Tingo Maria National Park

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Tingo Maria National Park
IUCN Category II (National Park)
Location Huánuco Region, Peru

The Tingo Maria National Park is located in Huánuco Region, Peru. Its principal attraction is the Cueva de las Lechuzas (Owl Cave) where the guacharos live. The park has a surface of 180 km2 with a mountain range in the shape of a woman that slept, which is called "The Sleeping Beauty", 'La Bella Durmiente' in Spanish. National tourists and lovers of nature visit the park daily. Four miles down the Huallaga river is the attractive city of Tingo Maria; it has a paved airport which is served daily by jet and turbo prop airplanes. The park is under the control of INRENA and the UNAS (National Universit of the Forest - www.unas.edu.pe) which headquarters in Tingo Maria. Also, the most renowned hotel is the 'Hotel Madera Verde'; it has a web page at www.geocities/madera verde.
