Talk:Tifa Lockhart/1 July 2005 - 5 November 2005

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Sex symbol

I am wondering if it would be worthwhile to mention the fact that Tifa, in some circles, has become somewhat of an iconic sex-symbol on a level similar to Lara Croft? Seems to me reasonable for the effort of compiling an encyclopedia, but I could see how it would be objectionable. --QuantumDriver 1 July 2005 09:19 (UTC)

That does seem reasonable to me, only because it is true, but who am I to say? ~Lord Sephiroth'
I agree wholeheartedly sir, and-SEPHIROTH! GET BACK HERE YOU SON OF A - ~ Cloud Strife
Personally I think think it's a bit irrelevent, especially seeing as how in advent children she is now more... realisticly proportioned - Undc
Worth mentioning with half a sentence at most. --Wwwwolf 17:44, 7 October 2005 (UTC)


Doesn't prove much though. There's fan-pr0n about almost every female video game character. I mean, even Samus Aran, and I'm afraid to look at it because there seems to be next to no other humans in Metroid games, just tons of really weird aliens =) So saying Tifa has, ahem, inspired artists this way isn't at all surprising, and only due to the relative popularity of this stuff it should be mentioned briefly. --Wwwwolf 09:50, 16 October 2005 (UTC)


This argument seems pointless. if mentioned in the page it should be maybe a line or two it should not be a big deal because in the story she is not presented as a sex symbol vixen type of character. Yes there is an ungodly amount of Tifa porn on the web but that is hardly relevant to the game its self. Perhaps if a section is added discussing how fans or the gaming community view her is added it could be discussed other wise it is unnecessary. Leon Evelake 03:46, 14 February 2006 (UTC)

I believe it is an interesting tidbit to add, seeing how after 9 whole years Tifa's internet fandom has remained persistant and even reinvigorated by the more recent representations of her in such places as Advent Children. If proof of this is needed, suffice to search for Tifa Lochart in any search engine and see the obscene amount of fan art, doujinshi, and on the many forums/websites that her obvious sex appeal has been noticed (examples: (may contain some NSFW material),,, Of course, admittedly there is much more to Tifa than her physical appeal, being _the_ strongest most determined character in the FFVI cast, but nonetheless, it is something worthy of taking notice. If my defense to add this tidbit as a small Trivia isn't enough, I shall expand on this, because there is no denying this "internet phenomenom" is Tifa Lockhart. For now I rest my case.

Lockheart or Lockhart?

I was wondering why the title of this page is Tifa Lockheart when the official Final Fantasy VII site and the official Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children site both site her name as Tifa Lockhart. If there is any reason for her page being named Tifa Lockheart, please let me know — otherwise, I plan on changing it. — Warpedmirror 15:04, 3 August 2005 (UTC)

This is very similar to the Aeris/Aerith Gainsbourg/Gainsborough debate. — CuaHL 20:32, 3 August 2005 (UTC)
Hmm...just looked at my Final Fantasy VII instruction booklet and it lists it as Lockheart... I think we should probably go by the Advent Children names as they are the latest to be released and if Square Enix wanted to properly re-translate the names, they would do so. — WARPEDmirror 04:29, 14 August 2005 (UTC)
FWIW, Advent Children's Japanese version seems to have "Lockhart". Still, let's not act until the US release is out, and even then, cautiously. In any case I would definitely hesitate to change article names back and forth, since Square themselves seems to not show much coherence on the matter. Are we going to change Tseng to Zeng in light of Last Order, too, in name of "proper retranslation", or are we just marionettes in Square's diabolic play, perpetually erasing and changing the names right after Square, laughing ominously all the time, again retranslates them in new products? Let's do the "proper retranslation" as soon as Square starts showing some diligence and sticks with one spelling for all eternity. --Wwwwolf 17:52, 7 October 2005 (UTC)
Good question. I've seen it both ways, in a lot of places. Google gives 39700 for "tifa lockheart" and 19700 for "tifa lockhart". It says "Lockheart" in both the PC version and PS Platinum manuals. Yet, the official websites have pretty serious weight, I think... I say we keep the thing on Lockheart and redirect from Lockhart, as is done now. --Wwwwolf 12:32, 25 August 2005 (UTC)
Seems to me that in all the Japanese spellings of her name it's 'Lockhart', but in the English translation it was always written as 'Lockheart'. (Just as 'Aerith' was changed to 'Aeris' in the English translation, and 'Barett' became 'Barret'.) It's an easy mistake to make in translation. Either way, they're both 'official'. I guess it depends on which you think is more official, the Japanese or English translations. *shrugs* --Ludi 11:36, 22 October 2005 (UTC)
The Google results prove nothing. "Lockheart" appears more often as that's how it was spelt in the American Playstation release of the game, and hence, most of the initial American players would spell her last name as such. As far as I know, all the material originating directly from Square tells us "Lockhart". "Lockheart" only appears in second-degree material, such as on character figurine boxes or in the Playstation English translation (which was done hastily, hence the many mistakes). In addition, the PC release of FFVII, which was released later and retranslated more carefully, gives us "Lockhart" (as opposed to Aeris, which remained the same). From this, I think we can conclude that "Lockhart" was indeed the intended spelling of Tifa's name, and I propose an article name change. ryan-d 11:49, 1 November 2005 (UTC)
Yep, I'm definitely starting to feel this way too, based on that evidence. The article title should be changed. --Wwwwolf 12:53, 1 November 2005 (UTC)
Move proposal added, please vote.ryan-d 04:52, 5 November 2005 (UTC)
I agree that the page should be moved, "Lockhart" has always been the right spelling and the wrong spelling is an insult to Tifa.xr 05:27, 5 November 2005 (UTC)

In the video game manual for the PS and in the official strategy guide, it is spelled Lockheart. I think we should all just agree to disagree, or we should get somebody to contact Square Enix and figure it out once and for all. As for Tifa being a sex symbol, I think Barret more sexier than Tifa.-Leandreamo

It's been figured out once and for all for years. "Lokchart" is the official romanization. It's used in all the Japanese products and most likely will be in the upcoming English ones, as well. Just sit tight and wait until Advent Children and Kingdom Hearts II's English releases if you must. Ryu Kaze 12:19, 15 February 2006 (UTC)