User:Tifego/UCRG notes

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[edit] Purpose

RfC and/or RfAr.

[edit] User whose conduct is disputed


[edit] Users who dispute this user's conduct

[edit] Statement

(to do)

[edit] Evidence of failed attempts to resolve dispute

  1. suggestion from Szyslak to "please consider changing the way you work with others here at Wikipedia."
    • UCRGrad: Continued confrontational attitude: [1] [2] [3] [4]
  2. suggestion from Tifego to "please stop violating WP:AGF and WP:CIVIL ... It is not necessary or helpful" (about this edit)
    • UCRGrad: Refusal to acknowledge: "There is no violation of WP:AGF and WP:CIVIL at all." [5]
  3. (to do: quite a few more)

[edit] Wikipedia dispute resolution procedures

  1. (Evidence of attempt 1) David Gerard: "I had a look too and spotted the sockpuppet without prompting from Mackensen. Your pattern is obvious. You appear to have mistaken Wikipedia's tremendous tolerance for stupidity. Please don't assume that if it would fool you it must fool everyone else" - David Gerard 17:21, 1 May 2006 (UTC)
    • (Evidence of failure of attempt 1) UCRGrad: "I don't fricking believe this. And what kind of pattern might this be? Two users who obviously know each other using the same computers back to back? UCRGrad 17:31, 1 May 2006 (UTC) And did you check as far back as the day 909er initially registered (right after my 3-hour "ban")? I understand that it must feel satisfying and rewarding when you think you've "caught" what MUST be a "typical sockpuppeteer," and yeah it probably seems like it first glance, but did it ever occur to you that you might be incorrect??? What type of evidence would it take to prove my case to you?" UCRGrad 17:40, 1 May 2006 (UTC)[6]
  2. (Evidence of attempt 2) ElKevbo: "It's clear there are several disagreements which are not being resolved to anyone's satisfaction. I recommend we call a truce, cease editing the article for a bit, and look into one of the mediation options such as an Request for Comment. What say ye?" --ElKevbo 02:26, 9 May 2006 (UTC)
    • Evidence of failure of attempt 2) UCRGrad: "I do not agree to mediation, and here's why. At first glance, it may seem that some of the concerns may make sense. That is, people are not used to reading ANY negative information in a university article. Thus, the presence of these facts, no matter how true and accurate and representative they are, will likely to be misconstrued as bias. Ultimately, I believe that I can justify inclusion of this information to any neutral third party; however, it will require that I (and others in my camp) start from square one, from the very beginning, re-explaining over and over why XYZ should be included and why it is 100% appropriate..." UCRGrad 02:56, 9 May 2006 (UTC)[7]

[edit] Evidence of disputed behavior

[edit] Sockpuppetry

[edit] Used for deception
(to do)

[edit] Used for disruption
See the pieces of evidence below that are attributed to these sockpuppets.

[edit] Violating WP:NPA

  1. UCRGrad: "I'm wondering if UCR students like TheRegicider should be allowed to edit this article due to a) obvious inherent bias, b) obvious self-interest to promote the campus, and c) immature behavior thus far with edits here." [8]
  2. UCRGrad: "it is irrelevant that 4 of the same individuals who routinely object to ANY contributions that shed a negative light on he campus are again not satisfied with my latest contribution ... Maybe instead of doing blanket reverts, the four of you should get together and actually provide reasonable counterarguments, seeing as how the same four people have conveniently written supportive statements within the same brief time window." [9]
  4. UCRGrad: "it's that some editors of this article might have a pre-bias. HERE The Theregicider for example, assuming it's the same person, is an advocate for UCR." [11]


  1. UCRGrad: "Is this the kind of logic you employ to mask your inability to interpret medical literature?" [12]
  2. UnblockingTau: "I think that we would not be having this inane conversation if Tigego would be less ignorant and more informed about the facts ... you must fully address the argument's of others before you can even begin to expect your peers to take you seriously" [13]

[edit] Violating WP:CIVIL

  1. 909er: "You get a revert ... Eat it." [14]
  2. UCRGrad: "NONE of your suggestions have had any merit so far" [15]
  3. UCRGrad: "I've made some excellent points, so excllent, in fact... you've been nailed on several points, especially how you falsified ... you became desperate to find ANYTHING to counter with ... YOU HAVE THE AUDACITY TO ACCUSE ... ???? Why don't you look in the mirror" [16]
  4. UCRGrad: "You're being ridiculous" [17]
  5. 909er: "Yo, at what point did you think it was a good idea to make these obnoxious changes" [18]
  6. 909er: "justify your obnoxious changes. If you don't feel a need to justify your changes, I don't feel a need to justify my REVERT!!!!!" [19]
  7. 909er: "Since I'm on a roll here, I'm still waiting for you to respond to allegations that you falsified data to support your arguments" [20]
  8. 909er: "Just suck it up and ... find a REAL source" [21]
  9. 909er: "Why don't you read the TALK page, man, rather than sound like a fool" [22]
  10. 909er: "Yo, man. The "burden of proof" is on why YOU think information should be removed!!! ... the other party stubbornly remains silent. I'm referring to Pimpclinton" [23]
  11. (to do)


  1. UnblockingTau: "His whole argument is convoluted like the proximal tubule." [24]
  2. UnblockingTau: "you were essentially grasping at anything that might give you a foothole in this debate, rather than formulating more sound arguments" [25]
  3. UnblockingTau: "If you just "believe," ... then why are you commenting?" [26]

[edit] Ad hominem arguments/attacks
  1. UCRGrad: "I will point out again that is a UCR computer." [27]
  2. UCRGrad: "(the user above) traces back to a computer located on the UC Riverside campus." [28]
  3. UCRGrad: "I'm wondering if UCR students like TheRegicider should be allowed to edit this article due to a) obvious inherent bias, b) obvious self-interest to promote the campus." [29]
  4. 909er: "obviously either students of UCR, affiliated with UCR, cohorts of UCR students ... I wouldn't be surprised if half you guys were sockpuppets." [30]
  5. UCRGrad: "Most of the individuals in Tifego's camp are either UCR students, UCR graduates, or UC-affiliated in some way." [31]
  6. (to do)

[edit] Violating WP:AGF

  1. UCRGrad: "Tifego and his camp don't have valid reasons as to why my contributions should be removed, therefore, they are trying harrass me through other means .. I think a lot of these individuals would prefer to have zero negative facts presented, even if this meant sugar-coating data and deleting pertinent and important information about their school. Now it has resorted to this!" [32]
  2. (to do: there are many more)

[edit] Violating WP:POINT

  1. UCRGrad: Deleting an entire not-yet-sourced (but undisputed) section after being asked to provide references. "There is NO source for the information in history. I expect appropriate citations, just as others have asked of me." [33]
  2. (to do: there are at least a few more)

[edit] Violating WP:NLT

  1. UCRGrad: "If there is any kind of breech of my privacy, and I suffer damages as a result, I would expect compensation from parties involved." [34]

[edit] Violating WP:OWN

(to do)
  1. UCRGrad: "...As a "UCRGrad," I have extensive first-hand experience about the school's academics, student life, reputation, etc. and I am very familiar with relevant publications in the media and by well-regarded organiations. That is why you are reading true and comprehensive information about UCR, and not a photocopy of the recruitment pamphlet." UCRGrad 20:18, 9 May 2006 (UTC)[35]
  2. UCRGrad: "Reading other college articles is like opening up a recruitment brochure, in that they are riddle with POSITIVE BIAS. On the other hand, I happen to have extensive knowledge about UCR, and I can present a true and balanced perspective along with relevant news article and facts about the school that you are relevant, verifiable, and are very informative. That is why you see such a difference. There is no bias in this article." UCRGrad 02:58, 19 May 2006 (UTC)[36]
  3. UCRGrad: "I'm sorry if you don't quite understand this, but it suggests that perhaps your lack of a "big picture" knowledgebase in college sports precludes you from being an effective editor for this section."[37]

[edit] Unwillingness to reach agreement

(to do)
  1. UCRGrad: "The majority opinion is not necessarily the correct one. For instance, in 19th century America, it was majority opinion that Blacks should be slaves. It was only through careful deliberation by justices of the Supreme Court that the CORRECT opinion (that Blacks should NOT be slaves) was enforced over the MAJORITY opinion. Naturally, if 10 freshmen from the A-I dorm decide to "vote" here, you're going to see a natural skewing here." UCRGrad 22:14, 8 May 2006 (UTC)
  2. UCRGrad: "Even if I stipulated that "ALMOST ALL other campuses of the University of California" should instead read "MOST campuses of the University of California," it WOULDN'T CHANGE the validity of the my argument. The fact that Nobel laureates are at least somewhat prevalent among UC campuses (in this case, MOST campuses) means that the COUNTERARGUMENT that we should not include this fact because "Nobel Laureates are rare" is defeated. Recall that "Nobel prizes are rare" was one of the arguments made for why we should not mention their absence at UCR. Finally, you attempt to make a reductio ad absurdium argument "If we're going to include that, we may as well include every other thing that 4/9ths of the campuses don't have." Unfortunately, your statement does not draw a parallel, because the presence of Nobel prize-winning faculty is already prima facie relevant to an article about a national university, because it is a surrogate marker of the a school's recognition, caliber of research, ability to attract top faculty, ability to draw top grants/funding by a Nobel laureate, and is typically a feature of well-known schools. Honestly, you are entitled to your opinion. I respect that you "believe" that there is a violation of NPOV and WP:OWN, but if you are unable to justify your "opinion" with facts and evidence that survive scrutiny (like we are doing here), then at the end, your "opinion" is probably just that and nothing more." UCRGrad 21:16, 25 May 2006 (UTC)[38]
  3. UCRGrad: "With regard to the lack of a football team, I am appalled that you and another individual do not appreciate how critical it is to mention this. Perhaps you are not in tune with college sports, or you attended an undergraduate institution that did not have a football team."[39]

[edit] Edit warring tendencies

(to do: various edit wars, including 3RR violation)

[edit] Reverting without regard for other changes

(to do: there must be a better title for this section)
  1. [40]

[edit] Other disruptions

  1. 909er: (user page vandalism) [41]
  2. (to do)

[edit] Discussion

See discussion page.