Thoroughbred BASIC

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Thoroughbred Basic is a derivative of Business Basic marketed by Thoroughbred Software International Inc. Founded in 1982, it was originally designed to enable MAI Basic Four Business Basic software to run on Intel Based hardware and industry standard operating systems including UNIX, Linux, Windows and HP/DEC VMS.

While some aspects of the language remain true to the original BASIC, much has changed over the years. Thoroughbred Software has continued to develop and extend Thoroughbred Basic by adapting to new technologies. The syntax supports functions and directives to URL encode/decode strings, open tables on a remote server, automatically trigger a series of updates to a database, read and write over sockets, run http methods, and process XML requests.

Built into some versions of Thoroughbred Basic is a terminal emulator to process data locally or remotely using serial and TCP/IP communications. Secure telnet connections can be made using SSH1, SSH2, or SSHAuto. Encryption includes but is not limited to DES, AES, and Blowfish. Authentication includes but is not limited to Public Key, SecureID Token, and Password.

To protect Thoroughbred Basic applications and the data they store is a real-time back-up and disaster recovery system providing system analysis, security and replication (DataSafeGuard).

Thoroughbred High-level, Procedural Languages and Basic

All Thoroughbred high-level, non-procedural languages compile to executable Thoroughbred Basic code and are portable to a variety of operating systems including UNIX, Linux, Windows and HP/DEC VMS. Products include: a Web-based development environment (T-WEB), an object oriented-development environment (OPENworkshop), a scripting language (Script-IV) that compiles to Basic, a graphical user interface (VIP), and client/server connectivity (TS DataServer).

Also, as a part of that high-level, non-procedural language, Thoroughbred Software offers their own SQL-like database management system. The Dictionary-IV environment is based on the original Business Basic index and direct key access file types, a native implementation of C-ISAM/Informix file types and an open-database approach supporting ODBC, ORACLE and Microsoft SQL Servers. As with any database management system, Dictionary-IV comes with a query application (Query-IV) and report writer (Report-IV) with options that provide for printing, e-mailing, and faxing as a PDF file.

Thoroughbred Software Applications Built on Thoroughbred Basic

Solution-IV Accounting is an integrated accounting system, which is GAAP-compliant and built for corporate management and finance departments and distribution.

Solution- IV Reprographics combines the Solution-IV Accounting software with a business management system built specifically for the Reprographics and Scanning industry.

Many other applications have been developed in Thoroughbred Basic including: distribution, manufacturing (ERP), e-commerce, medical, hospitality, collection agency, school administration, pharmacy, office furniture, meat processing and tracking, security alarm processing, municipal covernment and park and recreation, retail sporting goods, medical laboratory, transportation, fuel oil distribution and more.

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