Talk:Through a Glass Darkly

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I've put a disambiguation page here to get around the problem pointed out on Talk:Through a Glass Darkly (film) and Talk:Through A Glass Darkly (album). I orginally put up the album entry (about a month or so ago) but I'm not going to deny the obvious significance of the film over it. That being said I also reckoned there was possibly some interest in the biblical sense of the phrase (though not from me!) so i put a link to that. I decided to put a disambig page for the moment but if anyone feels differently i'm sure they can edit themselves. --Thetriangleguy 14:25, 28 June 2006 (UTC)

It's a quote that turns up in loads of places, so I think we should put the origin of that quote as central to this page. -Zepheriah 01:53, 6 January 2007 (UTC)

I found the following in Plato's Phaedo, translated by Benjamin Jowett: 'Socrates proceeded:--I thought that as I had failed in the contemplation of true existence, I ought to be careful that I did not lose the eye of my soul; as people may injure their bodily eye by observing and gazing on the sun during an eclipse, unless they take the precaution of only looking at the image reflected in the water, or in some similar medium. So in my own case, I was afraid that my soul might be blinded altogether if I looked at things with my eyes or tried to apprehend them by the help of the senses. And I thought that I had better have recourse to the world of mind and seek there the truth of existence. I dare say that the simile is not perfect-- for I am very far from admitting that he who contemplates existences through the medium of thought, sees them only 'through a glass darkly,' any more than he who considers them in action and operation. However, this was the method which I adopted: I first assumed some principle which I judged to be the strongest, and then I affirmed as true whatever seemed to agree with this, whether relating to the cause or to anything else; and that which disagreed I regarded as untrue. But I should like to explain my meaning more clearly, as I do not think that you as yet understand me.' 16:03, 15 February 2007 (UTC).

[edit] Meaning

Here's a thought... what if this Wikipedia article included what in the hell "Through a glass, darkly" means? All this lists is the various things that have taken this phrase as their title, not explaining what the phrase is meant to suggest. --Harlequin212121 14:29, 18 April 2007 (UTC)