Timeline of Yugoslavian breakup

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The Breakup of Yugoslavia is said to have begun with the death of Josip Broz Tito on 4 May 1980 and ended when the two remaining republics (SR Serbia and SR Montenegro) still committed to a Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia proclaimed the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia on 27 April 1992. This timeline deals with the events of that time period.


[edit] 1980

Date Event
4 May Death of Yugoslav president Josip Broz Tito. Presidency of 9 members assumes power, containing one member from each constituent republic and province, with the ninth place taken by president of the Presidium of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia

[edit] 1981

Date Event
11 March Protests calling for Kosovo to become a constituent republic inside Yugoslavia, as opposed to an autonomous province of Serbia, begin.
2 April Presidency sends special forces to stop the demonstrations and declares a state of emergency in regards to Kosovo
3 April End of demonstrations during which 9 people has been killed and more of 250 injured [1]

[edit] 1983

Date Event
1983 Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church sign a petition against the persecution of Serbs in Kosovo

[edit] 1984

[edit] 1985

Date Event
1 May Kosovo resident Đorđe Martinović was treated for injuries caused by the forceful insertion of a glass bottle into his anus. Investigators has come to different conclusions from self-inflicted injuries [1] to rape with bottle[2]. In beginning Martinović has spoken about self-inflicted injuries but latter that he has been raped by Albanian fundamentalist. This last statement will create nationalistic outcry in Serbia.
25 May The Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts makes a decision to create a memorandum about political, economic, and cultural areas of debate regarding the Serbian people in SFRY.
20 July Presidency of SFRY accepts a report by Milan Kučan which states that the right of the Serbian nation to create own state is not fully fulfilled because of the autonomy of the provinces of Kosovo and Vojvodina.
28 May Slobodan Milošević is elected to the position of president of the League of Communists of Serbia.

[edit] 1986

Date Event
24 September Večernje Novosti leak the Memorandum of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
25 September President of Serbia Ivan Stambolić is criticises the Memorandum, stating: "It is a deadly chauvinist war manifest for Serbist commissars"

[edit] 1987

Date Event
24 April Slobodan Milošević delivers a speech about Kosovo to a crowd of 15,000 Serbs and Montenegrins, telling them: "You will not be beaten". Later that evening, Serbian television aired the video of Milošević. President of Serbia Ivan Stambolić will later say that after watching this video he has seen "the end of Yugoslavia".
26 June 1,000 of Serbs and Montenegrins from Kosovo has protested outside of Belgrade parliament building against persecution by ethnic Albanians [2]
2/3 September JNA soldier of Albanian nationality kills 4 other JNA soldiers and wounds 7 others. During funeral Albanian-owned shops are attacked by mob [3]
10 September Reform of the Serbian constitution
24 September During 8th Session of the League of Communists of Serbia, Milošević defeats, Ivan Stambolić, who later resigns.

[edit] 1988

Date Event
12 February Committee of Serbian academics demands creation of a "Serbian Autonomous Oblast" in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia.
15 May SFRY minister of defence Admiral Branko Mamula is fired because of his opposition to Milošević.[3] Veljko Kadijević takes his place as the new minister.
31 May - 4 June JNA captures Janez Janša and 3 other persons in Slovenia. Accusation is made about the discovery of a "state secret". The arrests provoke a national outcry in Slovenia. [4]
27 September Boško Krunić representative of League of Communists of Yugoslavia and Franc Setinc, a Slovenian member of the Yugoslav Communist Party Politburo and are resigning due to ethnic conflict between Serbs and Albanians.[5]
4 October Crowd of people gather in Bačka Palanka to protest against the provincial government of Vojvodina.
5 October Under the control of Slobodan Milošević, Mihalj Kertes and 100,000 men from Bačka Palanka and the rest of Serbia enter Novi Sad, the capital of Vojvodina, and to support protests against the government of Vojvodina
6 October After the JNA refuses to disperse crowd or protect the parliament building in Novi Sad, the entire parliament of Vojvodina resigns and is replaced with politicians loyal to Milošević [4]. The structure of the Presidency of Yugoslavia changes, by effectively giving Serbia 2 votes out of 8.
9 October Montenegrin police intervene against protesters in Titograd and proclaim a state of emergency [5]. This is seen by Serbia as an act of hostility
10 October Raif Dizdarevic president of SFRY has warned that the crisis in Yugoslavia might lead to extraordinary conditions. President has declared that the demonstrations against Communist Party leaders in various sections of the country are "negative events" which can lead to "unpredictable consequences" [6]
17 October Failed attempt of Stipe Šuvar to kick out Slobodan Milošević from the Yugoslav Central Committee.
November 1988 Number of presidency members reduced to 8; presidency position for the president of the Presidium of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia is abolished.
17 November Resignation of Kosovo provincial government; politicians loyal to Slobodan Milošević installed. This event triggers the first of many demonstrations by ethnic Albanians. Structure of the Presidency changes again, Serbia effectively having 3 votes out of 8.
18 November Massive rally held in Belgrade of almost one million people in support of the Milošević policy.[7]
19 November About 100,000 ethnic Albanians marched through the capital of Kosovo angered by Serbian removal of provincial leaders [8]

[edit] 1989

Date Event
10 January Over 100,000 protesters gather in Titograd to protest the regional government of Montenegro. Members resign the next day [9] ; new leadership consists of Momir Bulatović, Milo Đukanović and Svetozar Marović, strongly allied with Milošević. Structure of Yugoslav presidency effectively hands Serbia 4 out of 8 votes (remaining votes belong to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia and Slovenia)
20 February Albanian workers in Trepca mine (near Kosovska Mitrovica) go on strike.
27 February Yugoslav presidency declares a state of emergency in Kosovo due to Albanian protests.
3 March Arrest of Azem Vllasi
4 March Serbian Writers Association discusses hate towards Serbs in Croatia, Kosovo and Slovenia. At this meeting Vuk Drašković mentions "Serbian western frontiers"
16 March Slobodan Milošević rejects position of Yugoslav Prime Minister which had been offered by Minister of Defence Veljko Kadijević
28 March With the Serbian change of constitution, Yugoslav provinces Vojvodina and Kosovo have autonomy abolished, but retain a seat in the presidency of Yugoslavia.
8 May Slobodan Milošević becomes president of Serbia.
17 June Creation of the Croatian Democratic Union in Croatia
28 June Slobodan Milošević delivers the Gazimestan speech to maybe 2 000 000 Serbs in which he speaks about the possibility of future "armed battles"
14 September At a meeting of the Serbian Writers Association in Belgrade, Vuk Drašković asks for the creation of a Serbian Krajina in Croatia
27 September Slovenia amends its constitution in the name of greater autonomy inside Yugoslavia
29 September Demonstrations in Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia and Vojvodina against Slovenian constitutional amendments
20 October Presidency of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Bosnia and Herzegovina discovers actions of the Serbian Secret Service in Bosnian territory
30 October Beginning of court proceedings against Azem Vllasi and other Kosovar politicians.
3 November During Albanian demonstrations in Kosovo police uses force and some demonstrators are killed.
20 November Slovenia refuses to allow demonstrations of Serbs and Montenegrins in Ljubljana. In line with this decision, Croatia has declared that it will not allow people from Serbia and Montenegro, travelling to Slovenia for December 1 demonstrations, to cross its territory.[6]
29 November Serbia begins an economic blockade of Slovenia.
1 December Less than 100 people turn up at a protest in Slovenia. Police disperse the crowd.
10 December Secret meeting of Croatian and Slovenian presidents
13 December Ivica Račan becomes president of the Croatian Communist Party against the wishes of the Yugoslav Army
31 December Slobodan Milošević decides to stop sending electrical power to residents of Croatia. Italian foreign minister Gianni de Michelis is calls Croats and Slovenes extremist without any chance to enter Europe outside Yugoslavia

[edit] 1990

Date Event
1 January Start of Ante Marković (prime minister from 17 March 1989) economic program
20 January Last Congress of Communist League of Yugoslavia
22 January Slovenian and few minutes latter Croatian delegats are leaving Congress of Communist League of Yugoslavia
25 January New Albanian protests in Kosovo against emergency rule. Crowd of 40,000 people is dispersed with water cannons and tear gas. [7]
26 January Yugoslav minister of defence demands a rise in military personnel in Slovenia. JNA creates a military plan of action for territories with ethnically mixed populations (Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia).
29 January General strike in Kosovo
31 January Decision of Yugoslav presidency about sending of JNA on Kosovo to restore order.
14 February Croatian parliament has changed laws to allow Multi-party system.
16 February Zdravko Mustač chief of UDBA is declaring that HDZ will start Serb pogrom 48 hours after election wictory
17 February Creation of Serb Democratic Party in Knin, Croatia
25 February Franjo Tuđman is elected for HDZ president.
4 March Protest of 50 000 Serbs from Croatia and Serbia on Petrova Gora. Demand has been "territorial integrity of Yugoslavia" and "against Franjo Tuđman Ustaša".
10 March BBC is speaking against bad situation between Croats and Serbs and tensions created after Serbs demands on Petrova Gora
17 March Duško Čubrilović of Serbian nationality has tried to kill Franjo Tuđman, on a election meeting in Benkovac.
21 March Serbs around Zadar are creating nights guards which are controlling even bus lines.
26 March Meeting between Serbian leadership about situation in Yugoslavia. Agreement is that war in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina is not possible to avoid.
30 March Meeting of League of Communists of Yugoslavia without members from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia and Macedonia.
3 April members of Croatian police are withdrawn from Kosovo
8 April First multiparty elections in Slovenia. Winners are DEMOS coalition and for president elected is communist Milan Kučan
10 April Croatia: Serbs create the of "Association of municipalities from northern Dalmatia" in Knin.
22 April First multiparty elections in Croatia. Winner is Croatian Democratic Union HDZ which is taking 193 of 365 parliament places [10].
26 April Meeting between Borisav Jović, future president of presidency, and minister of defence Veljko Kadijević, where he is reporting that JNA is ready for action in Slovenia and Croatia
17 May JNA is starting to disarm territorial defense of Slovenia and Croatia. Because of Slovenian refusal disarming has failed in this republic
26 May Creation of SDA in Bosnia and Herzegovina
30 May Croatian parliament has elected Franjo Tuđman for president position and Stipe Mesić for position of prime minister. Serb Democratic Party of Jovan Rašković has broken all relationship with Croatian parliament.
30 May Vojislav Šešelj is saying in newspaper Svet:"Border of our Serbia is not Drina. Drina is Serbian river which is going through center of Serbia"[11]
6 June City of Knin parliament is proposing creation of Association of municipalities of Northern Dalmatia and Lika.
8 June JNA is creating new brigades in regions of Zagreb, Knin, Banja Luka and Herzegovina
27 June Creation of Association of municipalities of Northern Dalmatia and Lika in Knin
28 June Slobodan Milošević is speaking to Yugoslav president of presidency Borisav Jović about his thinking: "breakup of Croatia need to be done in such way so that Association of municipalities of Northern Dalmatia and Lika stay on our side of border".
30 June Vladimir Šeks, vicepresident of Croatian parliament is speaking that SFRY need to become confederation.
1 July Milan Babić is speaking in village Kosovo near Knin (Croatia) about future creation of SAO Krajina.
1 July Parliament of Slovenia has voted declaration of independence (but independence is not proclaimed)
2 July Kosovo parliament declares Kosovo an independent country, the Republic of Kosova. Recognized by nobody but Albania.
5 July Parliament of Serbia has abolished parliament of Kosovo because of 2 July decision.
20 July Parliament of Serbia has changed election laws to allow first multiparty elections.
25 July Parliamet of Croatia has voted for constitutional changes in which word Socialist from Croatian name is deleted and it has cleared way for future confederation of independent states about which Vladimir Šeks has spoken on 30 June. Serb Democratic Party of Croatia has proclaimed declaration of independence of Serbs in Croatia and creation of Serbian National Council
30 July In place Berak near Vukovar there has been attack on members of HDZ.
31 July On first meeting of Serbian National Council in Croatia decision is made that referendum is needed for Serbian autonomy in Croatia. After receiving that news Croatian government has banned referendum [12].Milan Babić is elected president of council [13]
31 July Parliament of Bosnia and Herzegovina has changed constitution so this republic has officially become home of Bosniaks, Serbs and Croats.
5 August Creation of Serbian Democratic Party in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
13 August Delegation of Serbs from Knin under presidency of Milan Babić has come in Belgrade on meeting with Yugoslav president of presidency Borisav Jović and Yugoslav minister of interior Petar Gračanin. Borisav Jović has declared that municipalities will decide if they will stay in Yugoslavia or not.
17 August Serbs of "Krajina" who accuse the Croatian authorities of discrimination raised baricades on key roads around Knin. Start of Log revolution [14]
18 August Creation of Croatian Democratic Union in Bosnia and Herzegovina
20 August Yugoslav government and JNA is demanding that Croatia do not take actions against Serbs rebels in so-called Krajina.
24 August Croatian president Franjo Tuđman is asking for meeting with Serbian president Slobodan Milošević.
27 August It is possible to register new political parties in Serbia [15].
30 August Croatian constitutional court has declared that "Association of municipalities from northern Dalmatia and Lika" is against constitution so they are de jure abolished.
September Albanian members of the dissolved Kosovo parliament met clandestinely and adopted an alternative constitution [16]
3 September Albanians are starting general strike on Kosovo.[17]
3 September Ivan Zvonimir Čičak i Marinko Božić are creating Croatian Patriotic Organization in Herzegovina. Because of black uniforms similar to Croatian Quisling forces during WWII members are called Ustaše by Serbian press.
7 September Josip Boljkovac Croatian minister of internal affairs has given ultimatum to rebels from Krajina region to stop all actions against constitution of Croatia and to return arms until 12 September in 12:00 hours.
9 September Serb Democratic Party has demanded protection of Yugoslav presidency.
12 September Serbian radio Knin is asking that citizens stop returning arms to Croatia government.
13 September Massacre in Polat (village in Kosovo) committed by Serbia forces [18]
18 September failed "coup" inside Bosniaks Party of Democratic Action.
19 September Parliament of Bosnia and Herzegovina has voted to stay inside SFRY.
26 September Serbs from Pakrac, Petrinja and Sisak (in Croatia) has started to block road traffic.
28 September Constitution of Serbia is being changed : cancellation of autonomy for Vojvodina and Kosovo but members position in Presidency of Yugoslavia has not been abolished !
30 September Serbian National Council in Croatia that Serbian people has voted on referendum (which has been declared illegal by Croatia) for Serbian autonomy inside Croatia which is inside Yugoslavia.
1 October Serbian National Council has proclaimed Creation of Serbian Autonomous Oblast of Krajina in Croatia.
1 October George Bush has in his meeting with Yugoslav president of presidency given full support to Yugoslavia
3 October Croatia and Slovenia are giving offer to Yugoslav presidency for creation of Yugoslav confederation
4 October Slovenian parliament has abolished 27 Yugoslav laws on Slovenian territory.
11 October Vojvodina oil company Naftagas has taken control of Croatian oil company propriety in self proclaimed Serbian Autonomous Oblast of Krajina
16 October On Yugoslav presidency meeting Croatia and Slovenia has again demanded creation of Yugoslav confederation. Representatives from all other republics has voted against proposition.
23 October Serbian parliament has voted for taxes on goods from Croatia and Slovenia.
26 October Slobodan Milošević is asking for military actions only against Croatia and "only" in territory where are Serbs.
18 November First multiparty election in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Party of Democratic Action (shortcut SDA) (party of Bosnian muslims) has received 86 seats (35 %), Serbian Democratic Party (SDP) 72 (29 %), Croatian Democratis Union (HDZ) 44 (18%). In Bosnia and Herzegovina presidency SDA has received 3 seats and SDP 2.
22 November Meeting between Croatian and Slovenian president about future independence
25 November VMRO–DPMNE is winner of first multiparty elections in Republic of Macedonia with 37 seats in parliament. Communists has received "only" 31 seat.
28 November Meeting between Janez Drnovšek Slovenian ex president of Yugoslav presidency (until May 1990) and president of Yugoslav presidency Borisav Jović in which Slovenia has received green light for leaving Yugoslavia.
29 November Arkan of paramilitary Serb Volunteer Guard is arrested in Croatia and soon he will be released.
3 December Strongly divided between priest which support or oppose Slobodan Milošević Serbian Orthodox Church for new leader bishop is choosing Pavle from Kosovo.
7 December Yugoslav minister of defense Veljko Kadijević has from Belgrade television attacked current Croatian leadership for recreation of fascism and genocide against Serbs.
9 December Slobodan Milošević Socialist Party of Serbia is winner of first Serbian multiparty and he is elected for president with 65.35 % of votes. [19]
9 December League of Communists of Montenegro is winner of first Montenegro multiparty elections.
21 December Milan Babić has proclaimed SAO Krajina on Croatian territory.
22 December Croatian parliament has voted for new constitution. In new constitution Croatia has become home of Croats and other nations. Removing of Serbs name in constitution is creating outcry in this Croatian minority. Parliament visitors during vote has been Milan Kučan president of Slovenia and Alija Izetbegović president of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
23 December Socialist Party of Serbia has received 192 out of 250 seats in Serbian parliament.
23 December Momir Bulatović which has received his position after January coup is elected president of Montenegro with 76.9 % of votes.
26 December Serbia takes from the Yugoslav Central Bank 1.8 billion US dollars (2.5 billion Deutsche Mark) in local currency (Yugoslav dinar) [20]. Under pressure of other republics and World Bank 1.5 thousand million Deutsche Mark are later returned [21]
31 December Constitutional court of Croatia has declared that in legal sense SAO Krajina do not exist.

[edit] 1991

Date Event
4 January Croatian government has create defense council.
4 January Creation of Krajina police forces.
4 January Veljko Kadijević Yugoslav minister of defense is demanding from Yugoslav president of presidency Borisav Jović that nations and not republic vote for staying or leaving Yugoslavia
9 January Yugoslav president of presidency Borisav Jović is demanding presidency vote for use of JNA against Croatia and Slovenia. All 3 presidence members under Serbian control (Kosovo, Serbia and Vojvodina) and member from Montenegro are voting for use of force, but presidency members from other republics (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia and Slovenia) are voting against.
10 January After meeting of Yugoslav presidency with JNA army is receiving green light to take weapons from "paramilitary forces".
10 January Because of Bogić Bogićević vote on 9 January Radoslav Karadžić is demanding that he resign. Bogić Bogićević is Bosnian Serb which is elected on 25 June 1989 referendum to represent Bosnia and Herzegovina in Yugoslav presidency [22]
15 January Veljko Kadijević is declaring that Serbs of Croatia are giving weapons, but Croats not.
3 March Yugoslav army is deployed to stop fighting between Serbian villagers which has earlier seized control of police station in Pakrac and Croatia police unit which has restored control of the police station and town [23]. During fighting nobody is killed but first shots of Croatian War of Independence has been fired.
9 March Start of great student demonstrations in Belgrade. JNA is receiving from presidency members green light to protect important buildings but it is using this green light to attack demonstrators.
12 March Meeting of Yugoslav presidency in JNA Headquarters during demonstrations. JNA is demanding declaration of war situation. Vote is copy of 9 January with presidency members under Milošević control are voting for war and others against (4:4). After vote must important members of Yugoslav army are going on "diplomatic" missions in France, UK and USSR [24]
15 March Slobodan Milošević declares on Serbian state television:"Yugoslavia does not exist any more"[11]
31 March Bloody Easter at Plitvice, Croatia: first victim a Croat
2 April President of "Krajina" Milan Babic has in Titova Korenica proclaimed union of this Croatian region under control of rebel Serbs with Serbia [25]
2 May Borovo Selo killings take place
19 May Referendum held for independence in Croatia - 94.17 % votes in favour of independence
25 June Croatia makes a constitutional decision about independence
25 June Slovenia declares independence
31 July Milan Babic president of insurgent Serbs in Krajina has rejected peace proposal by the European Community ministers [26]
25 August Beginning of the Siege of Vukovar
8 September Macedonia declares independence
30 September Referendum held for independence in Kosovo - majority in favour of independence. Serbia does not accept it.
7 October Banski dvori are attacked by rockets of the Yugoslav People's Army
7 October Croatian Parliament declares independence from Yugoslavia
8 October Croatia declares independence
13 October Radovan Karadžić tells Momčilo Mandić: "In just a couple of days, Sarajevo will be gone and there will be five hundred thousand dead, in one month Muslims will be annihilated in Bosnia and Herzegovina"[27]
15 October Radovan Karadžić tells Miodrag Davidović and Luka Karadžić: "In the first place no one of their leadership (Bosniaks) would stay alive, in three, four hours they'd all be killed. They wouldn't have a chance to survive at all"[27]
21 October Serbian paramilitary forces in Croatia commit Baćin massacre
18-21 November Vukovar massacre at Ovčara takes place
12-13 December Serbian paramilitary forces in Croatia commit Voćin massacre

[edit] 1992

Date Event
9 January Bosnian Serbs declare establishment of their own republic, effective from date of international recognition of Bosnia.
15 January European Community recognises Slovenia and Croatia.
21 February UNSCR 743 set up a Protection Force (UNPROFOR), mandated to create three IJN Protected Areas (UNPAs) in Croatia.
29 February Referendum on independence held in Bosnia. Majority of Muslims and Croats in favour, majority of Serbs hold a boycott.
1 April Paramilitaries from Serbia ethnically cleansed the Bosnian town of Bijeljina.
7 April EC recognises Bosnia. "Assembly of the Serbian Nation of Bosnia-Hercegovina" proclaimed an independent Bosnian Serb Republic, which was later named "Republika Srpska".
27 April Formal end of Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia with proclamation of new Constitution approved by "Federal assembly" for the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY), consisting of Serbia and Montenegro.

For later events see the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia timeline.

[edit] References

  1. ^ Sabrina P. Ramet, Angelo Georgakis. Thinking about Yugoslavia: Scholarly Debates about the Yugoslav Breakup and the Wars in Bosnia and Kosovo, pp. 153, 201. Cambridge University Press, 2005. ISBN 1397805218
  2. ^ Jasna Dragović-Soso, Saviours of the Nation?: Serbia's Intellectual Opposition and the Revival of Nationalism, pp. 132-135. C. Hurst & Co, 2002. ISBN 1850655774
  3. ^ Ne klepecem mamulama!
  4. ^ Yugoslav Region Looks At Loyalty - New York Times
  5. ^ Ethnic Strife Prompts 2 to Quit Yugoslav Politburo
  7. ^ Rally in Belgrade Protests Ethnic Albanian Surge
  8. ^ Yugoslav Groups Hold Rival Demonstrations - New York Times
  9. ^ Leaders of a Republic In Yugoslavia Resign
  10. ^ As Croatia Goes, Will All Yugoslavia?
  11. ^ a b Biblioteka Svedočanstva, No. 21
  12. ^ Serb Minority Seek Role in a Separate Croatia
  13. ^ Summary of the Judgement for Milan Babić
  14. ^ Roads Sealed as Yugoslav Unrest Mounts
  15. ^ Double-Headed Eagle Cries to Serbs for Revenge
  16. ^ Serbia dissidents vote constitution
  17. ^ Strike paralyzes Yugoslav region
  18. ^ Why Keep Yugoslavia One Country?
  19. ^ Rulling party wins Serbian elections
  20. ^ Financial scandal rocks Yugoslavia
  21. ^ Predmet Milosevic (IT-02-54) - Skraceni sazetak svjedocenja Ante Markovica
  22. ^ Bogić Bogićević: ČOVJEK KOJI JE REKAO "NE"
  23. ^ Belgrade Sends Troops to Croatia Town
  24. ^ Bogić Bogićević: ČOVJEK KOJI JE REKAO "NE"
  25. ^ Rebel Serbs Complicate Rift on Yugoslav Unity
  26. ^ Serbian Enclave Reluctant To Allow Visit by Outsiders
  27. ^ a b Helsinki Charter No. 109-110
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