding, soon you will be dead.
There is no place for those who dare to dream of world peace!
That would ruin the thrill of the kill, the power game.
Nothing would ever be the same
I bled as my blood fed the dying earth.
Terray Antares Kashuba
Try to Catch an Idea
I’m just a child
I'm always trying to catch a dream before it slips away from Terezin's thick foreboding walls and barbed wire
Before it sneaks away and hides in some imaginary magical realm or secret hidden bay
The children disassociate and try to let their imaginations flee to some magical, mysterious place where children are free and can run, sing and play in the morning sun
Instead of being forced to work without food, behind barbed wire and the thick dark brick walls of the Nazi’s children's prison at Terezin.
Lost ideas or dreams are difficult to find, especially when they are locked inside the foreboding walls of the Nazi genocide.
There are some ideas the children are not allowed to speak of at all, such as what will happen when the freedom fighters come and shoot down the walls at the Children’s Prison at Terezin and the Nazi’s fall.
Terray Antares Kashuba
Mr. President
Mr. President
Why did your administration gut, The Clean Air Act and cancel funding for wetland preservation along the Gulf Coast?
What part of global warming do you not understand?
I see impoverished black and white ghosts
What do you think will happen if a Force 5 Hurricane should hit New Orleans?
It haunts my dreams!
Have you not seen the fear in a child’s eyes when he or she reacts to an asthma attack or must try not to die as they struggle through chemotherapy?
Do you not care about the health of our people?
There are two America’s, your rich billionaire friends and the rest of America who you offend and do not understand.
What kind of a manipulative man are you?
Mr. President
Why did you cut back the NASA budget to pre-1970 dollars?
Do you not know, that we are curious explorers and must go to Mars and someday-distant stars?
We are like salmon returning to a cosmic sea
Why do you desire to undo John F. Kennedy’s legacy?
Will historical researchers say that he was among the Texas oilmen’s families that may have brought about the demise of John F. Kennedy?
The CIA should tell the American people what happened to the missing frames of the Abraham Zapruder film?
Will they say that he cared so much about education that he tried to axe the PBS budget, while reducing the tax liability for his billionaire buddies?
I see deep muddy waters coming, Mr. President.
Mr. President, why do you build weapons of war, and start wars in the Middle East, when you see that in their heart of hearts, the American people’s priority is to seek peace?
Mr. President, why do you talk about being free, while you and the CIA covertly steal away our civil liberties?
Mr. President, what will your legacy be?
Will history say he knew us not?
Will history say, he thought it was all, only about oil, power, greed and the money?
Is that all that you can see, Mr. President?
What will your legacy really be?
Terray Antares Kashuba
"Thesis: The Origin and evolution of the primal and quatum mind" by Terray Kashuba, Eastern Washington University, John F. Kennedy Library Special Collections, December, 1999, retrieved August 12, 2006
" Search This Novel: The World of Dark Shadows" by Terray Antares Kashuba"December, 2004, retrieved August 12, 2006
"NASA: Space Photo-Hurricane Iniki" Credit NASA/JSC"September 11, 1992, retrieved August 12, 2006
"Government links PCB's and Cancer"by "Fox River Watch-Fox River Clean Up Proposal" retrieved August 12, 2006
" Search This Book: The World of Dark Shadows" by Terray Antares Kashuba
"Behavioral Analysis Links-Center for Psychology Resources, Athabasca University"