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Developed by Igor van den Hoven
Latest release 1.97.4 / July 13th, 2007
OS Linux, Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows
Genre MUD client
License GNU GPL
Website tintin.sourceforge.net

TinTin++ is a MUD client primarily written for Linux like systems. It is one of the oldest MUD clients in existence and a successor of the TINTIN client whose name stands for (T)he k(I)cki(N) (T)ickin d(I)kumud clie(N)t.


[edit] About

TinTin++ is a console telnet client enhanced with features that work particularly well for playing MUDs, though it allows connecting to Linux and BBS servers as well. To enhance game play on MUDs the client allows creating a VT100 split-screen, which separates the screen into an input, output, and status area. Input handling is enhanced with readline line editing, macro, and alias support. Text received from the server can be highlighted or set to execute triggers written in the TINTIN scripting language which resembles the C programming language.

TinTin++ has various other features that are commonly found in modern MUD clients, such as auto mapping, MCCP, private P2P, HTML logging, and 64 bit floating point mathematical expressions.

[edit] History

TINTIN originated as a single file containing 700 lines of C code, allowing triggers and aliases, that was posted on Usenet by Peter Unold on April 1, 1992. [1] On October 6 1992 Peter Unold made his final release, TINTIN III, which was a much more matured and feature rich program. [2]

In 1993 the development of TINTIN was continued by Bill Reiss who announced the release of TinTin++ v1.0 on July 3, 1993. [3] On May 14, 1994 TinTin++ 1.5 was announced, which was a joint effort by Bill Reiss, David A. Wagner, Rob Ellsworth, and Jeremy C. Jack. [4]

After the 1.5 release active development came to a halt. In 1996 version 1.65 was released which had readline input editing support added. TinTin++ 1.5 had gained significant popularity however, and being public domain this resulted in many derivative works like Zmud, yTin, Lyntin, Pueblo, WinTin95, and GGMud. In 1999 development was continued by Davin Chan who re-licensed the software to GNU GPL in his 2001 final release of TinTin++ 1.86b.

In 2004 development was continued by Igor van den Hoven.

[edit] Distribution

TinTin++ is currently distributed under the GNU General Public License, and works on most Unix-like operating systems. A port for Microsoft Windows called WinTin++ bundles TinTin++ with the PuTTY terminal emulator. A universal binary is available for Mac OS X.

[edit] Supported Protocols

• Character Mode Allows directly transmitting client input, required for BBSes, *NIX servers, and a handful of MUDs.
• Go Ahead Allows the server to indicate the end of output, allowing better client side prompt handling.
• MCCP Allows the compression of the data transfer from the server to the client.
• MudMaster Chat Allows instant messaging and file transfers over private P2P connections.
• NAWS Allows sending the client's window size to the server.
• TELNET Allows connecting to *NIX servers and BBSes using TELOPT negotiations.
• VT100 Allows the displaying of a server side text user interface.

[edit] Program Features

• Actions Match lines of text or patterns of text with wildcard characters.
• Aliases Command shortcuts allow bundling multiple commands together.
• Class Labels a set of triggers to belong to a given class which allows removing or saving them independently.
• Delay Execute a script after a predefined amount of time has passed.
• Events Execute a script when a predefined event occurs.
• Format Format text using a printf like syntax.
• Gags Prevent lines of text from being displayed.
• Grep Searches and displays matching lines in the scrollback buffer.
• Highlights Change the color of incoming text.
• History Buffer Stores the last commands you typed. Press UP to scroll through the list, or ctrl-r to find matches.
• If Checks Handles both numeric boolean checks and string comparisons.
• Input editing Input editing and handling that work much like the Unix Shell.
• Lists Store information in an unsorted or sorted manner and recall it when needed.
• Log Log incoming data as HTML, VT100, or plain text.
• Macros Assign text or commands to specific key combinations.
• Map Allows one to create an interactive map to help navigate the game world.
• Math 64 bit floating point mathematical expressions.
• Multiple Sessions Open Multiple session windows to use more than one character or connect to more than one server.
• Read Read in script files which can be indented and spaced out over several lines if braces are used.
• Run Runs a given application, such as ssh, with access to all of tintin's scripting capabilities.
• Scan Reads in an ANSI or plain text log file so you can view it in the scrollback buffer.
• Script Runs the given script written in python, ruby, perl, php, etc, processing the output as a client command.
• Scrollback Store the last 5000 (default) lines of text which can be viewed using page-up/down.
• Splitscreen Splits the screens in an input, output, and status area.
• Status Bar The user definable status bar lets you display information between the input and output area.
• Substitutions Changes text to display as different text. Match simple text or patterns and replace them with a substitute text.
• Tab Completion Recall hard to spell words by typing the first couple of letters and pressing tab.

[edit] External links