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Tirahi are a people who were the original inhabitants of Swat and Kohat, North West Frontier Province, Pakistan.

[edit] History

According to Denzil Ibbetson's census report of 1892, "the Orakzai have several foreign sections Eg the Sheikhan (No 10 in the appendix below )and several aboriginal or Tirahi sections..."[1]

It is further recorded by Sir Denzil Ibbetson that the Tirahi were originally Hindu:

"The Orakzai is a tribe of obscure origin, and it is doubtful if they are true Afghans, though they are said to belong to the Karlanrai race, being descended from Khadi the younger son of of Karran, as are the Dilazak . The tribe itself claims descent from a Persian prince, Sikandar Shah who was exiled (wrukzai, lost or exiled) from his father s kingdom, and took refuge with the Muhammadan King of Kohat by whom he was employed to subdue the Tirahis of Tirah, who were then Hindus or non Afghan s ruled by various rajas and divided into two branches -Dilazak and Parbali. Sikandar Shah conquered the Tirahis , and on the death of the Kohat king claimed that region as his son-in-law..."[2]

Karran or Karan or Karna is also the name of the Warrior hero known for his generosity in the Indian Epic Mahabharat. He is the oldest son of Kunti mother of the Pandavas.[citation needed]

[edit] See also

[edit] Ref list

  1. ^ page 176 Volume 111 A Glossary of the Tribes and castes of the Punjab and North -West Frontier Province compiled by H. A. Rose and based on the Census Report for the Punjab 1883, by Sir Denzil Ibbetson and the census report for the Punjab 1892 by Sir Edward Maclagan. Published By the Asian Educational Services
  2. ^ page 176 and 177 Volume 111 A Glossary of the Tribes and castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province compiled by AH ROSE and based on the Census Report for the Punjab 1883, by Sir Denzil Ibbetson and the census report for the Punjab 1892 by Sir Edward Maclagan. Published By the Asian Educational Services