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Testing <pre>...</pre> and wiki syntax.
[edit] header 1
blah text
start pre ==header 2== random stuff ===headr 3=== more random stuff <u>underlined stuff</u> <!--html comment with blank lines above and below--> ere '''bold text''' etrre tty ''italic text'' ere 394034 '''''bold italic text'''' er5ere numbered list #a #t #34 ##45 #*q q34q3 34q 34q 3434q :indent ::indent2 :::indent3 ::::indent4 :*star indented ::*star double indented :**two star indent rtrtrtr q2343 3434 *bullet *bullet2 **bullet2.1 **bullet2.2 *bullet3 rtrtr rtrt [[Locomotive]] [[Union of South Africa]] 3434 [[February 14|Lovers of the world]] 34534 [ name this castle] ere erer a ruin rtrt *4 *5 rtrtret rtrt *5 **5.1 ***5.1.1 *6 ertrtr rtr blah blah blah end pre
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[edit] with nowiki tags immediately inside the pre tags
[edit] header 1
blah text
start pre ==header 2== random stuff ===headr 3=== more random stuff <u>underlined stuff</u> <!--html comment with blank lines above and below--> ere '''bold text''' etrre tty ''italic text'' ere 394034 '''''bold italic text'''' er5ere numbered list #a #t #34 ##45 #*q q34q3 34q 34q 3434q :indent ::indent2 :::indent3 ::::indent4 :*star indented ::*star double indented :**two star indent rtrtrtr q2343 3434 *bullet *bullet2 **bullet2.1 **bullet2.2 *bullet3 rtrtr rtrt [[Locomotive]] [[Union of South Africa]] 3434 [[February 14|Lovers of the world]] 34534 [ name this castle] ere erer a ruin rtrt *4 *5 rtrtret rtrt *5 **5.1 ***5.1.1 *6 ertrtr rtr blah blah blah end pre
stsr srtsrt rstrt strsq 43 4q34