Three Views of Japan

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Three Views of Japan (Nihon sankei)1. Matsushima 2. Amanohashidate   3. Miyajima
Three Views of Japan (Nihon sankei)
1. Matsushima
2. Amanohashidate
3. Miyajima

The Three Views of Japan (日本三景 Nihon sankei?) is the canonical list of Japan's most famous sights, somewhat akin to the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. The list is usually attributed to scholar Hayashi Razan, who first listed them in 1643.

The Three Views are:

[edit] Other lists

Modeled on this listing a large number of other "Three Great X" lists have been devised. Next best known, perhaps, are the Three Famous Gardens (三名園 Sanmeien?), namely:

The Three Castles of Japan are

The Three Ancient Onsen are

Or, by another reckoning,

Japan has one hundred famous mountains. It also has sounds, famous waters and other lists.

[edit] External links

Three Views of Japan