
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I am a British amateur writer, blogger and guitarist. I was born in London in 1971.

I run, which hosts my blog and some other stuff, and, an online record of an annual fan event in which quotes from Russell Hoban's books are left in public places.

I helped organise the 2005 Russell Hoban Some-Poasyum, the first international fan convention for the novelist.

I have published poetry in various small magazines and short stories online and in early 2004 completed a novel which was shortlisted for a competition called Search for the Great Reads. My CV is too ridiculous to list in full here but highlights of it include walking around 33 London locations from the books of Russell Hoban in one day and then being interviewed about it by the Independent, and visiting Thailand, where I got married.

Wikipedia articles I've made edits to include Hoban, Eric Clapton, Jimmy Page, Cream, Lowell George, Brian Patten, Dan Rhodes, Leonard Cohen and Charles Webb.