Thousand Islands Parkway

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The Thousand Islands Parkway is a parkway in the Canadian province of Ontario, which extends easterly from an interchange with Highway 401 at Gananoque for approximately 45 kilometres to the community of Butternut Bay, in Elizabethtown-Kitley near Brockville.

The parkway follows the north shore of the St. Lawrence River. It was designated Highway 2S (for Scenic) for a time. It was to have been the alignment of Highway 401 through the area, and was in fact signed as such until 1968 when a new alignment of Highway 401 was opened further to the north. Evidence of its proposed use can be seen today in the wide right-of-way (the proposed westbound freeway lanes now house a bicycle trail) and twin bridge structures at two locations.

The parkway interchanges with Highway 137, the Ontario approach to the international Thousand Islands Bridge.