Tiergarten Nürnberg

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Complete name: Tiergarten Nürnberg
Adress: Am Tiergarten 30,
90480 Nürnberg
Expanse in Hektar: 70 Hektar
Opening: 11. Mai 1912
(since 1939 at the Schmausenbuck)
Animal species: 282
Individuals: ca. 2270
Administration: Dag Encke (Direktor)
Sponsorship: Stadt Nürnberg
Sponsoring organisations: Verein der Tiergartenfreunde
Nürnberg e.V.,
JAKO-O (Sponsor)
Internationaler Zoo- und
Stiftung Artenschutz,
Yaqu Pacha
Website: www.tiergarten.nuernberg.de

The Tiergarten Nürnberg Zoo located in the Nürnberger Reichswald, northwest of Nuremberg. Around 300 animal species are kept in this 67 ha large park.


[edit] History

[edit] In the Middle Ages

The Tradition of the Tiergartens goes back to the Middle Ages. Hints for a this park are only in the Name of some places like the Tiergärtnertor and the adjoining Tiergärtnertorplatz. This park streched from there to the so called Johannisfelder (today: St. Johannis) and the Rohlederersgarten (today: Area of the Klinikum Nord). Only speculations are possible about the use.

[edit] 20th century

The Tiergarten Nürnberg was found on Mai, 11th, 1912 [1] at the Luitpoldhain. After the Nach der Machtergreifung of the NSDAP the Tiergarten had to give way for the Reichsparteitagsgelände at the Dutzendteich and was closed in February 1939. In Mai 1939 the new Tiergarten could be opened in the Reichswald at the Schmausenbuck. It was almost completely destroyed after World war II and rebuilt at the end of the 1950's.

[edit] Today

With almost 70 ha it is one of the largest eurpean zoos. Typical are large, natural enclosures, which are embeddeed in a landscape of forests and stone pits. More than one million visitors are counted every year. Many new enclusures, e.g. for gorillas, snow leopards and polar bears were build in the last years.

[edit] Literature

  • Dr. Peter Mühling, Der Alte Nürnberger Tiergarten 1912-1939: Eine Chronik, Tiergarten der Stadt Nürnberg, Nürnberg 1987, ISBN 3-926760-00-1
  • Wegweiser durch den Tiergarten Nürnberg, 29. neubearbeitete Auflage, Tiergarten der Stadt Nürnberg, Nürnberg 2007, ISSN 1436-4352
  • Lorenzo von Fersen, Delfinariumsführer Tiergarten Nürnberg, 3. Aufl., Tiergarten der Stadt Nürnberg, Nürnberg 2003, ISBN 3-926760-04-4
  • Der Tiergarten Nürnberg - Ein Virtueller Rundgang, imbiss-media, Nürnberg 2002, ISBN 3-00-010598-0
  • Michael Diefenbacher, Rudolf Endres (Hsg.): Stadtlexikon Nürnberg. 2. verb. Auflage. Nürnberg: Verlag W. Tümmels, 2000, 1247 S., ISBN 3-921590-69-8

[edit] Weblinks

[edit] Referneces