From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Personal Details:
- Born: 1978
- Location: Geneva, Switzerland
- Nationality: British
- Profession: Postdoctoral researcher
- Qualifications: B.A. Hons Philosophy, M.A. Music, PhD. Philosophy (Nottingham).
Philosophy, Music, Emotions, Empathy, The Sublime (philosophy), Philosophy of mind, metaphysics, patterns, complexity.
Areas of expertise:
Philosophy of Emotions (lecture course given at Nottingham University 2007). The sublime (area of current postdoctoral research). The relation between music and emotions (subject of phd research). Collective thinking (subject of phd research). Patterns or structuralism from a philosophical perspective (ongoing personal research).
- My Phd thesis (including accompanying music) can be found here:
- Link to my website:
- Also a facebook society page here:
Significant contributions to Wikipedia:
- Major cleanup of empathy page (may 2008). See also user:TomCochrane for some major edits I made years ago.
- Major cleanup of emotions page (april 2008).
- Changes to sublime (philosophy) page.
- Changes to Affective science page.
- Changes to awe (emotion) page.
New pages:
- wonder
- aesthetic emotions
- Klaus Scherer
- Swiss Center for Affective Sciences
- Emotion classification
- Jesse Prinz
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